The country is sometimes dividede into
4 Broad Geographical Regions.
The country is sometimes divided into regions by
The country is sometimes divided into
13 Geographical regions
Many different
regional terms are used in the country.
The U.S. Coastal Observing Systems observes coastal regions of the country.
Detection of regional climate change is provided by
U.S. Historical Climatology Network for five regions.
National Weather Service is divided into several regions.
The Old Farmer's Alamanac gives
long-range weather forecasts for 18 regions.
Wind energy is divided into regions.
Forecasts of accumulated
precipitation and temperature extremes
are provided for 5 regions in the country.
US Global Change Research Program provides
information about the impact of climate change for 6 regions of the country.
All regions of the country are accessed for
weather and fire potential
by The Wildland Fire Assessment System.
The U.S.
Drought Monitor checks for drought in every region.
There are several
Humid Regions in the country.
lightning strikes in all regions of the country.
The country is divided into 5 regions to
forecasts of weather extremes.
NOAA gives
fire weather forecasts for all regions of the country.
Important Bird Program identifies important bird regions/areas
of the country and helps to protect them.
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center has developed
a list of birds in 3 regions of the country.
There are thirty-six
shorebird planning regions and bird consevations regions in the country.
Fish & Wildlife Service is divided into 7 different regions.
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has 7 regions for conserving
wildlife and habitats
The country is in the
nearctic zoographic region.
mosquito alert system is provided for most regions of the country.
Every region has plants and animals that are
Many states have a
State Fossil, and one of the most
famous fossil regions the world is the
Colorado Plateau.
Topographic data for each region from satellite images is provided by NOAA.
The Contiguous United States has 2 primary
Mountain Regions.
A variety of
landforms are located throughout the country.
Rangelands make up 25% percent of the country and are mainly in the western regions.
The US Geological Survey – National Park Service lists
vegetation of Parks in all regions.
Each region yields a variety of
The United States Department of Agriculture provides information
Plant hardiness for all regions.
Coastal and Marine Geology Program monitors several coastal regions.
U.S. Geological Survey provides information about the geology of 14 regions.
National Gardening Regional Report has information about what is happening in each region.
Information is available about
greenways resources in all regions.
There are five
hardwood forest regions in the country.
The National Conservation Service provides information about
land resources regions.
Several regions have a
National Grasslands.
National Wetlands are located in several regions of the country.
There are four
desert regions in the country.
There are several
farm resource regions
The country has 10 major
farming regions
There are 10 national
forest regions in the country.
U.S. Forest Service is divided into 10 regions.
There are many
endangered and threatened ecosystems in the country.
The country has six
ecosystem regions .
The country is divided into three
Urban Ecosystem Analysis maps urban forest regions in the country using satelite data.
of the country is divided into 4 regions with the South being the larget.
Federal Labor Relations Authority has offices in 7 regions of the country.
American Indian Environmental Office manages
10 federally recognized tribal and EPA Regions.
Certain names are popular in different regions of the country.
There 20
National Watershed Network regions in the country.
The Enviromnental Protection Agency provides information about
Hydroelectric powerplants are located
hydroelectric powerplants in many regions.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has
Dam Safety Program offices in 5 regions of the country.
Flood threats are issued by the River Forecast Center for every region in the country.
Shipyards are located in 6 regions of the country.
Bureau of Economic Analysis has economic information by regions.
The Federal Reserve is divided into 12 regions.
The regions are in different
time zones.
There are 3 major
coal producing regions in the country.
There are several
winemaking regions in the country.
All regions of the country have
World Heritage Sites are located in many regions of the country.
There are over 24
volcanic regions in the country.
The only active
volcanoes are located in the western regions.
Many regions in the country experience
Environmental Protection Agency has programs in ten regions in the country.
The country is divided into 8
evolution regions.
The southeast region has the most
Champion trees.
Internal Revenue Service is divided into 4 regions in the country.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has offices in 10 regions of the country.
Little League is divided into 4 regions in the country.
Food and Drug Administration
has agencies in 4 regions of the country to respond to consumer questions.
Do a
puzzle about the physiographic regions of the country.