Miscellaneous Small Miracles
...or, things that don't fit in with the other themes.
There are a couple of pages linked to mini-themes, & a few more totally unrelated pieces at the bottom. Whatever you read, please let me know how you like it, either by signing my guest book or emailing me.
Camp & Rapid City My thoughts at age 19-22, when I was still young & dumb & trying to be cool. Actually some of it is pretty cool. Kind of a trip down memory lane, well, maybe not yours, but you get the idea.(5 poems & 1 three-page rant=Camp; 12 poems= R. City)
Erotic Poetry
There are no husbands involved here. If that offends you, or if R-rated and beyond does, or if you're underage, don't read it! (10 poems)
...and now for the really miscellaneous miscellaneous...
Can't Scream on Screaming Hill
Chilled Shrimp
From My Porch
Fell Asleep in the Bathtub
Permission &
Retro Urban Nightmares
Circa 1989-2003
Back to Home Page
Rampant Insecurity
Unnameable Wasteland
No, No, No, and No
Do Thyself & Laugh
Since 1-9-03
The Hill
Orli Fixated:
One woman  sheepishly admits to her star-gazing.
Note--This is not poetry; it's prose.
Laddie's End
In the Almost-Fall