Unnameable Wasteland

I would give anthing, just about,

well, within reason,

not my firstborn son or the second or my own sanity

to find some words besides "pain" and "hurt"

that mean "pain" and "hurt."

So tired am I of hearing them,

and seeing them blown up, out of proportion,

killing every good thing around,

just like a miniature, verbal nuke.

This hurt and pain will poison for a long time to come,

will void out any entries in our underused blessing books,

overshadow all the good and sharing of this relationship.

There is nothing I can say to you,

not even your own words of wisdom--

quote, unquote, mirrored back with the names changed--

that will not bring on your wrath

disguised as pseudo-maturity and pain.

If you are going to live in this wasteland,

then name it for yourself and after yourself

and be it's sole occupant.

Out there, there is nothing to do

but become a shadow and a parrot,

cawing deathlike about

now everything hurts,

and how painful it is.

Down in the rancid well of

deep, deep pain,

wallow in your own shit

that you somehow think belongs

to everyone else.

The sun turns to sullen taupe

as the fumes rise to heaven,

as you look up and scream

"Take me home!" "It hurts!"

And no one answers in any way but

"Get over it!"

You are untouchable, so very proud

of being unwanted and unloved

that you bring on what never really was.

Pam Ehli/2002
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