Pennsylvania Hunter Education Association


On Sunday 11 Nov. 07 PHEA held a brief  discussion  before the reading of the Hunter Education Essay contest which we do each November.

Secy/Treas. Mike Urbanik gave a brief report and reported the balance in our account.

Mike also reported we have received a Grant from The National Rifle Asso.

Since we now have the Grant Money available, the discussion went to the two day workshop to be planned for this 2008 Spring/Summer.

We discussed the successful Wing Shooting Workshop held in 06.  A 2 day secession  with 20 members in attendance.

A workshop at headquarters would have to be planned after April 08, the current class of WCO'S need to graduate before we can use the dorm rooms.

The discussion seemed to favor a Training workshop on Survival, Orienteering and  Rifle Training.

Fort Indiantown Gap is a possible site,

Keith Snyder will look at our options and dates and will check as to the earliest housing would be available.

PHEA Plans to operate the Commissions Laser Shot Booth at the following shows this 2008 season.

Reading Show
17-18-19 & 20 Jan. 08

Hamburg Show
15-16-17 Feb. 08

Lehigh Valley at  Kempton
Probably 20-21 & 22 June 08

Aug or Sept 08

National Hunting Fishing Day at Middle Creek probably 21 Sept 08.

Keep these events in mind and volunteer to assist, contact me at

Remember PHEA also assists at PA YHEC  Saturday June 21, 2008 at the PGC's Scotia Range, State College, PA.

This year National YHEC is at Mansfield, PA. July 27 to August 2nd, 2008
Plan to Volunteer it's a great experience.

Keith and Phil gave a brief update on what is new for HTE.

The Hunter Ed. Division is working on a user friendly course for the hearing impaired.
The course will be online and consist of HTE Material with both audio and sign language.

In 2008 the cable restraint Training and The Comprehensive Trapping course will be combined.

The date for the summer meeting was not set.
 It may be held at the workshop or at Cabela's summer youth event.

Leon D. Ochs V.P.