Gillespie Athletes Of Rick & Ronda's.They're top players in their NM Communty.
A woman that wore her name, a beautiful rose. We lost her a few months ago. she lived a ripe old age, so full of love and devotion to her family and friends. she had been one of the youngest of Elias Honaker's children. Of couse, she did out live her youngest siste Ina.Rose has written many books. She enjoyed and life and lived it to the fullest. She'd became Honaker, Virginia's special rose. She'd also taught school in her younger years, dropping out to raise her family. She had brothers too, one called Roe,harold, Coy, Monroe, Morgan, (which is our grandpa). I can still hear grandpa's voice now, talking about his memories of childhood. He says their dad was strict, so Rose and Ina lucked out. :) The sisters were, Minnie, Fannie, Ina, Ella Mae Honaker. Rose lived a wonderful life, and lived to tell all. God Bless her always!

Click on photograph of our pretty Lila and her Mom.
Will have more later!

Great-Grandparents This is a picture of our great-grandparents,
Elias and his wife.
They're parents of Rose's.
The picture was furnished
by Brenda,
another granddaughter.

DOLLY Darlene, updated photo!
Click photo for more.

Dar in her young teens, and today. A banner for her cats, as soon as I get the url. LOL

Most wanted! ;) I know Bob's spirit will love this. He had one big sense of humor, and we always had so much fun for that reason alone.

OUR SPECIAL BROTHER, COUSIN, DAD, Frank D.Gillespie. The sweetest man and so helpful to everyone. Big in electronics, we always depended on him to fix ours. :) We miss him so much. Patty and I have started him a memorial garden, Patty donated trees, Sasha will be donating flowers, bushes, so his little garden will be lovely. Soon we'll add my late husband one, and the children's dad. Frank, our beloved late brother, we miss him more and more each day. He was our left and right arm it seems. Of course my other brother "Buster", I know he'd be missed too, and we try to appreciate him here with us now. Life is too short Frank knew the electronics inside out, and we know nothing! . . . Hope you do not mind pink here brother! LOL

Wayne and his favorite singer,
click his picture and Ralph Stanley's for more.

Click her photo for more.


Click Sasha's Photo
for her web-site.
This is my beautiful daughter! :)
Ok, so I'm 'ust a mother! :)

Studying law can be at times a case
of paralysis! :)
Eliminate the negative environment,
it's restricting your inhibitions! haha
Pine-Bush Home/Little House!


Granny Bradshaw Read about her psychic ability.

Here is a new photograph of Wayne
and Joice. They're having xmas dinner together
this year, with Adam&Hope,Johnny&Joyce.
The doves on the tree, aunt Mary placed
on,(Wayne, her son) and it
was to be her last Christmas.
The doves appear
to send a soul home!


C.W. Boyd's story


Click on Shelby&Russ
Photo for her site.
Many of you viewing this genealogy page,
will likely remember Shelby.
Her children are grown now,
she's a proud grandmother,
as you'll see this on her site.;)

Click on the Winterport bay picture for delightful pages that consist of Alissa & Rick's family! They're cozy in their little Winterport home and invites you to come in! :)Updated


Visit this page because its full of interesting sites.

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