There is no Answer

I wanted to write you a poem,
my troubled child,
to thrust under you nose and into your hand
saying, "Here, read this,"
that could say that I love you
and that I see you're unhappy
so that for once it could be said
and acknowledged in full
without you looking to me
to resolve your problems.
What is the answer?
There is no answer.

Everyone makes a big deal
of everything you do wrong.
You're sad, abused, mentally ill, depressed,
and the only thing you say is,
"I don't belong on this planet.
Oh, God, if I find you swinging from a rope
I'll be next.
What is the answer?
There is no answer.

No one really has any instructions
besides, "keep your mouth shut,"
"quit crying," and "don't pee your pants."
No one wants to deal with you,
and what does that say?
That everyone else is an uncaring freak;
but to say it's not your fault
only makes it worse for yourself.
What is the answer?
There is no answer.

PamEhli/June 2003

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