Dear PEKAMI Members


Below are the latest news from PEKAMI Committee:


1.       Family Fiesta

                The Family Fiesta is being planned for either 3 Aug 2003, 17 Aug 2003 or 24 Aug 2003.  The date has not been finalised as we are waiting for YBhg Dato MD to reply to our invitation for him to officiate the function.  This year being the 10th anniversary for PEKAMI, we feel that we should celebrate in style, and therefore accord our MD with the honour.  Other MC members would also be invited to the occasion. 


In order to facilitate planning, members please indicate their attendance and provide the following information:


Member's Name

Member' Tshirt size (M, L, XL, XXL)

Spouse's Name (one only)

Spouse's T-shirt size

Number of Children and their ages


Please forward the information to us by Monday 10 July 2003.


2.       Education Assistance Plan

                Members may be interested to know that there is an Education Assistance Plan provided by MISC to staff satisfying the following pre-requisits:

i.              The course must be approved by the organisation and contributes to his job performance.

ii.             Company must be informed well in advance.

iii.            Reimbursement can only be made once.

iv.            Prior approval must be obtained.

v.             Pass at first sitting.

vi.            Time off not to be taken.

vii.           Reimbursement of 50% of the costs subject to a cap of RM15,000.00.

vii.           Preference to a local public university.

viii.          HR to consider possibility of a bond with the Company.

ix.            Staff muist be a confirmed staff at the time of application.


3.             Courtesy Meeting with YBhg Dato MD

                To date we have not received any reply from YBhg Dato MD for a courtesy meeting with PEKAMI Committee Members.  The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the PEKAMI Committee Members, and to highlight to MD PEKAMI's proposed activities especially in the light of this year being the 10th anniversary of PEKAMI.  We have already sent a reminder and followed up with phone calls with the secretary.


3.       Bonus 2001 Issue

                We have written to YBhg Dato MD as a followup to the letter sent by the previous Committee.  To date there has been no reply.


4.       Request For Office Space for PEKAMI

                We have written to GMHR requesting for office space for PEKAMI to facilitate proper storage of PEKAMI files and documents.  The request has been turned down.


5.       Briefing on GTLA

                We have written to GMHR requesting for more information on GTLA, and alternatively for a briefing on the Terms of Coverage of GTLA.  GMHR has responded as follows:

Executives are insured on 24 hour basis in respect of death or total permanent disability arising from accident or disease.  The amount of coverage are as follows:


Personal Grade                                Amount

31/32                                     RM450,000

29/30                                     RM400,000

27/28                                     RM350,000

26                                           RM300,000

25                                           RM250,000

24                                           RM200,000

23                                           RM170,000

21/22                                     RM150,000


In any scheme of this nature, the employer is named as the beneficiary.


6.       Monthly Meeting with GMHR

                We have written to GMHR with a proposed schedule of monthly meetings with him.  The 2nd meeting was proposed for Thursday 26 June 2003 but had to be postponed as the date was not convenient to him.  We have yet to receive an alternative date.  The issues to be discussed were mainly follow up items from the previous meeting.


7.            Climate survey

                As members are aware that climate survey questionaire has been circulated to all members via e-mail. The responses should be submitted to any Pekami exco members by the 7th July 2003. We hope you will give your full support to this initiative giving your true, honest and accurate information to assist Pekami and the management for the betterment of the company.


8.           Suggestion Box

                We are preparing the above facility for members to submit their suggestions/feedback, observation on the 24th Floor at the library. Members are encourage to participate and make full use of this facility in assisting the objective towards 'Bersama Menuju Kearah kecemerlangan Bertaraf Dunia'.



9.             Grade E4/SG21 Executives

                A few members have approached PEKAMI highlighting discrepancies between the salary received and the salary scale of executives in the above category.  The exco is looking into this issue.  Other members similarly affected are encouraged to forward their full record of employment for follow up action to be taken accordingly.



10.     2002 Performance Appraisal

                Some members have approached PEKAMI that their final performance appraisal rating after HRPC differed from that agreed to between members and their immediate superiors (departmental/divisional Level).   Apparently the reasons for the changes were not advised to the members affected.  Other members similarly affected are encouraged to present their cases to the Exco so that proper representation can be made to GMHR for explanation.


11.     iPerintis

                Some members from IT have approached PEKAMI expressing concern regarding their future career with MISC vis-a-vis the possibility of MISC outsourcing IT services to iPerintis.  Presently not much information on iPerintis is available.  PEKAMI Exco would continue to seek more information and assist members should they feel their future career is being jeopardised.


12.     Seminar

                Arrangements are being made for several seminars to be held for PEKAMI members. 


                The first seminar will discuss the Role that the Employee can play within the company, where together the employee and employer can forge a partnership towards realising the company's objectives.  Arrangements for that are being finalised.



Thank you



Secretary, PEKAMI