So... Erotica. Everyone's got their own ideas of what's sexy, what's erotic, and of course, what's appropriate, in good taste, or "right." I try not to live in the box. There are some trees I just don't swing from, but I try not to be totally closed off from this side of myself. These are just a few things that bordered on this genre. The ratings, if they were to be rated, all probably all R or NC-17, so for the record if you're under 18, you'll need to take your eyes elsewhere. .
Dizzy - 2002
Beginning at the end - 1999
Sex Under Fluorescent Lights - 2002
Sleep Hangover
- 1998
- 1998
- 2002
- 2002
- 2002
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Since 1-9-03
-  2002
In Service to His Skin
- 2003
Late Nights and Stories - 2003
Unattractive - 2003