Under Construction
~This site is currently under major construction...~

Dear Beatles Fan Fiction fans,

This site has *technically* been out of commission for about 2 or 3 years. Basically since my senior year of high school began. For those of you who had stories hosted by me on this site, I apologize for my inconsistancy and for being irresponsible. However, chances are, I probably still have your stories somewhere if you need them, so feel free to contact me.
So now you're probably wondering what is in store for this site now. Well, eventually I hope to build it back up, but I'm afraid I will not be able to host stories. I don't want to ruin someone's chances of being read by getting behind on things. If you don't care, then I can host your story, that is fine. I am not sure if this site will be completely devoted to fan fiction or if there will be more to it. So I guess I'm saying just be open to anything and everything.
And...I think that's about it. Peace!


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