
The wait dragged out, excruciatingly long
till one tense woman
could stand on the sidewalk,
watch your approach
and boldly attempt the dance of welcome.
It wasn't unlike deck surfing,
just pretending to do something dreamed up,
with feet on a little bit more solid surface.
Somehow, she didn't realize
that she wasn't the only one performing
but her genre didn't fit in well
with the entire act at large.
She felt kind of stupid
when someone elbowed her,
and shot her one of those side-long 
embarrassed, cutting kind of looks.
Feeling compelled to step back, shut up,
and conform,
she did the opposite,
and oh, how the price of it was extracted.
Isn't it always?

Beforehand, she had observed 
all the brainless rituals
that we mortals do
when we're not about to admit 
how badly we're setting ourselves up.
All the external:
thanks to her gold credit card.
All the internal:
rehash, remember; psyching herself up.
She'd have laughed, 
if it weren't so damned repetitious.
Watch her dance in circles.

So I guess for this next part
I'm supposed to say something 
terribly oblique and witty
demonstrating my innate ability
to hold myself separate,
wash out the road rash,
take a needle to myself & 
sew with no anesthetic,
and not cry out or even grimace.
No, not this time.
Let's lance this bitch; it's ugly.
Everything--to my face, in my face,
that look on your face:
compartmentalizing the now,
boxing it up in a sugar-coated little package,
and inviting me to never return.
And on top of it
I was so dazed and so undone
falling all over myself yet
by what I thought I'd just seen
I even said "thank you."
...And around it goes.

Is it any wonder that the poor girl
is puzzled as to where all those
pieces of her soul
she gave away,
or more like threw out there like fish bait
are, at present?

She knows damn well.
They're still right there with her,
transformed, or in diversiform,
temporarily as bitter as the River Styx.
She's pacing the bank,
big-ass bottle of water purification tablets
in one hand,
a jug of brand X pain killers in the other,
and a year's supply of Corona
at her wide-planted feet.
Letting go of these props,
there's at least two obscene gestures
she's feeling obliged to throw off,
not to mention her brand new clothes--
a bunch of useless dreck.
As it began, so it ends,
where the one doesn't know
the other's extracurriculars.
With head thrown back now,
streaky blond hair streaming all around,
keys to her quintessence are taken back
and its time to go skinny dipping.

May you have at least a few enchanted nights. I hold mine precious.
I may feel I should apologize to the 'you-know-who you-are' about whom this ("Bait") was written but rather, I will say "thank you" one more time. Yes. You know it.
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Since 1-9-03