Bubba and Sissy's Special Pages:  Awards, Memberships, etc.

Sassy was adopted here..click on the certificate to adopt one of your own and visit this wonderful site!

This is "Dusty's Kiwikat Award."  The kids won it by answering all of Dusty's trivia questions correctly.  They're very knowledgable cats...click on their award to see how well you do....

This is a wonderful club for cats...you can tour the site and your cats can join at Henry's place...

You and your cat can join this Yahoo! club on-line here...

Your cat(s) can join this society at CatAnna's...whether she meditates with her eyes open or closed...another informative cat site...

Both Bubba & Sissy are proud members of CLAW...being new members they have a lot to learn...but they intend to start soon...

While we were visiting CLAW, we found this irrestible little kitten , so naturally we brought him with us....

Gosh! There's another page!

Thanks for stopping by....Have a purrfect day!
here to go home..

Awards:  [2] [3] [4] [5]  [7] [8] [9] [10]