Thank you to all for the following awards, they are greatly appreciated.
Received for The Golden Box.
"I smiled, I cried and I laughed. It was a wonderful journey. Received for Festival."
"I hope you will also like this award I have just made. You are the first to receive it. It will not be displayed on the page with the rest. I will keep this one to only award Very Special Sites which I feel have earned it in some way or another. Yours definately has with the POW/MIA page and are in fact the inspiration for it. Please accept this with my most heart-felt love."
Received for The Golden Box. Also received for New England Photo Gallery.
"Your site only enhances the originality of our Internet community. Job well done!"
" Your site is truly lovely."
Received for The Golden Box.
Received for The Golden Box.
~Awards - Back to Page One~
~Awards - Page Twelve~
~Shiny Happy People~