Lion of Judah - Christian Apologetics
I have hoped that categorizing apologetics topics (e.g., Problem of Evil, evolution, and archaeology), that things would be made easier for a visitor looking for an answer to a particular question.
God On The Net
Let the Son shine in.
Discernment Ministry International
Our mission is to expose error and teach truth.
Catholic Answers
Catholic Answers is one of the nation’s largest lay-run apostolates of Catholic apologetics and evangelization.
The Warning Tract
An easy way to inoculate people from joining Mormonism or the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Jude's Defence Of The Word Of God
You will find information here both to defend the historical Christian faith as delivered by Christ Himself and to refute error.
Answers In Action - Contend Earnestly For The Faith
How far can we trust the bible?
Alpha and Omega Ministries
While such a stand is not overly popular in the Church of the late 20th Century, we are convinced that the Reformed emphasis upon the sovereignty of God, His immutable character and purpose, the deadness of man in sin, and the freedom of God's grace in Christ Jesus, not only provides the only consistent and meaningful response to the errors of our day, but is the most consistent, pure, biblical understanding of divine revelation.
General Apologetics
Apologetics & Theology
Apologetics Helps
The King James Only Movement
Reformed Apologetics
Never Say You’re Sorry For Believing
The Apologetics Debate
Christian Internet Apologetics – Chatting
Here is a check list of some of the factors that make Christian Internet Apologetics or reasoning unique.
Truth and Things
Apologetics: Declaring, Defending, and Showing Forth the Beauty of Biblical Christianity.
Answers In Action
Apologetic Articles
Answers In Genesis Ministries
Upholding the authority of the bible from the very first verse.
Alpha & Omega Ministries
Apologetics & Theology
Xenos Christian Fellowship
Apologetics Related Essays
Apologetics Index
Apologetics Research Resources on Religious Cults, Sects, Movements, Doctrines, Etc.
What is Apologetics
the context of this page is answering those difficult questions about your faith.
Doctrinal, Theological and Related Works
from throughout church history.
False Teachers Among You
The Augustine Club
Apologetics Toolkit
Articles To Make Christians Think
I don't mean for any of these articles to be antagonistic, or condemning however I have felt that the Holy Spirit is telling me to be bold and unafraid to say the truth.
Christian Philosophy
Coming from the Greek word apologia, which means "to make a defense," apologetics has classically been defined as an intelligent defense of the faith. This defense usually revolves around philosophical arguments although science, history, archeology, psychology and other fields of study are often incorporated into it as well.
God Talks To You
This Website is an opportunity for you to have a dialogue with God.
Fundamental Bible Church
We have posted tracts and literature available from the Fundamental Evangelistic Association (F.E.A) on this website (text) and the materials are available for you to use.
Part 1 - A Relationship With God
While many people believe that God is real, many also believe that He is only "watching them from a distance" and has no real desire to know them personally.
Part 2 - Assurance With God
Now that you believe in Jesus Christ, you can say with confidence that you are completely accepted by God and you can now begin to live a life that truly pleases Him.
Darkness To Light
Subject Index
Darkness To Light
Theology, Apologetics, Cults, Ethics, Bible Versions, Health Issues, and much more!
Over 950 Web pages, plus eight books and eBooks. So you're sure to find something of interest.
Christianity Bible Study Articles
Welcome to Christianity Bible Study Page! Click on any topic below to review articles.
Articles on The Church and Its Foundation
Christianity Gospel Articles on "CHURCH AND ITS FOUNDATION"
Reformation INK
Contemporary Articles
Jesus Folk
Jesus Christ, God & Bible Centered Christian Online Community Start Page
Probe Ministries Theology/Apologetics
Jesus Christ - The Prince of Peace
There are only four options for the identity of Jesus Christ. He is either a legend, a liar, a lunatic or He is Lord and God.
Reasoning From The Scriptures Ministries
We are dedicated to serving the Christian community with our resources and services. We invite you to have a look around!
Tracts at NO! Apathy
C.S. Lewis Inklings
Apologetics Website
Master Directory
Apologetics Research
A Christian Apologetics Ministry Dedicated to Education and Evangelism.
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM)
CARM is a 501(c)3 nonprofit Christian apologetics organization whose purpose is to equip Christians with good information on doctrine, various religious groups (Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.), cults, Evolution, New Age, and related subjects.
Traditional Catholic Apologetics
The Goal of this web-page is to assist Catholics in learning and defending their Faith against the enemies of Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
What is Apologetics
Evidence of God
A former atheist and hardcore Bible skeptic, Ralph spent 15 years conducting research to dispute the Bible. To Ralph, it seemed that the Bible could not possibly be consistent with such sciences as anthropology, molecular biology and physics.
Sociology of Religion
Thoughtful Articles From The Thinkman
Apologetics and Evangelism
Gospel Outreach Ministries
Gospel Outreach - Special Features
Arguments For The Existence of A God
Apologists rely on a variety of arguments to substantiate the existence of a God, or to support the claims of divinity by a particular denomination's founder(s) or for its sacred texts. This section contains material that confronts and rebuts these theistic arguments.
First Assembly of God - Christian Apologetics
Christian Apologetics is the defense of the Christian faith. You will find some of Pastor Roger Griffith's favorite apologists here.
God Doesn’t Give Autographs
What does it mean when Christians say the Bible is inspired?
No Lost Books of the Bible
Some people claim there are "lost books" that should have been included in the Bible. Greg says this view doesn't make sense, whether or not you think the Bible has supernatural origins.
When Good Is Evil
Can a system which teaches good things actually be evil? How we judge between religious world views.
Jesus and the Gurus
Points to remember when someone asserts New Age religion and "Christ- consciousness" are compatible with Jesus and biblical theism.
Morality as a Clue to God
When faced with the facts, most people would say there are moral absolutes. That established, a whole set of world views become untenable, like Hinduism or atheism or agnosticism.
The Real Murderers – Atheism or Christianity?
Is it legitimate to condemn religion for historical atrocities? First we had better examine the facts.
Religious Stew
When choosing ice cream, you choose what you like. When choosing medicine, you have to choose what heals.
Unbelievable Unbelief
If the wager is your life, what odds will you take? Find out how to pick a winner.
A Good Reason For Evil
What is evil? Could it have a purpose? Here is a view of evil from an adult rather than a childish perspecitve.
Bosnia, Rape and the Problem of Evil
Greg responds to a letter to the editor in which the writer's pain causes him to ask the age-old question of why God allows evil to exist.
Is God Culpable for Evil He Knows Will Take Place
Why doesn't God save everybody?
God is Not Responsible
Are people who commit crimes in the name of Christianity Christians?
Sixty Second Theodicy
How to respond to the problem of evil, neatly and quickly.
God, Strike Me Dead
Has an atheist friend ever used this argument on you?
Ignorant and Unenlightened
If a word is nowhere mentioned in the Bible (like "trinity"), does that mean it's not a Biblical concept and is therefore false?
How Do You Know Christianity Is True?
How you can respond when a young person asks this question.
Jesus, Plain and Simple
Who do you believe about Jesus--those who were closest to Him, or those who are two thousand years removed from the events?
Miracles or Myths?
Does it really matter whether the biblical miracles actually happened? If you say it doesn't, you lose something very important.
Regarding Apologetics, An Apology
If we shouldn't use arguments to promote the Gospel--because it's leaning on human wisdom and not God--then what are we to say?
Is Religion a Noble Deception?
Because someone can come up with a purely human explanation why someone would believe in God doesn't refute God's existence at all.
Testing "New" Revelation
Find out why objective evidence always wins over subjective feelings.
Objection Overruled
Here is an approach for someone who wants 'physical' proof of God's existence.
People Believe What They Want
Don't get caught with this wrong-headed attitude!
Preference or Truth?
A look at the ramifications our absolute-truth world view has for ministry.
Relativism Self-Destructs
Greg finds a prime example of confused morality on a popular TV talk show.
There Is No Truth?
. . .but at least fifteen things have to be true before this statement can even be uttered in English. What are they?
When Absolutism is Relative
How to discern which biblical absolutes apply to each circumstance.
Knowledge By Intuition
Learn how to use an appeal to man's intuitive knowledge to defend your Christian world view.
Faith and Facts
Can you give a good definition of biblical faith? How does it relate to science?
How To Force Your Morality
Some thoughts on the question "who are you to force your morality on someone else?"
Morality and the Public Good
How do we publicly argue for biblical morality without moralizing?
Tektonics Apologetics Ministries
Revelation of The God of the Bible
General Christian Apologetics, Worldview, and Philosophy
Written from a generic Christian perspective for a wide Christian audience -- no distinctively Catholic teaching.
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
Bible Truth Zone
An Approach to Christian Apologetics
If you know of any other sites that I can add here,
please email me at tricia_779@yahoo.com. Please put "your website" in the subject line. Thanks.