Dungeons and Dragons (v3.5) Custom Magic and Psionic Items (3/23/07)


compiled by Dr. Anthony Matagrano, Mike J. Murtha and Mark Greco


Any new additions or major corrections in a version are provided in red text for your convenience.  Red text changes to black text in the next version.











Ring of <item creation feat> <major, epic>


This ring is usable only by those who can cast arcane or divine spells.  This ring allows the caster to act as if he possessed the item creation feat <item creation feat>, even if he does not meet the minimum caster level for it.  In the event the ring is used by a caster who does not meet the minimum caster level prerequisite, the item created will have its caster level set at the minimum caster level for <item creation feat>.  Also in this event, all other parameters, cost, time, etc. will be based on the minimum caster level.  The Craft Constant Item feat is used to create a ring of non-epic <item creation feat>.  The Craft Epic Constant Item feat is used to create a ring of epic <item creation feat>.


(major), CL 12th, Craft Constant Item, <item creation feat>; Price: 22,500 gp

(epic), CL 20th, Craft Epic Constant Item, <item creation feat>; Price: 180,000 gp


Ring of Rejuvenation


This ring (which has only one charge) is usable by anyone.  The ring will activate automatically when needed.  The ring will only activate when the wearer’s hit points are reduced to below his death threshold by taking damage, bleeding, etc.  Instead of the person dying, as generally happens in this case, the person is immediately rejuvenated and automatically healed up to full hit points.  After this the one charge of the ring is used up and the ring is completely useless.  This ring can never be activated manually.  It will not activate if the person is simply knocked into negative hit points, but is still alive.  However, if the person continues bleeding, once his hit points drop below his death threshold, the ring will activate.  This ring cannot be used to bring a person back to life.  The person must be wearing the ring at the time which his hit points drop below his death threshold for the ring to activate.  The ring will not function if it is put on a person whose hit points are already below his death threshold.


(medium), CL 12th, Craft Charged Item, Heal, Price: 40,000 gp




Metamagic Rod, <metamagic feat>, <lesser, normal, greater, epic>


These metamagic rods operate under the same rules for metamagic rods outlined in the “Dungeon Master’s Guide,” page 236, giving the user the ability the use the <metamagic feat> feat three times per day.  Epic metamagic rods may be used on spells of any level.  Metamagic Heighten Rods may not increase a spell’s level above 9.  There is no limit to the level that Metamagic Improved Heighten Rods may increase a spell’s level.  The Craft Constant Item feat is used to create non-epic metamagic rods.  The Craft Epic Constant Item feat is used to create epic metamagic rods.


Metamagic, Heighten (+1 Level), CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, Heighten Spell; Price: 3,000 gp (lesser), 11,000 gp (normal), 24,500 gp (greater)

Metamagic, Heighten (+2 Levels), CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, Heighten Spell; Price: 9,000 gp (lesser), 32,500 gp (normal), 73,000 gp (greater)

Metamagic, Heighten (+3 Levels), CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, Heighten Spell; Price: 14,000 gp (lesser), 54,000 gp (normal), 121,500 gp (greater)

Metamagic, Heighten (+4 Levels), CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, Heighten Spell; Price: 35,000 gp (lesser), 75,500 gp (normal), 170,000 gp (greater)

Metamagic, Heighten (+5 Levels), CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, Heighten Spell; Price: 50,000 gp (lesser), 100,000 gp (normal), 250,000 gp (greater)

Metamagic, Still, CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, Still Spell; Price: 3,000 gp (lesser), 11,000 gp (normal), 24,500 gp (greater)

Metamagic, Widen, CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, Widen Spell; Price: 9,000 gp (lesser), 32,500 gp (normal), 73,000 gp (greater)

Metamagic, Enhance, Epic, CL 20th, Craft Epic Constant Item, Enhance Spell; Price:  170,000 gp

Metamagic, Improved Heighten (+6 Levels), Epic, CL 20th, Craft Epic Constant Item, Improved Heighten Spell; Price: 360, 000 gp

Metamagic, Improved Heighten (+7 Levels), Epic, CL 20th, Craft Epic Constant Item, Improved Heighten Spell; Price: 490,000 gp

Metamagic, Improved Heighten (+8 Levels), Epic, CL 20th, Craft Epic Constant Item, Improved Heighten Spell; Price: 640,000 gp

Metamagic, Improved Heighten (+9 Levels), Epic, CL 20th, Craft Epic Constant Item, Improved Heighten Spell; Price: 810,000 gp

Metamagic, Improved Heighten (+10 Levels), Epic, CL 20th, Craft Epic Constant Item, Improved Heighten Spell; Price: 1,000,000 gp

Metamagic, Intensify, Epic, CL 20th, Craft Epic Constant Item, Intensify Spell; Price: 490,000 gp

Metamagic, <any metamagic feat that uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level>, CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, <metamagic feat>; Price: 3,000 gp (lesser), 11,000 gp (normal), 24,500 gp (greater)

Metamagic, <any metamagic feat that uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level>, CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, <metamagic feat>; Price: 9,000 gp (lesser), 32,500 gp (normal), 73,000 gp (greater)

Metamagic, <any metamagic feat that uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level>, CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, <metamagic feat>; Price: 14,000 gp (lesser), 54,000 gp (normal), 121,500 gp (greater)

Metamagic, <any metamagic feat that uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell’s actual level>, CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, <metamagic feat>; Price: 35,000 gp (lesser), 75,500 gp (normal), 170,000 gp (greater)

Metamagic, <any metamagic feat that uses up a spell slot five levels higher than the spell’s actual level>, CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, <metamagic feat>; Price: 50,000 gp (lesser), 100,000 gp (normal), 250,000 gp (greater)


Wondrous Items


Bandages of Wound Healing, <minor, medium, major>


This permanent wondrous item is usable by anyone.  When a person wears these bandages throughout the night while he sleeps, he recovers more hit points than usual.  The hit points recovered as a result of wearing the bandages is additional to the hit points normally recovered throughout the night.  The bandages function as long as at least one hit point is recovered normally by the wearer during the night.  If for some reason, no hit points are recovered naturally during the night, the bandages provide no additional hit point recovery.



Additional Hit Points Recovery


1 extra hit point per level per night


3 extra hit points per level per night


5 extra hit points per level per night


(minor), CL 10th, Craft Constant Item, Heal, Price: 15,000 gp

(medium), CL 10th, Craft Constant Item, Heal, Price: 45,000 gp

(major), CL 10th, Craft Constant Item, Heal, Price: 75,000 gp


Bracers of Accuracy, <minor, medium, major>


This permanent wondrous item is usable by anyone.  These bracers increase the threat range for confirming threats as critical hits.  The bracers never modify the original attack roll, nor do they allow the wearer to score critical hits on creatures which are immune to critical hits.  The bracers can modify the threat range of any type of weapon, including unarmed attacks and natural weaponry.  The bracers do not stack with other effects which increase threat ranges such as the Keen Edge spell, the Improved Critical feat, etc.  Unlike most magic items, these bracers can be worn in conjunction with Bracers of Lethalness and/or Bracers of Precision.



Increase Threat Range


By +1


By +3


By +5


(minor), CL 5th, Craft Constant Item, Keen Edge, Price: 1,000 gp

(medium), CL 10th, Craft Constant Item, Keen Edge, Price: 9,000 gp

(major), CL 15th, Craft Constant Item, Keen Edge, Price: 25,000 gp


Bracers of Lethalness


This permanent wondrous item is usable by anyone.  These bracers increase the critical multiplier of the wearer by one.  The bracers never modify the damage for a non-critical hit, nor do allow the wearer to score critical hits on creatures which are immune to critical hits.  The bracers can increase the critical multiplier of any type of weapon, including unarmed attacks and natural weaponry.  The bracers do not stack with any other effects which increase critical multipliers.  Unlike most magic items, these bracers can be worn in conjunction with Bracers of Accuracy and/or Bracers of Precision.


(major), CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, Keen Edge, Price: 100,000 gp


Bracers of Precision, <minor, medium, major>


This permanent wondrous item is usable by anyone.  These bracers give a bonus on the subsequent attack roll to confirm threats as critical hits.  The bracers never modify the original attack roll, nor do they allow the wearer to score critical hits on creatures which are immune to critical hits.  The bracers can give an attack roll bonus to confirm threats as critical hits for any type of weapon, including unarmed attacks and natural weaponry.  The bracers do not stack with other effects which give attack roll bonuses to confirm threats as critical hits. Unlike most magic items, these bracers can be worn in conjunction with Bracers of Accuracy and/or Bracers of Lethalness.



Bonus to Confirm Threat








(minor), CL 5th, Craft Constant Item, Keen Edge, Price: 1,000 gp

(medium), CL 10th, Craft Constant Item, Keen Edge, Price: 9,000 gp

(major), CL 15th, Craft Constant Item, Keen Edge, Price: 25,000 gp


Elixir of Vitality, <minor, medium, major>


This elixir (usable only once) is usable by anyone.  When this elixir is imbibed, the imbiber will receive temporary hit points, which may cause the imbiber’s hit points to increase beyond his maximum.  As these hit points are temporary, they are subject the all the rules concerning temporary hit points outlined in the “Player’s Handbook” and the “Dungeon Master’s Guide”.  The temporary hit points, if not lost, will last for up to 24 hours.



Additional Temporary Hit Points


1d10+5 temporary hit points


3d10+15 temporary hit points


5d10+25 temporary hit points


(minor), CL 5th, Craft Single-Use Item, False Life; Price: 1,500 gp

(medium), CL 7th, Craft Single-Use Item, False Life; Price: 4,500 gp

(major), CL 9th, Craft Single-Use Item, False Life; Price: 7,500 gp


Gem of Good Luck, <minor, medium, major>


This permanent wondrous item is usable by anyone.  As long as a person has this gem in his possession, he will have good luck.  The good luck will manifest itself in a luck bonus on all the possessor's d20 rolls (attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, saving throws, initiative rolls, etc.).  However, the luck bonus is never applied to any damage rolls.



Luck Bonus


+1 luck bonus


+2 luck bonus


+3 luck bonus


(minor), CL 5th, Craft Constant Item, Divine Favor; Price: 25,000 gp

(medium), CL 10th, Craft Constant Item, Divine Favor; Price: 100,000 gp

(major), CL 20th, Craft Constant Item, Divine Favor; Price: 225,000 gp


Necklace of Youth


This permanent wondrous item is usable by anyone.  As soon as this necklace is put on, the wearer will cease to show any effects of aging.  The wearer will continue to look and feel the same age as when he put the necklace on as long as he wears the necklace.  If he should take the necklace off for a period of more than 24 hours, the person will revert to the age he should be at the current time (his true age).  Wearing the necklace will not reverse any aging.  It will simply hold the person's looks and the way he feels at the age in which the necklace was put on.  The necklace does not actually stop the aging process.  It only keeps the person looking and feeling the same age as when he put the necklace on.  The necklace will not actually extend a person's life span.  The person will still die when his true age reaches the age he would normally die.  However, when he dies he will not look his true age until the necklace is removed for a period of more than 24 hours.


(medium), CL 17th, Craft Constant Item, Miracle, Price: 75,000 gp


Skill Items


<item> of <skill> +n, <minor, medium, major, epic>


This <item> grants its user a +n competence bonus on all <skill> rolls.  The Craft Constant Item feat or the Craft Epic Constant Item feat is used to create all skill items.


(minor) (+5), CL 5th, Craft Constant Item, 5 or more ranks in <skill>; Price: 2,500 gp

(medium) (+10), CL 10th, Craft Constant Item, 10 or more ranks in <skill>; Price: 10,000 gp

(major)  (+15), CL 15th, Craft Constant Item, 15 or more ranks in <skill>; Price: 22,500 gp

(epic) (+30), CL 20th, Craft Epic Constant Item, 20 or more ranks in <skill>; Price: 180,000 gp


Necklace of Speak Language, <minor, medium, major, epic>


This necklace gives the wearer the ability to speak, understand (and read and write if the wearer can normally read and write languages) one (minor), four (medium), nine (major) or thirty-six (epic) languages as if he had the appropriate speak language skill.  The Craft Constant Item feat or the Craft Epic Constant Item feat is used to create all skill items.


(minor) (one language), CL 5th, Craft Constant Item, the appropriate language; Price: 2,500 gp

(medium) (four languages), CL 10th, Craft Constant Item, the appropriate languages; Price: 10,000 gp

(major) (nine languages), CL 15th, Craft Constant Item, the appropriate languages; Price: 22,500 gp

(epic) (thirty-six languages), CL 20th, Craft Epic Constant Item, the appropriate languages; Price: 180,000 gp


<item> of <ability> +5


This <item> grants its user a +5 competence bonus on all appropriate <ability> checks and all skill rolls which are based on <ability>.  This <item> does not increase the user’s <ability> for any other purposes, however.  The Craft Constant Item feat is used to create all skill items.


(medium), CL 10th, Craft Constant Item, if <ability>=Strength then Bull’s Strength, if <ability>=Dexterity then Cat’s Grace, if <ability>=Constitution then Bear’s Endurance, if <ability>=Intelligence then Fox’s Cunning, if <ability>=Wisdom, then Owl’s Wisdom, if <ability>=Charisma then Eagle’s Splendor; Price: 10,000 gp


General Feat Items


<item> of <general feat> <minor, medium, major, epic>


This <item> allows the wearer to act as if he possessed the feat <general feat>, even if he does not meet the prerequisites for it.  The Craft Constant Item feat or Craft Epic Constant Item feat is used to create all General Feat Items.  General Feat Items which modify skills are minor.  General Feat Items which do not modify skills but have no prerequisite feats are medium items.  General Feat Items which do not modify skills and have at least one prerequisite feat are major items.  General Feat Items which grant the user epic feats are epic items.  If the feat is a psionic feat, the Craft Universal Item feat is used in place of the Craft Constant Item or the Craft Epic Constant Item feat in the creation process.


(minor), CL 5th, Craft Constant Item, <general feat>; Price: 2,500 gp

(medium), CL 10th, Craft Constant Item, <general feat>; Price: 10,000 gp

(major), CL 15th, Craft Constant Item, <general feat>; Price: 22,500 gp

(epic), CL 20th, Craft Epic Constant Item, <general feat>; Price: 180,000 gp


Universal Items


Circlet of <item creation feat>


This circlet is usable only by those who can manifest psionic powers.  This circlet allows the manifester to act as if he possessed the item creation feat <item creation feat>, even if he does not meet the minimum manifester level for it.  In the event the circlet is used by a manifester who does not meet the minimum manifester level prerequisite, the item created will have its manifester level set at the minimum manifester level for <item creation feat>.  Also in this event, all other parameters, cost, time, etc. will be based on the minimum manifester level.


(major), CL 12th, Craft Universal Item, <item creation feat>; Price: 22,500 gp


Metapsionic Circlet, <metapsionic feat>, <lesser, normal, greater>


These metapsionic circlets hold the essence of a metapsionic feat but do not change the power point cost of the power altered nor do they require the user to be psionically focused nor expend his psionic focus.  All the circlets described here are use-activated (but manifesting powers in a threatened area still draws an attack of opportunity).  A manifester may only use one metapsionic circlet on any given power, but it is permissible to combine a circlet with metapsionic feats possessed by the circlet’s wearer.  In this case, only the feats possessed by the wearer adjust the power point cost of the power being manifested.


Possession of a metapsionic circlet does not confer the associated feat on the owner, only the ability to use the given feat 3 times per day.  Lesser metapsionic circlets can be used with powers of 3rd level or lower, normal metapsionic circlets can be used with powers of 6th level or lower, while greater metapsionic circlets may be used with powers of 9th level or lower.


Metapsionic, Burrowing, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, Burrowing Power; Price: 9,000 gp (lesser), 32,500 gp (normal), 73,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Chain, CL 17th, Craft Universal Item, Chain Power; Price: 35,000 gp (lesser), 75,500 gp (normal), 170,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Delay, CL 17th, Craft Universal Item, Delay Power; Price: 9,000 gp (lesser), 32,500 gp (normal), 73,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Empower, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, Empower Power; Price: 9,000 gp (lesser), 32,500 gp (normal), 73,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Enlarge, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, Enlarge Power; Price: 3,000 gp (lesser), 11,000 gp (normal), 24,500 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Extend, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, Extend Power; Price: 9,000 gp (lesser), 32,500 gp (normal), 73,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Maximize, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, Maximize Power; Price: 14,000 gp (lesser), 54,000 gp (normal), 121,500 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Opportunity, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, Opportunity Power; Price: 35,000 gp (lesser), 75,500 gp (normal), 170,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Quicken, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, Quicken Power; Price: 35,000 gp (lesser), 75,500 gp (normal), 170,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Split Psionic Ray, CL 17th, Craft Universal Item, Split Psionic Ray; Price: 9,000 gp (lesser), 32,500 gp (normal), 73,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Twin, CL 17th, Craft Universal Item, Twin Power; Price: 35,000 gp (lesser), 75,500 gp (normal), 170,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Unconditional, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, Unconditional Power; Price: 50,000 gp (lesser), 100,000 gp (normal), 250,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, Widen, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, Widen Power; Price: 14,000 gp (lesser), 54,000 gp (normal), 121,500 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, <any metapsionic feat that increases the power cost of a power by 0>, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, <metapsionic feat>; Price: 3,000 gp (lesser), 11,000 gp (normal), 24,500 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, <any metapsionic feat that increases the power cost of a power by 2>, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, <metapsionic feat>; Price: 9,000 gp (lesser), 32,500 gp (normal), 73,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, <any metapsionic feat that increases the power cost of a power by 4>, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, <metapsionic feat>; Price: 14,000 gp (lesser), 54,000 gp (normal), 121,500 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, <any metapsionic feat that increases the power cost of a power by 6>, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, <metapsionic feat>; Price: 35,000 gp (lesser), 75,500 gp (normal), 170,000 gp (greater)

Metapsionic, <any metapsionic feat that increases the power cost of a power by 8>, ML 17th, Craft Universal Item, <metapsionic feat>; Price: 50,000 gp (lesser), 100,000 gp (normal), 250,000 gp (greater)


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