<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/palidinsangel2001/userfiles:/user/allnite.mid">
Brandon's page!
Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the webpage!  My name is Brandon.  I am 16 years old and live in South Carolina with my Mom and Dad.   When I am not in school, I like hanging out with my friends and listening to rock and roll.  I also like to build bikes.  My newest hobby is collecting KISS items. 
"Mom says I clean up really well...what do you think?"
"You gotta be kidding me!"
"Let's see...when Mom and Dad hit the lottery, what do I want to buy first....?"
"This picture-taking stuff is for the birds!"
"Christmas morning, 2000"
"Ya think we should send this in for the next Blair Witch Project movie?"
"Thanks for visiting...come back soon!"
"Me and Dad at the wedding"
"Do you know how weird it feels to dance with my MOM?"
Where would you like to go?
Our Angels
Charlie's page
Anita's page
Charlie and Anita