Class Reunion

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Welcome! We just celebrated our 30th. class reunion & I
want to dedicate this page to my classmates of Man High
School. This will be a Photo Gallery where every-
one can enjoy & help me preserve our memories of the
past. I would appreciate any photos that you want
to send in for our MHS Reunion Page!
Thanks, Peg

Anytime the future looks gray, we have an attic full of yesterdays.

Reunion Committee:

Top left-Cookie (Johnston) Pruitt
Top Right-Eva Janie (Lewis) Perry
Bottom Left-Peggy Altizer (Me)
Bottom Right-Jennie (Letsinger) Brown


Peggy Crosby & Husband

Nancy Plumley

Brenda (Jackson) Hariston & Sheryl (Taylor) Howard

Mary & Butch Gamble

Johnny & Cookie (Johnston) Pruitt

Wendell & Mary Jane Blankenship
Chuck Bailey

Charlie & Connie (White) Bailey

Charles (Chuck) Bailey

Opening Time Capsule Gifts
Left to Right-Sherman Gamble
Sharon (Pruitt) Restivos
Connie (White) Bailey

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Allen-Class President

Danny Joe Brown

Dennis Mayes

Charlie & Connie Bailey

We want to thank Ernie Gorgia Anderson for being
our DJ. Ernie was a 1968 graduate of Man High. He made
the reunion so much fun. We played a game like "Who
wants to be a Millionaire" except Ernie used "Who
wants to be a Hillybillyaire" theme and ask questions
from the year 1970 & our yearbook.
Thanks Ernie, for helping make
our 30th. reunion a success. Love, Peg

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MHS Photo Gallery 2!

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