The Secret Books of
The Watchtower
The Watchtower leadership goes to great lengths to hide the truth about their tactics and methods. These books are forbidden to be read except by authorized Watchtower persons. The secret elders manual
(Pay Attention to Yourself and all the Flock) is
especially embarrassing to Watchtower leaders! This secret handbook for elders
details how to monitor JWs to keep them in line. It also
describes how elders as "judges" deal with wayward JWs who
are involved in sexual sin.
"Uncleanness includes an intentional momentary touching
of sexual parts or caressing of breasts.
Such minor uncleanness can be handled at the discretion of an elder or two; it does not require a judicial
hearing. There is a need for strong counsel, admonition, and
assistance to help the individual to maintain chaste
conduct in the future. If not corrected, such conduct may escalate in gravity
and by frequent repetition become loose conduct. Loose conduct is a shocking, flagrant disregard for
Jehovah's moral standards. It may include the willful practice of heavy petting or
the fondling of breasts. The nature, circumstances, and actual extent of what
has occurred may indicate loose conduct, which would
require judicial action. Such practices can easily lead to por.neiŽa.
"Por.neiŽa" involves immoral use of the genitals of at least
one human (whether in a natural or a perverted way), and
there must have been another party to the immorality, a
human of either sex or a beast; willing participation incurs
guilt and requires judicial action. It is not a casual touching of the sex organs between persons but involves the
manipulation of the genitals. (w83 6/1 pp. 23-6; w83
3/15 pp. 30-1)It includes oral and anal sex or mutual masturbation
between persons not married to each other, homosexuality, lesbianism, fornication, adultery, incest, and bestiality."
It's no wonder they don't want it released to the public!
Attention To Yourself And To All Of The Flock (secret elders manual)
Branch Office
This is the secret office manual used by all the branches of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
Together in Unity
This is a secret Bethel handbook which contains rules of conduct
for Bethelites. (Watchtower world headquarters staff members) Written by
late Watchtower President, N. H. Knorr. It details how much control Watchtower leaders have
over its staff and how childish they are treated. The book is to be read
by headquarters personel only and returned upon leaving
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