The Pennsylvania Hunter Education Association, PHEA has been in existence since 1999. The Mission Statement is “Certified instructors dedicated to promoting hunting safety, knowledge and ethics through education into the future.”
Since our association was formed, many changes have occurred in the hunter training programs. The PGC Hunter Ed. went through a thorough review and recommendation of changes. Those changes are now being made by the PGC. The Game Commission has also added a fully accredited bowhunter education~ program accepted by all states. However, the original goals of PHEA are still valid. They include:(1) Promote, inform and educate youth on hunter education safety and ethics.
(2) Provide a means of communication and discussion among instructors.
(3) To provide training opportunities for instructors.The above goals will become possible as we improve our means of communicating with each other. Visit our website at: . We will answer your email!
PHEA has visited and held meetings in all four corners of the state and we hope to continue to move about for our regular board meetings. Plan now to attend a meeting! ( click here for current events )
Sign up now to join PHEA! Dues are $5.00 per year. All 1st-time members receive an embroidered 4-inch PHEA patch!
Click here for an application form
PHEA Homepage