Here I is relaxing atop my favorite place. I always lay on top of my human's school books and it makes her very angry at times! * |
Until my next visit you all keep well out there!Well, again it started out as a usual old visit! My human found me a new vet-doctor closer to where we live, so I had to get to know this new place! I sniffed the office out real good and it smelled OK. There were only these three really huge types of dogs in there, no other pretty cats like me.
When I was called back into the little room for my examination I gave it a thorough going over! I smelled the table real good, and the corners of the room to make sure there wasn't any dust or fleas. A Vet assistant came in and she stuck a thermometer in a very private place. I would even dare to say that she violated me! She checked me over real good, and thank goodness, no ear mite infestations this time. My human is taking "extra" special care to not incur any added expenses to my vet bills this time around!
Me laying in my special place my human made for me to recover
while she does her school work and her Geocities Suburb Manager stuff. *
Then she leave out of the room. And then the Vet man comes in. he was a real nice human with red hair just like me! He felt all over me and looked in my ears and my eyes (I have freckles on my eyelids, cool, huh? He said that my insides were all right! He said I had pretty, long orange fur and that I was a nice girl. (I think he was trying to be nice cuz he wanted to tell my human the bad news!) Then he opened my mouth. What did he expect to see there?
Well, guess what? Yep, I have gingivitis again! It seems that all of the brushing on my front fangs and forgetting my back molars was all wasted, mraw! My human worked so hard to get me to accept the little finger cat-toothbrush. And she feeds me only dry food (Meow Mix now, cuz I got tired of Whiskas) and tiny little cans of gourmet cat food "only" on the weekends as a treat, and of course the good Pounces to help cats to not get tartar! (What happened to me, mraw?)
Well, next the vet-assistant lady came back in and she talked to my human about my visit next week to the vet-dentist person (probably it will be that same man, mraw) and then she gave me three booster immunization shots and some drops that she put in my nose (FIP she told my human) and those drop-stuff sure did not feel right going into my little tiny cat-nose, mraw.
Next Friday I get to go and have a real good my teeth cleaned, polished and a fluoride treatment. Be sure to come back and read of my newest adventure with the vet-dentist!
As always I know my human will pamper me real good when I gets back from the Vet place. She sure does love me to go to all this trouble fer little 'ol me, mraw!
You all stay well out there!
* Both of these pictures wuz taken live right here in the Puter Room, 2-12-99 by my human and her wonderful digital camera!
02/18/01 09:14:58 PM
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