Mississippi Ancestors


Please click on the appropriate surname below to access documentation for that surname. 

The following Mississippi counties are areas where my husband’s ancestors once lived: Hinds, Rankin, Copiah, Simpson, Lawrence, Jefferson Davis, Marion, Covington, Jones, Wayne.                                                                                        


Simpson County surnames:

 Garrett, Chapman and others, including spelling variations


Click here to see select Marriages from Simpson County, MS.

Click here to see select records transcribed from the educable children lists of 1902 and 1908 from Simpson County, MS.


Lots of good Simpson County info here, including a comprehensive marriage index:


Offsite Link to Rankin County marriage listing:



Another very helpful link:

Ouside link to Simpson County Cemetery listings

To subscribe to the very helpful Simpson County mailing list at Rootsweb send an e-mail to one of the following, with only the word “subscribe” in the body of the message:

MSSIMPSO-L-request@rootsweb.com (for individual messages)
(for a digest of multiple messages)


Rankin County Surnames:

 Chapman, Perry and others


Lawrence and Marion Counties:  King, Loftin and others. Almost all of the research on this branch is the work of our distant cousin, Val L. Lunday, Jr..  Please contact him directly if you have questions on this branch or believe that you connect to these lines.  He can be reached at vllunday@flash.net


Bullock ancestry is also on the King page.  Go to my HOME page for other useful Bullock links.


I can be reached at pamjhb@netzero.net , or you can return to my homepage by clicking here:  HOME .