Bible Study

Scripture Release!
the Topical Memory System in Song
For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the LORD and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel. (Ezra 7:10)

NIV Bible Online

Don Love Ministries
This site is filled with on-line books, study charts, illustrations, tapes, and inspirational music.

New Covenant Church of God
311 Frequently Asked Questions, answered.

Good News Bible Study
You are invited to learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ directly from the scriptures using an interactive computer program.

God on the Net

International Bible Society
NIV New International Version Bible Official Translation and Resource Center

What Saith The Scripture?
This site is dedicated to the End Time Christian, to give you understanding of the times, so that you might know what to do. There is tons of stuff on this website!

Heritage Baptist Bible Church
This web site is the same site as DrYounce.Com and was produced for the sole purpose of teaching the Word of God. Every week we feature a new Question & Answer Article. We have an exhaustive Archive of over 138 answers to Bible questions on many subjects.


Christ Unlimited Ministries helps you know and love God, while spreading the truth of the Bible to others, through the cutting edge of the Internet.

Genesis Networks
Dowload your own copy of the KJV Bible.

Chick Publications
Most Christians want to witness, but many never do. With Chick tracts, it's so easy you'll ENJOY it.

The Unbound Bible
The Unbound Bible is a collection of searchable Bibles.

The Bible Shelf
Translations - Theology - Devotions

New Jerusalem Church
Bible Study and Free Christianity Gospel Magazine New Jerusalem News Magazine

True Christianity
These sites explaining True Christianity reveal the things that we have to know, but which mainstream Christianity??? ignores. These sites are about full commitment and fully following the bible like God commands, to the point seldom seen today.

Christian Evidences and Apologetics
Evidence of the truth of the Bible.

Bible Believers

Cornerstone Church Online
Bible Studies

Bible Secrets - King James Version
This electronic bible contains the entire King James Version, with both the Old and New Testaments.

Bible Gateway - New International Version
Passage Look Up - Word Search

Back To The Bible - Weekly Bible Challenge
Back to the Bible is a worldwide service ministry seeking to lead people into a dynamic relationship with God.

The Gospel Way
A Bible Study Online Religion Library:
Free Bible study guides, Bible lessons, and online Bible materials.

Faith Site - Bible Search
This site offers Bible verse tools for the student seeking knowledge or the teacher seeking lessons.
Chrisitian Teaching Resources

Bible Facts

Answers In Genesis Ministries
Upholding the authority of the bible from the very first verse.

Calgary Chapel
Our purpose at Calvary Chapel Port Charlotte is to worship the Living God and grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, with a supreme desire of being transformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit and equipped by Him to further His Kingdom unto His honor and glory.
Spiritual Gifts Commentary Series
Christ's Second Coming Commentary Series

Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool
The material in the Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool is from the Lord of Life Lutheran Church Spiritual Gifts Class by J.D. Danielson and is used by permission of the Texas District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod from the "In His Service" materials.

Bible Studies from Yes Lord Ministries
This site contains Free Downloadable Bible Studies, URL links & more!

Jack Van Impe - The Walking Bible
Having so much of the Bible committed to memory has equipped Dr. Van Impe for encounters with critics and opponents.

Scripture Memory Hard For You?
Scripture Memory Program, Bible Memory Verses, Memorize Scripture Verses.

Sunday School Ministries
Explore what Sunday School Ministries has to offer! You’ll encounter resources, tools, and equipping events focused on every age group for implementation in a variety of settings.
Bible Memorization Program For Children
Memorizing scripture gives children an "inner storehouse" of help that is always available when they need spiritual guidance and strength.

Scripture Memory
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 (NIV).

Identity In Christ
The purpose of this program is to help you memorize passages of the Bible.

Scripture Studies
"Scripture Studies" is a journal dedicated to the study and exposition of the Bible, for those who love the study of the Bible, for those who respect the Bible as the Word of God, for those who want to know the Bible better.

How To Memorize Scripture
Four easy steps to memorization.

Scripture Memorization
Perhaps it looks a lot, but it is only one verse a day. After one year, you will be surprised how much you have memorized. Try it.

Act 17:11 Bible Study Home Page
Bible Studies on various topics to encourage Christian living, spiritual insight, growth, and faith.

Bible Net
Our goal at BibleNet is to provide you with the resources you need to study the Word of God and to provide you with the foundation for sharing your views with others.

Bible Study Tools's Bible Study Tools® are designed to facilitate in-depth study and exploration of God's Word.

Biblical Hermeneutics
The Science of Interpreting the Bible.

Biblical Studies Foundation
The Biblical Studies Foundation is a non-profit organization founded for the purpose of distributing sound, evangelical Bible study materials in electronic format so those with small personal libraries or without access to a local Bible college or seminary library, etc., may have access to sound biblical studies from their home.

Free Computer Bibles
A collection of freeware bible software for use on your computer; Each is rated, reviewed, and includes links to download, homepage, screen shots and more...

Grace Notes
A Bible Topics Library

In Touch Ministries
The Bible teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley.

Campus Crusade For Christ
Taking Jesus to the World

Men And Women Of The Bible

Mysteries of the Bible
Revealed and Resolved

NIV Quiet Time Bible Study
Instead of telling you what the Bible says, our quiet time Bible studies help you discover its meaning for yourself.

Omnilist of Bibles, Studies and Devotionals

Omnilist of Informational Resources

Resource Pages for Biblical Studies
Focusing on the early Christian writings and their social world.
Dedicated to a "New Walk in the Old Paths" of the Baptist Bible Fellowship.

Partners In Faith Ministry
Pure Vision Ministries is a Christian organization and global mission station. Pure Vision's primary mission is to accomplish Christian purposes supporting the Kingdom of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the earth.

World Wide Bible Study
The Bible Resources Center

Christian Classics Ethereal Library
There is enough good reading material here to last you a lifetime, if you give each work the time it deserves.

Diane's Bible Studies

The Gideons International
Our sole purpose is to win men, women, boys and girls to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through association, personal testimony, and distributing the Bible in the human traffic lanes and streams of everyday life.

IFCA International
IFCA International stands as a faithful testimony to the historic, biblical Christian faith, and invites others of like belief and position to unite with them.

The Parent Company

Daily Bible Reading Chart For A Year

The Holy Spirit
Proving the Existence of the Holy Spirit
Let me prove to you that the Holy Spirit is real, that he is indeed a person, and that he is 1/3 of the Trinity.

Bible Search
Answers to your bible questions.
To encourage open, honest examination of the Bible so that we all might know, believe and obey the truth.

21st Century KJV Online

Zoe Dotes' Scriptures Studies
Have you ever wanted to really get to know God but didn't know where to start? Perhaps you have tried different religions or have read different books looking for the answer.

Is Jesus God's Son or God's Servant?

What the Bible Teaches is True

Catholic Church Teachings
EWTN presents the teachings of the Catholic Church in an easy-to-use format.

Studies in Scripture

Study the 10 Commandments
Click on a commandment for a detailed study.

You may find some useful resources here to help you understand more about the God of the Bible.

Teachings By Rev. Robert Houk Hitchcock

John Mark Ministries
Bible Studies and Sermons
The following are the most popular (or most visited) articles.
New Articles


Overcoming Temptation
Bible Study Articles
Christianity Gospel Articles on "CHURCH AND ITS FOUNDATION".
Faith and Encouragement

Reformation Classics
Reformation Contemporary Articles

Jesus Folk
Jesus Christ, God & Bible Centered Christian Online Community Start Page.

Miracle of the Rosary Mission
Catholic Articles Archives

Biblical Studies on The Web - Online Journals
A list of journals of biblical interest that are either published fully on the Web or that have home pages.
Biblical Studies on The Web - Theology
This is an index of Biblical Theology materials available on the World Wide Web.

Healing Is For You
Jesus Christ is your healer. He wants you well. He has provided for your healing as well as for your salvation.

Christian Doctrine
Christian Doctrine is very important. It is the basis of truth. Everyone has doctrine, either good or bad. What do you believe? How close are you to the truth? Take a look and build a good foundation of Christian Doctrine from the Bible.
Who Is God?
The Holy Spirit

Jesus Is The Holy Word Of God

Articles To Make A Christian Think
I don't mean for any of these articles to be antagonistic, or condemning however I have felt that the Holy Spirit is telling me to be bold and unafraid to say the truth.

Punishment For Eternity
What will it be like?

Jesus' Teachings
A summary of Jesus' teachings during His three years of earthly ministry.
Wisdom Of The Bible
An exploration of the Bible's major wisdom teachings as they relate to everyday life.

Alpha Ministries
Alpha Ministries is a Christian organization whose primary aim is to educate and help equip true believers to contend for the Faith and offer a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to non-believers.

God's Truth - Christianity In Court
Historical facts such as those about Jesus made in the New Testament can be tested by legal reasoning and the law of evidence.

Blessing Through Faith In Jesus
A ministry dedicated to the truth of God.

What Do You Mean By Born Again?
Do you know that most people who think they have been "born again" actually have no more real conception of what it means than the young man who said he "gave his heart to the Lord" at a revival meeting?

Is Jesus God?
Was He God dwelling in a shell of a human flesh? Was He an ordinary man mightily used by God? Was He an angel? A "phantasm"? Was He created - or eternal? Is He different now from what He was while on earth? All have been proposed, fought over, died for!
Let's look at what the bible says!

Do You Know What To Believe
Many people in the world today claim to be "Christians." How many of them truly know what it means to be a "follower of Christ"? Do you know?

Souls Harvest Church Bible Studies
Online bible studies

Abide in Christ - Bible Studies and Sermons

Bible Studies Foundation
Advanced Studies

Wesley Center For Applied Theology - Aids To Biblical Studies

Books Online

Was Jesus Sent To Be Crucified?
Let us investigate this topic from the Bible, and find out whether Jesus was sent to be crucified or that he was crucified.

What is Salvation?
The name salvation is given to all God's works of redemption. But in this context salvation means "Forgiveness of Sins" and specifies deliverance from sins.

After Armageddon
A Bible Study
Here's what I hope you'll derive from this study: I hope you'll have a new way of looking at the future. A new way of looking at the present. A new reason to study the Word of God. A new self of confidence. And maybe even a new feeling toward the Person who's going to make it all happen.

Bible Writer
Our site is a resource to encourage individual study of the Scriptures. You are welcome to browse any of our lessons on screen, or to print them out for personal or group studies.

Bible Prophecy Study
The Pretribulation Rapture

StudyLight Bible Study Resources

Through the Bible with Les Feldick

The Letters To The Seven Churchs – Online Book

The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah – Online Book

Number in Scripture – Online Book

Lambert Dolphin’s Resources

The Genealogy from Adam to Jesus

The Days of Job

God’s Story
Multimedia Journey Through the Bible
The Creator's plan for your eternal salvation is explained, from the BEGINNING, in chronological order. Gain a FOUNDATIONAL understanding of God's story! Great for all ages.

Teach Me About The Bible

What are some of the ways in which the Bible and the Roman Catholic church differ?

The Design of the Scriptures - A First Reader in Biblical Theology by Robert C. Dentan

The Story of the New Testament by Edgar J. Goodspeed

Many Witnesses, One Lord by William Barclay

Slain In The Spirit: Fact or Fiction?

Bible Study Depot
Order Books Online

The Bible

Manual Of Life