My precious Pasha has been missing since July 11th 2000, but I will continue to keep her page updated.
- Ja'Krinda - Pasha's human
November 1999
Mraw, my human the pictures above in February of 2000. These are from her PC Cam.
Me in September 1999
Be sure to go see the two pics my human took while I recovered from my annual trip to the vet (2-12-99)!
The World of Zoe The Wondercat
The Siamese and the Blood HoundMy friend Zoe, she is a very smart cat, that she is!
Greetings and felicitations to all of you felines and their owners here at Heartland and wherever you may reside and have a domicile!
Remembers to bookmark my web page because I is always adding new things to this site and new picture images of my friends on the web!
I am new here to the Valley, being a suburb cat, I will be able to spread my wings, as the birdies say, and tell you all about we felines. I am very excited because my human finally got her darn new camera to work! Or, is it that she finally learned how to use it? Well, these new pictures were taken the first week of May 1998 and they will have to do for now! Visit my page for new pictures of me and my two favorite neighbor cats, Oliver and Lucky!
If you would like to see some pictures of me, please view my very first webpage, Pasha's Picture Page and a page of me and my human's puter. I also have pictures of a few of my cat friends and links to their websites! Please visit my friends!
These are pictures of me from September 1998!
This is what I won in the Valentine's Day Costume Contest for the 1st Annual Claw Valentine's Day Party 1999.
(Pasha is STILL missing and has been missing since July 11th!) Please do not forget the poor homeless kitties who are outside in the elements. Please remember them and support your local homeless cats (and dogs) animal shelter this year! Mraw!
We cats are well known as "spinners of tales" . . .just look at The Travels of Puss and Boots. The tales are another story in themselves being written during the pre-revolutionary days in France and reflect much of the social unrest and cultural attitudes of the French masses of the day. The Great Cat Massacre is one of these historical type of stories. And here are some great Cat Quotes!
And don't forget to read Zoe the Wondercat's wonderful tales too!
Why don't you look for some books to read?
My human buys a lot of her history books here!
I hate it when she grooms me . . .especially the baths! What self respecting feline wants to smell like Pantene, a human shampoo? I want to smell like a cat, the outdoors, and as myself! I do not stink, but she still insists on putting me through this monthly ritual. View my Likes and Dislikes.
My favorite cartoon cat in Felix the cat! I just LOVE his
"Kitty Grey Cat My Kitty Angel"
Webring's Pasha
the Cat Belongs To
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Is My Old Guestbook)
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Updated 3/29/09