Living In Our Chemically Polluted World

If you are able to read this without feeling ill then you are one of the lucky ones as there are people in this country who's immune system has been damaged so much (their good T. cells are destroyed) that fresh ink or fresh newspaper print will make them ill.

To open.their mail each day can affect them so much with all the chemicals on the junk mail etc. that their brain won't function to be able to read it anyway. Some people have to peg their mail out on the line to get fresh air to it before they can touch it.

They can't have new clothes because the man made fibers will affect them. They can't have a new carpet because the pesticides will make them so ill that they could end up ill in bed for 2 or 3 weeks with short-term memory loss, headaches, and dizzy spells. Swollen throat, IBS, shortness of breath, tight chest and aches and pain all over. Sometimes with numbness or tingling throughout the body and chronic fatigue. Also stress and mood swings.

The same thing would happen to go shopping because of all the chemicals and electric in the shops. Giddy, have throat or bronchial problems, their legs can give way, especially after being on escalators made of metal and electric. The worse thing is that most of the time its a delayed reaction and so you don’t realise that you've been affected until its too late.

In their homes they can't watch TV or use the microwave or cooker as the radiation would affect them. Some cannot have their gas heating on or an electric fire.

You rnay find this unbelievable. You don't believe that this can happen but in America they estimate that over half of their population will be chemically allergic by 2010.

Why did this happen to these people? They've either worked with chemicals, they may have got a parasitic infection from certain foods or tap water, or their mercury amalgam fillings, which, act like an electric conductors in their mouths, have leaked into their bodies and lowered their immune system enough to make their body react to the modem environment,

How do I believe this is really happening to people? I know because I speak to people like this all the time. I know because I was once like this myself.

Only 60% of chemically sensitive people get better. You don't get better unless you get rid of the poison that is overloading your body. I'm still struggling to get the mercury poison out of my tissues and organs but I'm one of the lucky ones that will eventually get my life back again. The worse thing for these people is that their friends and relatives turn their backs on them as they don't understand.

Can you imagine what it would be like to wake up every morning knowing that you can't go near anything. in the house or go to the shops. You can't even go near other people as the chemicals on their clothes or what they’ve picked up during the day would affect you. You can't visit people or have visitors.

Mercury fillings have been used for years. People were called hypochondriac's. They were sent to a psychiatrist or put into a mental home. They are probably dead now as no-one believed that they were seriously ill. It affects people even more now-a-days as we eat and breath in chemicals all day. The leaking amalgam fillings are passed to our babies in the womb giving them a low immune system as soon as they enter our chemically polluted world.

For more information you can ring 01933 653339.

I am speaking on behalf of thousands of sufferers. Most of them bedridden.

A lot of research has gone into this and books are available on the subject but no-one takes any notice until they've been affected themselves and then its too late. Take notice now for our children’s sake if not for your own.

If mercury fillings are safe why then is the use of it in our mouths being banned in other countries ?