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Where We Come From
And Truth is
God wants His Kingdom
Among the people
God does not want democracy
in Faith of Him
Kingdom of God is coming
The time has come
to rediscover the Truth
and make choice
Or you with God
Or you not with God
and nobody ever
can outsmart God
and God will get
what He wants
The cause is land of palestine
which God has given to jews
and than took it from them
for their sin against God
And again
The cause is not ben laden's
The cause is different
God wants His Kingdom
among the people
god wants all people
live by the same rules
god wants all people
play by the same rules
and killing of osama
will not fix the cause
and nobody can outsmart God
because God is best player
only God can judge
and He is Judging
and this is God
who destroyed Sodom and Gomorra
and this is God
who destroyed symbols of sodom and gomorra
and this is God
who destroyed tower of Babylon
and this is God
who does not want the people
make the name for themselves
nobody may rule
but God
all people need to accept Jesus but
not all people must follow his teachings
Jesus was preaching to jews
but not to gentiles
and Jesus taught jews
tolerance and love to enemies
he taught them to understand
their purpose appointed by God
comparing them with salt and light
Jesus was preparing jews for conquest of the World
conquest with no sword but with Word of God.
The Kingdom of God that preached Jesus
is obedience of all people
to the same Rules and Laws given by God
Christians must follow the Laws
given to people by God thru Moses
and Moslems must follow the Laws
given to people by God thru Moses
and all people must follow the Laws
given to people by God thru Moses.
not Christians and the Church
were told to be a light to the world
but jews were told to be a light to the world
Bible in superior to Quran
by time but not by importance
both books are from same God
and any controversies are from people
but not from God
The Kingdom of God
is the solution for all problems in the world.
And Israel is the first step
because land of palestine
does not belong to hebrew
because God gave this land to hebrew
and God took this land from hebrew
for their sin against God
for killing prophet
and God will not forgive them
till they accept their sin
and atone for their sin.
That not I deny the right
of existence of the state of israel
That is God deny right of israel
for the land of palestine
That is God who expelled israel
from their land
That is God, who gave warning
for punishment for sins (Lev26.33))
and God took this land from hebrew
for their sin against Him
for rejecting and killing prophet
and God will not forgive them
till they accept their sin
and repent for their sin.
God punished hebrews for killing prophet
He expelled them from the promised land
And they still do not want
to accept their sin before God
and atone for their sin
that is why they can not claim
any rights to the land of palestine.
God took this land
only God may give this land
God gave this land
and God took this land
for killing the prophet
but gilt for killing jesus
bear all people
as they proved that
during the all time
of their existence.
jews rejected jesus
was born christianity
christians rejected Muhammad
was born islam
muslims rejected Nanak
was born Sikhism
and new religion always
appeared after rejection
therefore all people bear gilt
for rejecting and killing of prophet
and jews must accept their sin for rejecting the messiah
and accept jesus as a king of jews
christians must accept their sin for rejecting the prophet
and muslims too
everyone has gilt before God
Not a one can force hebrews for repentance
because we all are in Great sin before God
absolutely the same sin that of hebrews
for rejecting God's Word
for rejecting God's Prophets
and open your eyes
and take a look around
it is God who forcing us
to atone and to repent
definitely it will happen
and definitely for Glory of God
but take a look, what time is it?
it has come.
you should read all scriptures
including Koran
to understand things
seek truth
not only where your sect allows you
The Kingdom of God
And it is coming
Wake up my friend
lest you die
They should go to messiah
and ask him, what to do
- to save the world,
and messiah will tell them
- take the lead. Be what God has chosen you for
Be the light of the world
Be the salt of the earth
Be the holy priests for other nations
Be the good example to other nations
be the teachers to other people
teach them what God taught you
teach them laws of God,
given through Moses
Show other people
how to repent before God
How to atone for the sins
Clean yourself from sins
atone before God
God loves people.
God does not want people to fight.
God wants for people to live in peace and in harmony
That is why God sending His prophets to people
And all prophets are saying all the same
And people refuse prophets of God
And new religions are forming
And people killing prophets
And people do not know what they must to know
People do not know, what God wants from them
And God wants His Kingdom among the people
God wants all people live by His Laws and Rules
Given to people through Moses
by His Laws and Rules same for all people
God does not want to divide people
God wants people to unite around Him
Turn their faces toward the Master
And heed to Him
Then wars disappear from the face of the earth
And people will never learn to fight again
Jesus was preaching only to hebrews.
Because, as per Plan of God, mission of Jesus was of two parts.
First, he become king of jews.
And then lead jews to conquer the world with Word of God.
Jesus died before he acomplished first part
Jesus died not for our sins
but because of our sins