PHEA August 13, 2006 meeting was held at Cabela's, Hamburg site at 1:15 PM.

Members present: Bruce Squibb  Leon Ochs, Larry Jagielski, David. B. Horvath, John Shobert, Ken Medeira, Arthur Bartman, Ralph Shuhler, Robert H. Schoch and Steve Kluk.

Minutes of the last meeting were read by Leon Ochs and approved as read.

Treasurers Report-None available however the treasurer reported approximate Bank Balance of $750.

Old Business:  Pres. Squibb reported that since last meeting, both the PHEA Banner
And new order of Patches have been received.

The Banner was used at the Kempton Hunter-Fishing Expo and at State YHEC at Scotia Range State College.

Steve Kluk reported on both State YHEC at Scotia Range and International YHEC at Mansfield University

Steve reported that Volunteers are needed for both events in 2007.  State to be held at Scotia Range on a Saturday in late June.  The International at Whittington Center in Raton New Mexico, held last week in July 2007.

To Volunteer contact Steve Kluk 1041 Shoemaker Ave. West Wyoming, PA. 18644

New Business: Leon reported that the NRA Foundation Grant requested had been returned. We need to get the correct contact person and send it in again.  August 31 is the new final application date.  Our request is for $2000 to cover cost of a 2 day Training Course of PHEA Members.  A repeat on the Wing shooting Training Session was mentioned.
Note 17 People attended the 05 Workshop.

David Horvath said he would check on the Mailing address for our Grant. Contact "Skip" Klinger Daughin County Rep.  Dave also reviewed our Grant Application.
A late workshop for 2006 was again discussed.  Perhaps a one day session on Rifle.  Dave recommended a two day if possible.

Bruce will check with Keith Snyder.

Pres. Squibb announced 2006 will require election of Officers and delegates Volunteers are needed to fill posts in the Organization.

Bruce noted that on occasions The Pres, VP & Sec/Tres. Held brief meetings to get out mailings and conduct non financial business.

Steve Kluk made a motion that in case no officers and delegates are found, we elect all existing officers.  Sec. By Robert Schock and carried.

Pres Squibb declined being elected for another term.

Comments Portion of the meeting.
R. Schoch commented on the types of PGC Hunter Education Courses offered and costs and hrs involved in gaining Certification in each category.  Schoch also commented that PGC does not recognize the Nat'l Bowerhunter Instructors.
Bruce suggested we contact Snyder on these questions.

D. Horvath suggested we need to get the PHEA names out to Hunter Ed. Instructors.
 1, Instructors Newsletter (used in the past).
 2.Advertise PHEA Website in the Game News.
 3. Have Note in the Digest.
 4. Have PGC Place a link on their website,.

Some comments on the New Training Manual for HTE some parts are confusing.  We need lesson plans.

Hands on Field Day interesting will need more instructors to implement.
Question asked Would Cabela's hold HTE Courses here?  J. Shobert stated some clubs already hold courses here.

Noted that this meeting had a good turn out.

Also turn out for the Laser Shot Program with SCI was well supported.  This was appreciated by your officers.

The meeting was closed on a motion by D. Horvath & sec. by R. Schoch. And properly carried.

Resp. Submitted
L. D. Ochs VP

Pennsylvania Hunter Education Association
Game Commission Headquarters
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
November 13, 2005

Before the Judging of the Youth Essay Contest and the business meeting, Keith Snyder gave us a update on the Hunter Trapper Education Course given as a Pilot program in 6 Counties around the State.  Keith discussed the results of the Survey & critique of the course which consisted of distance learning of the knowledge part, (either on line or with a student Manual) and the 6 Hr. skills part and a written test.

What have we learned from the Pilot counties?

The good news is the Students and their instructors enjoyed the skills Day Program.
We also learned that “Distance Learning” works.  The students that studied the Material, passed the course.  Students that did not study and tried to “fake it” failed miserably.   You must study the Manual.

The bad news was that enrollment was down.  Failure rates were considerably higher than we’re accustomed.  We need to re-think and decide on an acceptable failure rate.  Also Instructors/Manpower requirements are much higher than in our present HTE class set up. A minimum of five and preferably nine instructors are required to conduct the Skills day events.  It was also learned that  not enough regular club sites are suitable for conducting Skills Day.  New sites such as Fire Houses, with wide open space inside, or possibly schools would have adequate facilities.

Reason for the decrease enrollment related to the following Some did not like the “Two Time” Format.  They preferred the knowledge and skills part done the same week the same location.  The Skills Day attendance should be kept to about 25 students.

The tough curriculum also turned some students away.  Some were able to go to a neighboring County and take the course under the present (old) format.  Rather than the Pilot Course (knowledge, Skills Day) program.  Another reason for low participation may have been that Pilot Counties did not advertise heavily fearing on overload of students.

The Skill day events require considerable room/  Since they include things such as Game Laws & ethics, hands on load-unload, zone of fire, crossing fences etc/  Most stations would be better served with two instructors each.

Let us look at some possible solutions at least for the near future.  We could discontinue the two part concept of gain knowledge today and do the Skills Day some other time.  It was learned that younger students (11 Yr. Olds) do not do well on the Self-Study distance learning.

Perhaps we should also take a closer look at the written test.  Some pupils may have comprehension problems while reading the test.  With the new material, instructors also need to follow the lesson plan precisely as written or necessary facts will be missed.
Also it is recommended that distant learning be limited to 14 yrs. and older.  The new concept appealed to older hunter students that needed training.  In some cases it might help to modify the course and allow the instructor to present a lecture/demonstration scenario.  Almost universally instructors liked the Station Type Skill Day Event.  Also noted was a definite need for an instructor recruitment program.  It is the hope that eventually we will have a “Full Blown” Skills Day for students.  Along with more instructors.  Suitable locations for Skill Day need to be located.

Where do we go from here?

Beginning in the year 2006 more counties will introduce the 8 hour knowledge part and the 6 Hour Skill Day.  This will not all happen at one time but gradually as manpower is trained.  Some areas will move faster than others.  We hope that Distant Learning will be introduced as Materials and tests become available. Until then we will use present material and the “Old” Tests.

Instructor Training will progress as fast as possible on the use of the new Manual and in the use of “Hi Tec” equipment-Video Projectors etc.  Also be aware that Phil Luckenbaugh is working on the course for qualifying HTE  Instructors   for 22 cal live firing.  The course will be a mandatory live firing program for all instructors.  Training will consist of teaching basic marksmanship skills to Students for safe handling of firearms.

Pennsylvania Hunter Education Association
Game Commission Headquarters
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
November 20, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 10:17 AM by Pres. Bruce Squibb with the  Pledge  to the Flag.

There were nine Members in attendance.

Minutes and Treasurers report were unavailable and deferred until next meeting.

Unfinished Business:  None.

New Business:
The Dates and location for the 2005 meetings were discussed.

Spring Meeting:  To be held at PGC Headquarters on Elmerton Ave. on Sat. 9  April at 10 AM.

Summer Meeting: to be held on the 13th Aug. at  Gander Mountain in The Lycoming Mall near Williamsport along Rt. I80. (can accommodate about 20 people)

The late Fall Meeting at PGC Headquarters at Elmerton Ave. Harrisburg  to include Business meeting and the first reading of the Hunter Ed. Youth Essay Contest.

A discussion followed.  Finally it was decided to hold the Annual meeting on Sunday  13 Nov. 05 at 1:00PM at PGC Headquarters at Elmerson Ave. regular meeting and Essay Judging.


Contents of the weekend  workshop were discussed.

Option A:  Sat. would consist of shot gun tng. And Sunday would be an 8 Hr. Map Compass and Orienteering Session.

Option B: The entire weekend could consist of extensive shot gun basic  training and wing shooting  principles set down by Dr. Bill Christy.  Prof at Virginia University.

A discussion Followed: Terry Spiess preferred  the addition of Map & Compass.  Keith stated Map & Compass will not be part of Basic HTE.

Steve- Shotgun tng. would be for The Instructors (PHEA Members Benefit).  Looking forward to the time when there will be individual shotgun courses for advanced students.

A final vote decided that the entire training session should consist of the 2 day shotgun session.

It was noted that NRA Foundation returned the $500. Grant to be used for Instructor Training Sessions.

Also it was noted item that PHEA also has a request for a grant of $1500. for future training.

The next item was the Date for PA. YHEC at Scotia Range near Penn State.   The date is 18 June 05 Steve noted that Volunteer help is needed.  To Volunteer contact Steve Kluk at 1041 Shoemaker Ave. West Wyoming, Pa. 18644.  Phone # 570-639-3119 E-Mail

Also be advised that the International YHEC will be held in July 05 at Wittington Center near Raton, New Mexico.  The NRA’S Range complex.  Both YHEC events are great volunteer experiences for instructors.

Good of the Order

Keith Snyder Chief HTE commented on the following:
The Commission is finalizing a bid for The Conference of The International Hunter Education ASSN (IHEA) to be sponsored by PGC Celebration the 50th Anniversary of Hunter Ed. In PA.

In Harrisburg area there are only two places that could accommodate the conference.  The Hilton in Harrisburg and the Hershey Center.  The area has plenty of all attractions to entertain the Guests and members and families.

PHEA would be asked to assist at the event in an April or May time frame for a week long event.

The Sport Show in The Farm Show complex  will no longer give the PGC free space to set up the Dart Lazer Shooting system.  Keith will try to get room at the Farm Show in 2006.

A motion to adjourn was made by Steve Kluk at 10:51 AM sec. By John Shobert and properly carried.

After lunch we returned to do the 1st  Reading of the Youth Hunter Ed. Essay.  The subject “Why I’m The Future of Hunting”.

Resp. Submitted.

Leon D. Ochs Acting Secy.

P.S. PHEA Dues are Due!!!!

See our web-site-

Following the meeting Keith & Phil took charge of their portion of the program:

Keith passed out copies of the new workbook an manual for the knowledge portion of Basic HTE.  The Title is “Today’s Hunter & Trapper in PA”.

The workbook and text are well written and will be an asset  to the knowledge portion HTE. Instructors will also be supplied with lesson plans and visual aids to present the lecture type knowledge training where required.

Keith also covered the new on line training course.  To be available in the future for distant learning of the knowledge portion the Home  Page of the Web course is not available.  However the course  will be available in 2005 for the 5 Counties Indiana, Snyder, Mercer, Lycoming, Wyoming and Lehigh. The Counties selected for the Pilot course in Basic HTE.

Phil walked us through the Skills stations of the new course.

The station #1 will consist of safe and effective shot placement.  The anatomy of game, shot angles Video, Practice Scenario and ethics and Game laws by WCO.

Sta. # 2 will consist of load, unload of (4) firearms, lever action, bolt action,  break action and Pump action.  Also included is selecting proper ammo for said firearm and load & unload.

Sta. # 3 Live fire or simulated fire w/lazer equipped rifles and Targets.  Live fire to be reinstated only after instructors are properly certified.  Station will consist of Certified Instructors & Coaches at each firing point.  In the Future Jr. Instructors will be used.

Sta. # 4 Zone of Fire, Crossing Fences.  The fence may be as simple as  a hand held rope or may be a constructed barrier.

Students will also use wooden dummy firearms to exhibit and demonstrate safe zones of fire a Frisbee to represent a bird can be thrown or a ball (rabbit) can be rolled and reactions noted.

The finial part will be the exam (written) which the Student must pass.  (if necessary the Skills Portion may be repeated).

The knowledge portion of the course may be acquired through various means. (Home workbook, on the net lecture or other.)

Read your Fall news letter, “Hunter Education News” for a more complete rundown on the  new Basic HTE. Course.

Pennsylvania Hunter Education Association
Game Commission Headquarters
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
November 22, 2003

The Meeting was called to order at 10:10 A.M, with a moment of silence and the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

The roll call was called with (15) members present.

Treasurer Report

The treasurer report was read and approved. A motion was made by Leon Ochs and Seconded by Eric Joyner

Secretary Report

The minutes from the August 9, 2003 meeting were read and approved. A motion was made by Leon Ochs and Seconded by Eric Joyner

Old Business

On the issue of Games of Chance, From Mike Urbanik’s Phone call to Harrisburg, it still looks like there is a need to obtain a license for all 67 counties.  Our President had information that was differing to what Harrisburg gave the Secretary.  Berks County told Bruce that one license was needed, but a letter will need to be sent to the other counties.  Bruce was to try to help in getting a better light on the issue.

A motion was made by Eric Joyner  to have this clarified and what prizes to be  given out it was seconded by Mike Urbanik.

The 501 3C was still being worked on   It was suggested that the Secretary contact the NRA or current members for legal help with this issue and for assistance incorporating.

The workshop that was cancelled from 2002 has been rescheduled for March 20th and 21st, with a snow date of April 17 and 18th.  This will be a two-day workshop to be held at the game Commissions Halderman Island.  36 people will be the maximum number of members allowed.  It will be a first come, first serve.  We would like to make it a no charge event, but this might have to change depending on cost.  The NRA has given PHEA a seed grant of $500.00 for this meeting.  The meeting/workshop will start on Friday evening and end on the following Sunday Afternoon.

A motion was made by Steve Kluk and seconded by John Shubert to except this proposal.

New Business

Membership incentives:

Mike Urbanik suggested that for every three ( 3 ) new members that a current member brings in, the sponsoring member gets a free years membership.  Mike Urbanik then made a motion to that effect and it was seconded by Robert Howard.  All Approved.

Leon Ochs noted that we could have meetings at the Berks County’s Cabela’s Store,  100 Cabela Drive, Hamburg, PA 19526.

The board felt the summer meeting would be the best one to be held at this location and the Fall/Winter 04-05 location would be back at the PGC Headquarters.

Leon Ochs asked about adding Golf Shirts to our list of outerwear.  The price would be $13.00 with a pocket and $10 without.  A motion was made by Mike Urbanik and seconded by Steve Kluk to purchase 3 large and 3 extra large Golf Shirts.  All Approved

Leon Ochs also asked if the membership would renew our IHEA membership.  A motion was made by Mike Urbanik and seconded by Steve Kluk.  This too was approved by all.

Keith Snyder asked if PHEA would take on the entire Essay contest that was a part of the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s.  This would include securing the prizes, receiving the essays, picking the theme and advertising.  This will be done thru the Game Commission’s Field News.

A motion was made by Eric Joyner and seconded by George Tague, all approved.

The group was shown the concepts and teaching aids for the new format of H. T. E. instruction by our two guest speakers, Keith Snyder and Phil Luckenbough. This was truly the highlight of the day. Thanks Keith and Phil

Steve Kluk spoke on the 2004 YHEC to be held June 12 in State College, PA.  Leon will speak to Cabela's about donating prizes.  In addition, help from the membership was requested.  The International meet will be held at Mansfield University this year as well.

Steve Kluk was recognized by the body as Pennsylvania Hunter Education Instructor of the year.

A motion was made be Mike Urbanik, seconded by Paul Whitehouse to Adjourn.  12:15 PM

All Approved.

After a short lunch break, the group reassembled to judge the 2003 PGC’s  Essay Contest.

Halderman Island Workshop.

Sunday, August 9, 2003
Game Commission Regional Headquarters
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania

President Bruce Squibb opened the meeting at 10:15 AM.  The meeting was open with the Roll call:

Present were:

Bruce Squibb, President
Mike Urbanik, Secretary – Treasurer
Stephen D. Kluk, Delegate

The minutes from the spring meeting on May 3rd at Jersey Shore, PA were read.  A motion was made and approved to accept the minutes.

The Treasurer Report was presented.  The report was approved

Due to the turnout it was difficult to conduct any business.

Old Business

The treasurer had contacted the state and was waiting on forms to charge Sales Tax for non clothing purchases.

Membership is up to 100 members, 31 New and 37 Renew.

We should have the 501 c3 set up shortly.

The membership drive and the letters to the new instructors was very successful and the board encourage all members to encourage fellow instructors to join and renew yearly.

Steve Kluk is looking into the Orange Band promotion and will report at a future date.

New Business

The association has received a $500.00 grant from the NRA Foundation.  This will be used to set up training class for members.  We are looking at a March or April 2004 date.  We also hope to hold the class on Alderman Island.  The date will be firmed up at the November 22nd meeting.

A meeting was held with VP Leon Ochs, President Bruce Squibb and PGC Keith Snyder.

A variety of issues were discussed.

An “a five year plan” was review; this would incorporate the hiring of “seasonal employees” to better the Hunter Trapper Education Program.

The low turnout was a worry and the idea of bring in special speakers was brought up.  This brought on a positive feedback from the three in attendance.

Good of the Order

PA Youth Hunter Education Challenge:

The PA YHEC for 2004 will be on June 19th, 2004.  Please mark your calendars.  Do not miss a great event that PHEA wants to have a bigger role in.

Fund Raising was discussed and will need further research.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM

The next meeting will be held at the Game Commission Headquarters, November 22, 2002 at 10AM

After a brief business meeting on the spring workshop, the annual judging of the essays will be completed.

We hope all members will attend and help to encourage the youth in showing an interest in their work.

May 3, 2003

PHEA Minutes
Pa. Game Comm. Regional Office Jersey Shore.

Pres. Bruce Squibb called the May meeting of the PA Hunter Education Association to order at 10:00AM.

We opened with the Pledge to the Flag.

Present were:
 Pres. Bruce Squibb
 V.P. Leon Ochs
      N.E. Del. Stephen Kluk
 N.C. Del. Jerry Dreese
 S.W. Del John Steiminger, Jr.
 N.C. Raymond Phillips
 S.E. Al. Sexton

Treasurers Report: Leon Ochs reported as of 28 Feb. 03 the balance of the checking account was $845.38.
A motion to accept the report was made by Steve Kluk, seconded by Jerry Dreese and properly carried.

Minutes from Previous meeting at PGC Headquarters on 21 Dec. 02.  VP Ochs read the minutes for the Dec. 02 meeting.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Al Sexton, seconded by Steve Kluk and carried.

Introduction of Members:
We introduced ourselves including brief background all present participated.

Old Business:
We discussed the application for the 501-C3 Tax exempt Status and the benefits of having said status.

Also noted that PHEA is a member of the (IHEA) International Hunter Education Assn.

Current Business:
The IHEA was discussed and VP Ochs was directed to Contact IHEA Office and check on the benefits to PHEA members in the IHEA.  Moved by Steve Kluk.
PHEA "T" Shirts were discussed.  Since we have a variety of shirts ordered the
Price will also vary.  It was decided to mark up each shirt by $2.00 over cost.  Moved by Steve Kluk sec. by John Steiminger Jr.

Policy remains that First Time Members will receive a Patch W/Membership.
Regular Patch price remains $5.00 each

PHEA Memberships were discussed.
 Regular- HTE Bowhunter and Instructors
 Associate-Anyone wanting to support the Assn.
 Honorary- PGC Employees involved in Hunter Education.
 Membership cards will vary in color.

PA YHEC Steve Kluk talked on the up coming program at Scotia Range on 14 June 03.  Steve said he can still use more Volunteers.  Help is needed to set on the ranges on 13 June and for the Event on the 14 June.   In addition to Steve, John Steiminger Jr., Al Sexton, Jerry Dreese & Leon Ochs will be there.  To Volunteer call Steve Kluk at 570-693-3119.

YHEC- International YHEC at Raton NM. NRA'S Whittington Center. 27 July thru 1 Aug. for more information contact Charles Fox at 570-297-4642.

Steve Kluk introduced the possibility of putting on Orange Safety Turkey Band in the Pa. YHEC Packet (about 150 Kids).  Would this be an acceptable project to use NRA Foundation Funds?  Cost per band $3.00.  VP was instructed to check Motion by Steve Kluk sec. By Jerry Dreese and carried.

On further discussion Steve informed us that funds are available to support Youth Field Day functions.  $10.00 each Youth participating in Mini YHEC Shooting, Fishing, etc events.  Contact Steve at 570-693-3119.

PHEA Workshop on Haldeman Island in Susquehanna River above Harrisburg.  Could it be worked out?  Subject Waterfowing?

NRA Foundation Grant + others Training subjects were discussed.  Those presented at IHEA Rendezvous look good.  Hunter Ethics, Wildlife Diseases, How to Set Up A Field Day, Turkey Safety Education, Treestand Safety, Muzzleloader Safety, Proper Game Care, Teaching 101, Hunting With Dogs, Lethality of Steel Shot, Trapping Furbearers, Map, Compass & GPS, Teaching Students With Special Needs, Setting Up A Shooting Range/Live Fire.

It was suggested we meet with Keith Snyder at PGC Headquarters and discuss workshops & training options.

VP Ochs went over points of meeting with Keith Snyder and Phil Luckenbaugh on 21 April 03.

We discussed contacting all new HTE instructors graduated in the state this year and inviting them to join PHEA.

John Steiminger, Jr. needs help in SW Region.  We will send him names of all instructors that have been or are PHEA Members from the SW.

Discussion followed on use of Blaze Orange Target Dots  it's offensive that we should shoot at orange safety colored Target.

John Steiminger needs more Basic instructors in SW.

It seems it would be useful if we could recruit Jr. Instructors at age 18.  We will contact Keith .

The date for the next meeting was negotiated.  The So. Central Region was selected and the date set for 9 Aug 03 at 10:00 AM.  Arrangements will be made.  Motion by Al Sexton Sec. by Steve Kluk and carried.

The meeting  in Harrisburg at PGC Headquarters on Elmerton Ave. will be a Reg. Mtg. And also Pre-Judging of Hunter Ed Youth Essays.  The meeting  to be held on 22 Nov. 03 at 10:00 AM.

Good of the order:
The Dues Structure was discussed.  How to increase membership?  What does the Assn. Offer Members?  How to use Grant Money.  Free workshop for members, charge non-members.

Middle Creek Meeting and tours was example of Perk for members.

Work up Member oriented,  Perks.

The meeting adjourned at 12:07 PM on a motion by Al Sexton sec. By John Steiminger Jr and carried.

Respectfully submitted
Leon D. Ochs Acting Secy.
