Books on Peace by V.Balu      

(Available from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Book University)



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(Perpetual Peace)
by V.Balu

No of Pages: 77
Illustrations: 16 Pages
Hard Bound Price: Rs. 50 /-
I.S.B.N: 81-7276-144-9


About the book:The book is a culmination of V Balu’s work as a global peace activist and lays emphasis on inner peace and the role of individuals in global peace, the need of the day. The book begins with a peace prayer and then talks of faith, renunciation, inner peace, mental and global peace and global peace through art.

More details: Don’t worry, be happy is one of the chapters in this book where he has reminded the readers that worry never solves any problem. Worry is a self created mental condition and is the result of factors like lack of contentment, he says and has given various examples to
substantiate his words.

According to the newspaper, The Asian Age, "In this book the color plates showcase the art of a brilliant collage artist who has dedicated his exceptional talent to the cause of promoting peace… The creations wrought with bits of paper and a pair of scissors exude the stillness that draws you into an understanding of his message. An understanding that defies verbose intellectual interpretations. The real bonus of purchasing or gifting Sadaa Shanti to someone is that you will meet an artist whose collages have the power to communicate the most esoteric ideas effortlessly.

The distinctly user-friendly approach of the publication are large and easy to read type face and break up of chapters that is conducive to partaking of small doses of the exalted but easy to digest thoughts, perhaps just before bedtime".

Published by
Book University
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Kulapati Munshi Marg
Mumbai 400007.










Steps to Peace
by V.Balu

No of Pages: 108
Illustrations: 38 Pages
Hard Bound Price: Rs. 50 /-
I.S.B.N: 81-7276-303-4


About the book:The author has advocated twenty two steps to peace in this book. They include curbing anger, thinking positive, removing ego etc. They take the reader to the serene waters of the lake of peace. They are all well thought and do not seem unattainable to anyone who reads them.
More details: There are several anecdotes and stories told in the book to make the reader understand the steps to peace. There is no preaching or moralizing, only sharing and listening. One of the interesting stories is of a man who walked all the way to the next forest from the one where he lived, along with a lamp, to borrow a match to light cigarette. He did not realize that he could do so with his own kerosene lamp. People miss the light of peace within and grope in the darkness of ignorance. Such stories dot the book making it more interesting to read. Another story is of a forever-angry father whose son keeps laughing when his father is angry. When the father angrily asks him the reason for smiling, the son replies that when he is angry he looks like an ape and brings a mirror to show the man his face while angry.

Published by
Book University
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Kulapati Munshi Marg
Mumbai 400007.

SHANTI DARSHAN: Messengers of Peace
by V.Balu

No of Pages: 81
Illustrations: 36 Pages
Hard Bound Price: Rs. 50 /-
I.S.B.N: 81-7276-285-2



About the book:Sathya Sai Baba, Dalai Lama, Sri Krishna, Mahatma Gandhi, Aurobindo, Mother Teresa and several others are all messengers of peace. The book has been printed on good paper and has pictures of the peace messengers and special quotations from them.
More details: ‘In the sentence I WANT PEACE strike out I (or ego) and want (desire) and peace be with you’ says Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba in the opening colourful page. ‘If you want peace of mind do not find fault with others, rather see your own faults’ says Holy Mother Sarada Devi.

Published by
Book University
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Kulapati Munshi Marg
Mumbai 400007.


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