
Bajo Tuning


Bajo Sexto
This is a beginner lesson for people who want to learn Bajo Sexto.
  • The Bajo Sexto is a twelve-string guitar. The strings are grouped in pairs called "courses".
  • The lowest (3) pairs are tuned to octaves.
  • The highest (3) pairs are tuned in unison.
    Most people remove the lowest 2 pairs of strings since, over time, the bass accompaniment has been replaced by the Bass guitar (Bajo Eléctrico).
    Usually a Bajo player only plays two notes of a chord. Since the strings are doubled he's actually playing four!
    The Chord Scale
    Do=C Re=D Mi=E Fa=F So=G La=A Ti=B (Do=C)

    The bajo player usually plays the "3rd" and "Octave" of the chord for a major chord.
    For instance: The chord of "C". The bajo player will play "E" and the next higher "C".
    Play(P)just the last two courses of strings. The lower C is more of a place holder. In some cases you may want to strum it to make the chord sound more full.
    C Major - Mayor

    C chord

  • C 7th chord

    G chord

    A chord

    A Minor chord

    A 7th chord

    G 7th chord


    C (Guitar)

    C7th (Guitar)

    G7th (Guitar)
    Special thanks to Brian Godden at Silver Bush Music for the image of the Bajo. Silver Bush sells Bajo Sextos out of Santa Rosa, CA.
    Lone Star Guitars
    Cassells Music
    also sells Bajo Sextos

    Esta página en español