The following letter was sent to both Senator Edward Kennedy and Senator John Kerry.

Dear Sir,
What is being done to determine the fate of Lt. William D. Frawley, USN, who was last seen over the Gulf of Tonkin, March 1, 1966.
This Massachusetts pilot has been taken of the KIA list and placed back on the MIA list, it has remained that way for over seven years.
After a total of 32 years, it is time to put a closure to this matter.
Please advise me of any action that is being taken by you or any other elected or appointed official to determine his fate. Thank you.

The following letter was sent to Representative William Dellahunt.

Dear Sir,
Today I was working on a POW/MIA rememberance page on the world wide web, as I compiled the information, I found it amazing that Lt. William D. Frawley, USN, was last seen over the Gulf of Tonkin, March 1, 1966. Thirty two years ago!
What is being done to determine the fate of this Massachusetts, Navy pilot? Over seven years ago he was taken from the KIA list and placed back on the MIA list. I have written to my senators, hoping that this matter can be brought to closure after all these years.
It is only fitting that he be afforded the honor of a burial in his homeland soil, if infact he is deceased.
Please advise me of any action that is being taken by you or any other elected or appointed official to determine his fate. Thank you.


The White House
The Senate
House of Representatives

I am very proud to receive this award, thank you OJC.

Thank you very much for this award.

Thank you, Kathryn.

Thank you, Doc.

Thank you, Wayne.

Thank you, Sigint Warriors.

"You are the first to receive this award. You have definately earned it with your POW/MIA page and are in fact the inspiration for it. Please accept this with my most heart-felt love."

Thank you, Joni for this and the following two awards.

Thank you to all of you that voted for my POW/MIA page.

Thank you to Paul Henriott for two very special awards, please click to view.

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