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Theo is the oldest of my kids. He was born on September 4, 1988. With Theo it was love at first sight. It's hard to believe that I have shared my life with him for over ten years. He and I share a very special bond.
In December I found a lump under Theo's arm and took him to the vet to have it checked. While we were there I was rubbing his chest/neck and found another very small lump and had them check that one too. They removed both lumps the following week - the one under his arm turned out to be nothing, but the one on his chest was a mast cell tumor. Thankfully they got it all and he is doing fine. I feel so lucky to have found that second lump because when I got him back home that day I had a hard time finding it again. I think if it hadn't of been for the one under his arm I wouldn't have found the other one.

 Links to sites with information on aging dogs.

Older Dogs
The Geriatric Dog

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This page is maintained by Paula Perry  © 1997-2001
Last updated:  Saturday, April 07, 2001