The purpose of this non-profit organization shall be to actively participate in and promote the Pennsylvania Game Commission's hunter and trapper education programs within the state of Pennsylvania. The name of this organization shall be the Pennsylvania Hunter Education Association (PHEA).
This organization adheres to the following:
1) To conduct courses of instruction in the safe and responsible use and handling of firearms as specified by the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Hunter-Trapper Education Program.
2) To safeguard the rights and interests related to the responsible use of firearms for our youth and all people in Pennsylvania.
3) To oppose any anti-gun, anti-hunting and/or anti-trapping legislation or regulation at all levels of government, which the Association believes infringes upon our great "Freedom and Heritage" and "The Right to Bear Arms" as defined in the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.
4) To promote and support any positive and constructive legislation or regulation in the field of hunter and trapper education, to include firearms and hunting.
5) To enhance the development in our youths and adults of the State, those characteristics of honesty, fellowship, self-discipline, teamwork, and self-reliance, which the Association believes, are the essentials of good sportsmanship and the foundation of true patriotism.ARTICLE II
Any person may become a member of this organization, upon proof of possession of a current certified instructor card as issued by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, or as may be otherwise provided below. Memberships shall consist of the following: General, Benefactor, Honorary, Dedicated Lifetime and Associate categories.
1) General Membership in the association shall be limited to members who are currently certified as instructors by the Hunter-Trapper Education Division of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and are in good standing with the Association.
2) Benefactor Membership in the Association may be granted by the executive Committee to corporations, firms, associations, organizations, individuals or others desiring to assist the Pennsylvania Hunter Education Association in its objectives with monies, services or materials that keep the program operating. Such members shall be eligible to participate in all Association activities except voting and holding an elective office.
3) Honorary Membership in the Association may be granted by the Executive Committee to an organization or individual having the responsibility of managing a continuous hunter or trapper education program to include all Pennsylvania Game Commission employees involved in such courses. Such members shall be eligible to participate in all Association activities except voting and holding an elective office.
4) Dedicated Lifetime Membership in the Association may be granted by the Executive Committee to any individual who has demonstrated exceptional dedication to the promotion of hunter and trapper education. Dedicated Lifetime members shall have all rights and privileges as a general member and must meet requirements of general membership.
5) Associate Membership in the Association shall be limited to those individuals making application to the Association and accepted therein by the Executive Committee. Associate members shall be eligible to participate in all Association activities except voting and holding an elective office.ARTICLE III
1) Directors
a) Each region within the State shall have two directors. These regions shall correspond to the established administrative regions for the operations of the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
b) Each county shall have one representative who will meet regularly with Association members in the county and with their respective Directors.
c) The Directors shall be responsible for meetings with county representatives and members to accumulate ideas, needs and other information for the improvement of the hunter and trapper education program, for the procurements of funds, and to establish Association operational goals. These meetings shall be open to any Pennsylvania Game Commission employee.2) Statewide Officers
a) The association shall elect one person to hold a statewide position in each of the following offices: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.3) Board of Directors
a) The Board of Directors shall consist of all of the Directors from each of the regions plus the Chief of the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Hunter-Trapper Education Division.4) Executive Committee
a) The Executive Committee shall consist of the Board of Directors and the statewide officers of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.ARTICLE IV
1) Directors
a) Each Director shall hold office for three years and be elected by simple majority of Association members at an annual regional meeting.2) President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer
a) Nominations and elections for statewide Officers shall be conducted at the annual
statewide meeting one year prior to the expiration of the current term of office. Nominations for President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be provided by the Board of Directors at the annual statewide meeting.
b) The President shall hold office for a period of three years and shall be nominated by the Board of Directors at the annual statewide meeting one year prior to expiration of his/her term. These nominations shall have originated from Association members attending an annual regional meeting and forwarding these nominations through their respective Directors.
c) The Vice-President shall hold office for the same term as President and shall be elected in the same manner.
d) The Secretary shall hold office for the same term as the President and Vice-President and shall be elected in the same manner.
e) The Treasurer shall hold office for the same term as the President, Vice-President and Secretary and shall be elected in the same manner.
3) General Provisions
a) All Directors, the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be restricted to two consecutive terms in office unless no other person is nominated and elected to fill such office.
b) All Directors shall be elected by simple majority vote held within their respective regions by Association members in good standing during the annual regional meeting.
c) The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by simple majority vote held at a statewide meeting of Association members in good standing. Such an election shall include provisions for absentee balloting.ARTICLE V
1) The duties of the Directors shall be as stated but not limited to the provisions found in Article 3 and Article 4 of these by-laws.
1) President
a) The President shall preside at all statewide meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. The President shall be a member ex-offica of all regular and special committees and shall perform such other duties pertaining to the responsibilities of the office.2) Vice-President
a) The Vice-President shall perform all of the duties of the President in his/her absence or at the President's request. The Vice-President shall have the responsibility for receiving all applications for membership and the verification of members in good standing. The Vice-President shall have the responsibility to notify all Executive Committee members and the general membership of regular and special statewide meetings.3) Secretary
a) The Secretary shall be responsible for all official correspondence of the Association and the property preparation and forwarding of all reports and other data required by the Association. The Secretary shall keep a true record of all statewide meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Association, except for an account of the treasury. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a current roster of Association members in good standing. The Secretary shall be responsible for re-affiliations of the Association annually with all other authorized organizations.4) Treasurer
a) The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and dissemination of all monies and shall have charge of all funds of the Association and place such funds in a bank or banks as may be approved by the Executive Committee. Such money shall only be withdrawn by check signed by the Treasurer, the President, or Vice President, and for the payment of such bills as shall have been approved by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all transactions and render a detailed report with vouchers at any meeting of the Executive Committee when requested and annual reports to the membership at the annual statewide meeting. The books of the treasurer may be subject to audit by the Executive Committee no later than thirty (30) days prior to the annual Association statewide meeting.C. REQUIREMENTS OF ELIGIBILITY FOR HOLDING OFFICE
1) Members must be in good standing to hold office.
2) All officers and board members must be 21 years of age or older.D. GOVERNING POLICY
1) The Executive Committee shall have general supervision and control of all activities of the Association.
* 2) Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee.
3) All statewide meetings of the Association, both annual and special, and all meetings of the Executive Committee, both semi-annual and special, shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, revised, so far as practical.
* Changed at the April 7th 2001 Meeting.
1) The annual meeting of the Association shall be held at a time and place designated by the Executive Committee. All members of the Association shall be notified of the date, time and place of the annual meeting at least thirty (30) days prior to any such meeting being convened. The Executive Committee meetings shall be held semi-annually.
2) Special meetings may be called by the President upon request of the Executive Committee or any of its sub-committees. If the President fails to call such a special meeting in accordance with the foregoing, the Executive Committee is authorized to do so upon a majority vote of the Executive Committee's membership. Thirty (30) days notice of any such special meeting must be given to the Directors and Officers of the Association and such notice shall state the objective of said special meeting.
3) The Executive Committee shall meet semi-annually at a date, time and place designated by the President. All members of the Executive Committee shall be notified of the date, time and place of the semi-annual meeting at least thirty (30) days prior to any such meeting being convened. In addition, special meetings may be called by the President or any member of the Executive Committee. Thirty (30) days notice of any special meeting must be given to the members of the Executive Committee and such notice shall state the objectives of said meeting. Advanced notice may be waived by two-thirds majority vote of the members present.ARTICLE VII
1) The Executive Committee is authorized to employ such firms or persons and to make such expenditures as are required to permit the orderly conduct of business of the Association. No financial obligations shall be incurred by the Association in excess of reasonably anticipated revenues without the express consent of the majority of the Executive Committee.
2) With the approval of the Executive Committee, the Association may accept such assistance in personnel, services, data and material funds as may be available from state, provincial or federal agencies, inter-state or inter-provincial agencies, foundations, individuals or any appropriate source.ARTICLE VIII
1) All actions on motions, resolutions or other Association business, which requires a vote, shall be by voice vote, except when a role call is requested. Election of officers shall be conducted by secret ballot. Affirmation of any vote shall be by simple majority, except as otherwise provided.
2) General and Dedicated Lifetime memberships shall have a vote in the election of officers only. All other members shall not be eligible to vote, but shall be entitled to participate in all activities of the Association unless otherwise provided.
3) The President may at his or her discretion, call for a vote by mail of the Executive Committee to resolve matters of importance that cannot be delayed until the next regular or special meeting.
4) The Chief of the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Hunter-Trapper Education Division shall not have voting privileges, except for the need of a tie-breaking vote.
5) The President may at his or her discretion call for a Proxy vote by mail from the General Membership empowering the President to act on their behalf to expedite the election of District Delegates or State Officers. *
Candidates elected on Mail in ballots should each be described by a brief resume.*
· Changed at the April 7th 2001 Meeting.ARTICLE IX
1) Annual membership dues and fees, if any, for each member shall be in such amount as may be established by the Executive Committee.
a) Annual membership dues for General, Benefactor and Associate members shall be in such amount as may be established by the Executive Committee.
b) Honorary membership fees shall be in the amount as may be established by the Executive Committee.
2) The dues and fees set forth by the Executive Committee shall be considered due and payable by January 15th of each calendar year.ARTICLE X
1) The Association shall not contribute to nor endorse any political candidate or party.
2) Should this Association be dissolved or cease to exist, the assets thereof, if any, shall revert to the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Hunter-Trapper Education Division.ARTICLE XI
1) The Executive Committee, at any semi-annual statewide meeting, may propose amendments to the by-laws. Proposed amendments shall be eligible for consideration only if notification of the amendments have been submitted to each Association member in good standing not less than thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting.. Voting on proposed amendments shall be affirmed by a two-thirds majority of Association members present at said statewide semi-annual meeting.
By-Laws Changes
April 07,2001
Article V.
D. Governing Policy
2) Changed from 9 to 4 Members.Article VIII
A. Voting
5) Proxy by mail.
Candidates by mail should be described by resume.Dec. 21,2002
Article I.
A. Purpose
Changed hunter and trapper education programs
(Caps removed to make the phrase all inclusive for any PGC Programs and to include instructors from all programs).
Appears in various places in the By-Laws.