[Contributors Welcome]
Robert Ryle of the Bothams, Stockport, Yeoman.
S.Pr. 25 Aug 1578.
Will W.T. 26 Jul 1578.
First I comend my soule to the proteccon of Almyghtie god by the blood sheedinge of whose onelie sonne even Christ Jhesus I hope assuredlie to be saved and my body I bequeath to the earth to be entered and buried underneath my forme belonginge to my house of Bothamms within the parishe church of Stopport. Item I give grannt and bequeath all my landes and tenements which nowe I enjoy or of right ought to enjoy within the Realme of England to
Edward Ryle my sonne and to the heires of his body lawfullie nowe begotten and to be begotten for ever accordinglie as by my sundrie deeds and grannts by me before this tyme made sealed and delivered doth appeare and for default of such issue to
Ales and Elizabeth Ryle my daughters and to the heires of theire bodies lawfullie begotten and for defalt of such issue then to the right heires of me the said Robert for ever. Item my mynd and will is that all my debts shalbe paid of my whole goods and the rest by my executors and overseers shalbe devided into three equall parts whereof one parte I geve to
Ellen my wyffe for and in the name of her third part the second parte I geve to Ales and Elizabeth Ryle my said daughters for and in the name of their childs parte and the third parte I will and appoint to discharge my funeralls and buriall. And one cowe calfe I geve to
Dorothie Ryle my goddaughter and one blewe coate I geve to John Ryle my brother and one tawenye coate I geve to Edward Ryle my sonne And what of this last parte remayneth I whollie geve to Ellen my wyffe Item my will and my mynd is that my armour shalbe and Remaine in the hands of Edward Ryle my sonne to serve his prince withall when occasion needeth the parcells be knowen.
Executor: John Torkenton, gent.
Overseers: Robert Bridge and Henrie Booth.
These be due to me
Imprimis in the hands of Robert Ryle of Tharston which was of the goods of Sir John Leighe of Northenden the Parson which 16s I geve to Anne Leighe my servant 16s
Item in the hands of Thomo Johnson of Bredburie one halfe yeares rent which he withholdeth from me wrongefullie 8s whereof 4s I geve to the said Anne Leighe and the other 4s I geve to my godchildren
Item I have in keeping of Mr William Tatton of Northenden one bedd of joyned worke with one tester over the same which bedd I did lend to the said William and he promised to deliver the same when I required it.
Witnesses: Willm Swindles, Edmund Shelmerdyne, Hughe Ridgway, Edward Ryle senior, and John
Ryle and the executors and overseers, with others.
Inventory: Robert Ryle of the Bothams, Stockport, yeoman. Taken: 08 Aug 1578.
Of: goods. Preamble of inventory in Latin, rest in English.
Prisers: Thomas Massie, Thomas Buerdsell, John Browne and William Swindells.
£ s d
1 mare and 1 horse price - 53 4
2 oxen price 4 8 10
2 kyne 3 0 0
1 cow stirke - 15 0
1 calfe - 7 0
1 hogge - 10 0
2 ewes and 2 lambes - 10 0
1 cowe - 20 0
husbandrie ware - 21 0
1 websters lome and the furniture - 8 8
1 iron cader - 2 8
1 trivit - - 16
1 brasse pan - 10 8
More brasse in Pewter - 24 4
2 drinkynge potts - - 12
al Tryne ware - 6 0
Iron ware in the house - 3 4
bords tresses and shelves - 3 0
3 cheres and stoles - - 18
bedstockes - 5 0
2 Cofers and 1 old arke - 6 0
2 fetherbeds and 2 bolsters - 20 0
1 mattres 1 bolster 2 pillowes - 6 8
4 coverlets 4 blankets 1 coverynge - 16 0
al lynens - 16 0
harneis - 10 0
hey - 15 0
corne 5 0 0
fuell - 5 0
his apparell - 30 0
Sum 28 17 4
Office endorsement: probate to executor John Torkenton, gent. [Index]
Richard Nabbs of Stockport, C.Pr. 27 Feb 1587/8.
Inventory of: goods debts. Taken: 1587.
Prisers: John Hillane and Gorge Woode plus two other names .
£ s d
two kyne and 1 Calf 4 0 0
his Apparell - 40 0
one phether bedd a matteris, a chaffe bedd 4 bolsters one pillowe 4 Coverletes 4 blanketes 3 paire of Sheetes 3 13 4
towe sheetes - 7 0
7 pewter dishes 3 pottingers eight sawcers 1 salt 1 candle sticke - 8 8
1 pott 1 pann 1 litle kettle 2 Skelletes a fryne pan, a spit, agryd Iron a chining knife and a Iron gratte - 2 8
one litle forme 1 table standinge one frame, one stand bedd and a trundle bedd - 10 0
5 Coffers - 13 4
3 stounds a flashkeett a barell A knedinge trought 3 wodden dublers 2 piggens a brandreth of Iron, 3 nogens, 2 pookes and a lanterne with all other implementes about the house - 10 0
2 blanketes - 5 0
one bolster - - 12
one coverlet - 4 0
Sum 13 18 0
- - -
Debtes inwarde
Sir Richard Buckley 4 0 0
Edward Walley of Whitcroft - 30 0
George Wood - 47 0
John Hall haith a cowe of myne hyred within 3 years, 1 yeare cometh up at May daye next, and so consequently for 3 years 5s yearlie, or els for no payment to fatch her whom - 15 0
Robert Marshowe for the hayre of a cowe - 5 0
the same Robert - 4 0
Also the same Robert Marshowe five nobles and ten grootes for A horse - 16 4
Robert Milnes dwelling lying at Norburye more payd - 20 0
Jane Lowe - - 13 1/2
Hughe Wishall - 4 4
for Piggatt - 3 4
Nely - - 14
Marsland - 20 0
the presaid Robert Dawars - 5 0
Debtes outward
in Charges the yere of his lyinge and funerals - 27 0
the mortuarye the probation and wrytinge up the will and Inventories
1. We identify this badly damaged inventory as that of Richard Nabbs from the only burial entry of a Nabbs in Stockport parish register. Probate was granted to
Matilda Nabbs, widow, of Stockport. [Index]
Thomas Andrewe of Stockport.
C.Pr. 20 Apr 1588.
Will, sick. W.T. 12 Feb 1587/8.
Fyrst I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie god haveinge my full truste and confidence in the meritts and passion of my onelie lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with a most assured hope therein onelie to bee saved And for the order and dystribucon of my goods: Fyrst my Will is that my debtts and funerall expences shalbee taken of my holle goods before anie Division thereof bee made: then my Will is that
Alice my Wife shall have the full thyrd parte of my holle goods remayninge, and the other 2 parts to bee equallie Devyded amonge my Children: Item my Will is that Alice my wife keepinge her sole and unmaried shall have the bringinge upp of my children and governemente of theire porcycons untill they come to Lawfull age And that shee may bee the better able to bringe theime upp: my will is that shee shall have the lease which I have of Olyver
Dodge as alsoe the yeares yett unexpired which I have in a certen peece of grounde called Knott Crofte And also the bargin which I have of
Wakefield in A peece of grounde for Certen yeares yet to come: Item my will is that if my saide wife bee nott able to bringe upp my Children and to paye theime there porcons and that the same doe so apeeare unto Mr Frannces
Elcocke: That them my saide Children shall allowe forthe of theyre porcons suche resonable parte towards thire maintenans as the saide Mr Elcocke shall thincke conveniente: Item my will is that my saide wife shall have the rent of my 2 howses under the banke towards the bringinge upp of my children untill my sonne
Thomas come to the age of 21 yeares if shee doe keep her seelf sole and unmaried And then I doe geve the saide 2 houses unto my sonne Thomas and to the heires male of his bodye Lawfullye to be begott And for want thereof then to the heires male of my sonne
John Lawfullie to bee begotton, And for defaulte there of then to the heares male of my sonne
Nicholas Lawfullye To bee gotton, And for default thereof then to the right heires of mee the saide Thomas and theire heires for ever Provyded alwayes that my sonne Thomas shall geve of his porcion
to everye one of my younger Children in money 13/4d where uppon hee to have the Cubbord in the Chamber and the Longe table in the howse: Item I geve to Elizabeth
Hall my servannt A peticote Clothe of Redd.
Executors: Mr. Frances Elcocke, testator's wife Alice and son Thomas.
Witnesses: Nicholas Elcocke and George Daniell, with others.
Office endorsement: probate to executors. [Index]
John Burges of Stockport.
S.Pr. 22 Jan 1590/1.
Inventory of: goods and cattle.
Prisers: Otiwell Dodge, Thurstan Matlaye, Homfray Bridge.
£ s d
one cowe - 40 0
one Swyne - 4 0
in pulline - 4 0
in corne - 6 0
in straye and haye - 4 0
in peuter and brasse - 6 8
in treene ware - 6 0
in bedding - 20 0
- - -
Office endorsement: probate to testator's wife Jane Burgess and son-in-law Robert Shaw.
John Jackson,
S.Pr. 1591.
£ s d
Two kyne at 4 0 0
one heffer at - 30 0
one Mare at - 10 0
the halfe of three yonge beastes to be divided at Martynmas nexte - 20 0
three Swyne at - 18 0
fowre hennes at - - 16
in pewtar at - 20 0
in Brasse at - 26 8
one grate of Iron and in other Iron ware at - 16 0
in bordes formes Tables Sylinge Stoles Cheares bedstyddes Rackes Manger and suche lycke at 10 0 0
in Stowndes Earthen pottes and such lycke at - 20 0
one fournes and one - 30 0
in Coffers and arckes at - 24 0
three sylver Spoones at - 12 0
in fewell as Woodde and Coles at - 30 0
in Haye at - 30 0
in Corne and Maulte at 4 10 0
one Tacke of grownde taken of William Nicholson of the wood halle 4 6 8
Calfe Skynnes and Sheepe skynnes undressed at 14 10 0
Dressed Lethars at - 13 4
beddinge Sheetes pyllowe beeres pyllowes Quyssions naperye ware and suche lycke at 8 0 0
in apparrell - 0 0
one Sworde in the - 5 0
Sum 63 13 0 [Index]
Alexander Daniell of Hillgate, Stockport, Weaver.
C.Pr. 17 Sep 1591.
Will, Health: visited by god's.
26 Aug 1591.
First I commend bodie to the earth etc in the church yard of Stockport nere unto my deceased wifes and for of my worldlie goods It is my mynde and will that my debtes which I owe to Anie personne or persons and my bequest and funeralls shalbe paid and discharged of my whole goods I give my sonn lowme that he weave in I give my son
Allexander A lome he worketh in and for it is my mynde that James weave it and give Alexander and
Richard eyther of them of hose and the rest take himself, I give Robert my sone A linien lowme and a wollen sonne Richard A wollen lowme he worketh in I give my sonne James 5 lb. of whyte woll my reeds rathes helds ware stocke and whatsoever belonginge to weavinge I give my sonne and James Equallie Amongst them And all the rest of my goods, I will shalbe my five sonnes by equall porcions I give James my sonne a coat cloth ground I assigne to Alexr. my sone and his Assignes It is my mynd that James my chamber at my sonne Richard howse late in the assignes and a doale in the Longshut head duringe the terme of the lease the chamber.
Executors: testator's sons Alexr. and James.
Witnesses: Robert and George Reddiche.
Debtes which I owe £ s d
To James my son - 12 5
To Robert my sone - - 6
To Richard my son - 6 0
To Alexr. my son - 3 6
Inventory: Alexander Daniell. Taken: 06 Sep 1591.
Of: goods, chattells and debts.
Prisers: Homfrie Bridge, George Daniell, Robert Hudson and George Reddiche.
£ s d
2 kyn 3 6 8
6 sheepe - 20 0
in brasse and pewter - 22 0
in Iron ware - 4 0
in corn and haye 4 10 0
in fewell - 3 0
5 lowmes withall thinges to them belonginge - 33 4
wooll and wollen yearne - 7 0
one pece of bacon and in butter - 8 0
in beddinge - 30 0
his Apparell - 23 0
in bordes and treene - 3 4
(in) one pack saddle and a harrow - 3 0
- - -
Debts outward as Appeareth by the will - 27 5
Office endorsement: probate to executors. [Index]
Thomas Diconson of Stockport, Linen Draper.
S.Pr. 18 Oct 1591.
Will. partelie vysyted with Sickenes. W.T. 12 Sep 1591.
Knoweinge death to be certeyn to every creature and the houre thereof unknowen, meanynge that Amytie and frendshippe shall and maye be had and contynued Amongest my children and frends after my deceasse do make and declare this present Testament herein contayninge my last will in manner and forme Followinge, that is to weete: First and pryncipallye I do commend my soule into the hands of Almightie god my creator redeemer and onlye Saviour by the merytes of whose sonnes precious bloodsheedinge I trust unfaynedlye to be Saved and to Inherytt his Eternall Kyngdom, And my bodie and boones I do commytt to the earth from whence yt came to be buryed in the parish churche of Stockport in such manner and place as my executors thinke meete and convenyent. And whereas I have purchassed A certayne burgage in Stockport afforsaid now in my occupacon, I do geve grant bequeath and will the same burgage and all buyldings gardens and appurtenances to the same belonging unto
William Diconson my Eldest sonne to have and to hold the said burgage with thappurtenances unto the said William my sonne and to the yssue of his bodie lawfullie begotten or to be begotten And for want thereof I do geve bequeath and will the same burgage unto
Rauffe Diconson my sonne and to the yssue of his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten, And for want of such yssue I will bequeath and geve the said burgage with thappurtenances unto
Joane Diconson my Daughter and to the yssue of her bodie Laufullye begotte or to be begotten, yf she the same Joane do take the advyse and councell of my father and Twoe bretherne my executors and be ruled and governed by theym and att theire appoynetement, And yf the said Joane have no yssue upon her bodye Lawfullie begotten, or that she refuse the governance of my said father and bretherne my executours, Then yt is my mynd and will that the same burgage with thappurtenunces shall remayne unto the right heires of me the said Thomas Diconson theire heyres and assignes forever, To hold of
the capitall Lord or lords of the fee thereof by the rent and Service affore due and Accustomed, And for the order and dystribucon of my wordlye gooddes Chattells and Debtes, yt is my mynd and will that all such debtes as I owe of Right or conscyence to anie person or persons shall be payd and Discharged of my wholle goodes, my funerall expences deducted of the wholle, and this my last will performed of the wholle, Item I geve of my said wholle goodes to the poore within Stockport 20s to be delyvered and bestowed att the Discrecons of my executors Item yt is my wyll that all waynescotte or Sylinge and all glasse in or about my howse shall remayne unto William my sonne and his assignes, The rest revercon and Remaynder of all my said gooddes Chattells and Debtes whatsoever I will shalbe Devyded into three equall and just partes, The fyrstparte whereof I geve and bequeath unto the said William Dicenson my sonne, the second parte I will and bequeath unto the said Rauffe my Sonne and the thryd and last parte I geve unto the said Jone my Daughter, Of which said parte due to the same Joane my Daughter yt is my will that the some of Fourtie pounds shall remayne in the hands of my executors hereafter named untyll such tyme as they have had Suffycient Tryall whether the same Joane wilbe advysed by my said father and bretherne my executors and be ruled governed and bestowe herselffe at and to theyre appoynctement or nott, If she be Then yt is my will that the same Jone shall have the said fourtie pounds And yf she will nott, nor will be governed by them Then yt is my mynd and will, That the said William and Rauffe my sonnes shall have the said fourtie pounds, That is to weete eyther of theym such parte thereof as my said father and bretherne my executors thinke good and appoynt att theire Discrecons. Item I geve of my whole goods to my Servant Anne
Woodd the some of 20 shillings Also yt is my mynd and will that my said three children and eny of them and all and eny theire childs parte and porcons of gooddes and all things to them belonginge Shall be att the
governance and Rule of my executors and be under the Tuycon custodye and use of the same my executors untyll my said Children shall Severally accomplesshe the age of 21 years.
Executors: my trustie brethern William Diconson and Rauffe Diconson.
Supervisor and overseer: my father John Diconson.
Witnesses: John Diconson and George Reddich.
Dettes which I the said Thomas Diconson do owe £ s d
Unto my father John Diconson 3 0 0
Unto my brother Rauffe Diconson 6 0 0
Unto Alex Holme - 10 0
Sum 9 10 0
Dettes owinge to me the same Thomas Diconson
Of Thomas Grenes 2 hoopes seede barlie - 6 0
Of the same Thomas left unpayd for seede oats - 3 0
Of Hughe Cenyan lent money - 30 0
Of Hughe Cenyan wyffe lent money - 14 6
Of Rauffe Nicholson - 13 8
Of Richard Robinson - 12 0
Of George Elcocke - 5 0
Of Allex Elcocke - - 12
Of Nicholas Persyvall - 3 4
Of John Hough of an ould Reckonynge - 3 0
Of William Chedle lent money - 40 0
Of Robert Brucke - 6 0
Of Thomas Ridgewaye - - 18
Of Mr Robert Bridge - - 14
Of Katheryne Bradburye - 4 10
Of the same Katheryne for as much fyne Yarne as oved 4 yards and A quarter of clothe - - -
Of Rauffe Holme for 4 hoopes of otes - 6 6
Of William Norres 4 17 6
Of Peter Heyes of lent money 4 0 0
Of Alex Mosse - 4 0
Of Robert Lees for 3 thrave of Straye - - 12
Of John Chowcliffe lent money - - 10
Of Alex Knott - - 9
Of John Gibson - - 9
Of Alex Knott - 2 0
Of John Chorlton 3 0 6
Of Mr William Dokenfyld - 10 0
Of Robert Knowles - 53 4
Of Mr Wynnyngton of Offerton for Mr Bowdon - 29 0
Of the same Mr Wynnyngton - 48 0
Of William Hudson - 15 0
Of Ambrose Chetam - - 6
Of William Norres - 2 4
Of William Hudson 6 0 0
Of Alex Andrew - 8 0
Dettes also owynge to the same Thomas Diconson
Of Laurence Moores - 20 0
Of my brother Robert for the dett he receaved of the said Laurence Moores - 43 4
Of Thomas Greenes - 8 0
Of young Mr Arderne - 5 6
Of George Hampson of Heaton 3 0 0
Of John Chorlton1 - 49 4
Dettes owing to me the same Thomas in the countrie as appeare by my Dette booke.
Of William Tollie 8 11 11
Of Richard James - 57 0
Of John Spragg - 15 2
Of Phillippe Andrew - 57 6
Of Phillippe Gardner - 55 0
Of Walter Amsden 22 4 2
Of Edward Wall 15 6 9
Of Mr John Townesend 13 12 0
Of George Bardell 17 0 0
Of Franncis Smyth Junior 5 0 0
Of Franncis Smyth the elder 3 10 8
Of William Smyth 10 0 0
Of Henrye Rowe - 40 0
Of Mr Quynye 26 0 0
Of Charles Benton 20 0 0
Sum2 193 10 6
1. Total thus far £43 11s 2d.
2. Reete £196 1s 4d. Totals 1 and 2 do not include yarn for 41 yards of cloth. Total debts in the country £152 10s 2d.
Inventory: Thomas Diconson of Stockport, linen draper.
Taken: 23 Sep 1591.
Of: goods chatells and debts.
Prisers: Rauffe Nicholson, Peter Hey, Alexander Torkenton and Thomas
£ s d
twoe kye 4 10 0
one mare - 53 4
one Swyne - 14 0
one frying pan and one dryping pan - 2 6
3 hacking knyves - - 8
one Spitt - - 4
2 payre pott hookes - - 10
2 gawberts and one yron showing horne - - 14
for 1 fyre yron - - 18
one Rakentree - - 6
one payre tonges and A fyre shovell - - 6
one brendrett and one breade yron - 2 0
one Lanterne - - 8
the best brasse pott 201b weight - 10 0
another brasse pott 131b weight - 5 0
another brasse pott 131b weight - 4 4
another brasse pott 81b weight - 3 0
one ould lyttle brasse pott 81b weight - 2 6
one yron pott 231b weight - 4 0
one pan beinge the best of 151bs weight - 10 0
one other pan of 131bs weight - 6 0
one Leade of 301b weight - 3 0
one other Leade of 131b weight - - 13
one Skellett and one ladle of brasse - - 12
6 ould pewter dishes and one sasar weyinge 111b and an halffe - 4 0
7 pewter dishes and 5 sasars weying 181b - 9 0
2 bottells one kair one possett cuppe and one salte of pewter of 41b weight - 2 4
6 trenketts and one Sasar 31b weight - 2 0
3 brass candlestycks of 41b weight - 3 4
2 lyttle candlestyckes A Scummer and A fyre Dysh of brasse 41b weight - 3 0
one Dosen case trenchers and 2 Dosen of trenchers - - 12
A Drynckyng cup and 2 glasses - - 6
one bread grater - - 2
one hetchell - - 10
one halffe hooppe - - 12
2 Syffes - - 3
A Salting tubbe with A kyver - - 14
one lyttle esshen - - 6
one breweing kayre - - 16
4 stounds - - 16
4 piggens - - 4
3 chesfatts - - 6
2 wodden platters - - 4
one churne and A churne staffe - - 8
one lyttle Chist in the Kytchyn - - 12
2 thicke short bordes in the kytchin - - 8
2 lyttle trestes in the kytchin - - 6
A trest behynd the kytchin dore and A Swyne Tubbe - - 6
one hacking bord - - 2
one Kneyding Tubbe - - 20
10 earthen pottes - - 10
3 gallons of butter - 6 0
3 Sawen bords in the milkhowse - - 15
one Chist in the milkhowse - 5 0
one cubbebord in the milkhouse - 6 0
the cubbord in the buttrye and the bords there - 6 8
one bord in the stable - - 8
A throw for A brewing kayre and A Spynnyng wheele - - 12
3 Sawen bordes in the stable - - 12
19 peeces of Tymber in the heyhowse and Turffe Howse - - 8
8 bordes lying under the hey - 2 8
in woodd and Turves to the fyre - 13 4
in coales - 6 0
one Loade of fyrre woode - - 12
one Sadle and 2 brydells - 3 4
one pytch forke and one padle - - 12
one Sadle cloath - - 6
A weight beame and Scales and one dogg chayne - - 20
in thaye in the barne 3 10 0
in Swynes gresse 4lb - - 12
8 bords and 2 basses lying in the Streete and other 4 peeces of tymber - 12 0
2 sackes and one poak - - 12
A fetherbed A mattresse A bolster A blankett and A cadowe upon the highe bed in the parlour - 34 0
upon the Truckell bed in the same parlour A matterasse, A bolster A pillow A coverlett and A blanckett - 16 0
in the cloth house A matterasse with A bolster and three blankettes - 6 0
upon Another bed over the kytchin three blankettes A coverlett and A bolster - 11 0
upon the bedd in the high chamber over the howse A fether bed A bolster 2 pillowes A matterasse three blanckettes - 45 10
a cadow for the same bed - 20 0
the hangings and frynge for the same bed - 14 0
fyve graye blankettes - 5 0
A Remnant of Round canvas - 2 4
one halfe dosen of sett Quysshens - 11 0
5 quysshens made of listes - 3 1
4 other quysshens - 2 0
7 slippinges of lynnen yarne - 3 0
in Asses - - 12
in unnyans and garlycke 30 rysses - 3 0
A wheele and A cradle - - 20
one malte arke - 4 0
one bord in the high parlour - 13 4
one bord in the high chamber - 6 8
the Sylings in the 2 high chambers 5 0 0
the table in the howse and one forme there and one forme in the highe chamber - 4 0
the lyttle round table with one foote - - 16
the Sylinge in the howse - 20 0
10 buffett Stooles - 10 0
one closse Stoole - - 18
the Standinge beds in the highe chamber over the kytchin - 12 0
the best bed in the other highe chamber - 53 4
the Standinge bed in the chamber belowe and one trucle bed - 18 0
one chist in the Same chamber - 10 0
one other chist - 3 4
one other chist - 2 6
in malte 9 hoopes 16d the hoope - 12 0
one Silver cuppe - 40 0
one dosen Silver spoones 3 0 0
A Silver pyn and ould Silver - 3 4
A capon A hen and A cheeken - - 16
A axe and a Shovell - - 8
oates in A Sacke - - 12
wheat in the highest chamber - 2 8
one lyttle bord - - 2
all his apparell 4 0 0
apparell that belonged to his wyffe - - -
A peticote - 13 4
A wolsted kyrtle - 6 8
A gowne - 30 0
in lynnyns in one boxe 25 peeces - 13 4
4 shurts - 9 0
4 smockes - 6 0
19 table napkyns - 10 0
one Syffe clothe - 3 4
2 fyne bord napkyns - 2 0
4 other table napkyns course ones - - 16
3 pillowe beeres - 4 0
one Towell - - 16
one other Towell - - 16
one payre flaxe shets - 7 0
one payre sheetes of teaw of hempe - 6 0
one payre canvas sheetes ould ones - 4 0
5 sheetes of canvas - 8 0
one fyne sheete - 10 0
3 other flaxen sheetes - 13 4
one table cloth - - 20
one other table cloth - 2 0
one Remnant of holland cloth - 2 6
one other Remnant of holland - - 9
14 yards lynnen cloth - 23 4
hey in Offerton - 6 8
whete there unthreshed - 33 4
in otes there unthreshed 7 0 0
one leasse of A tenement in Offerton valued to 60 0 0
one other leasse of certain other ground in Offerton valued to 40 0 0
his parte of Another leasse of ground in Bramall valued to 15 0 0
his part of another leasse of ground in Heaton norres 12 13 4
one book for certeain ground called Longe rakes valued to 5 0 0
all the glasse about the howse - -1 -
one Chist in manchester - 10 0
cloth unsold in the countrie 3 16 8
cloth unsold in manchester 5 9 0
in gold and Silver 45 12 0
Sum 258 11 11
1 This could be either £10 or 40s. No recte figure can be given.
Detts outward as appear by the will of the Deceassed admount in the whole to the some of £9 10 0d.
Detts inward as appeare by the same will admount in the whole to the some of £193 18 6d.
Office endorsement: probate, and tuition of Wm., Radi and Joanne Diconson, to executors. [Index]
George Daniell of Hillgate in the Township of Stockport, Yeoman.
C.Pr. 08 Dec 1592.
Will, sickness in my body. W.T. 29 Nov 1592.
Knowinge deathe to bee certeyne to Everie creature and the hower thereof unknowne meaninge that Quyetnes, love and Frendshippe shall and maie be had and conteyned amongest my wyfe and freends after my decease, doe make and ordaine this present Testament herein conteyninge my last will in manner and forme Followinge: That is to witt First and principallie I doe commend my soule into the hands of Almightie god my Creator Redeemer and onlie Saviour by the merites of whose Sonnes precious bloodsheedinge I trust unfennedly to bee saved and to Inheritt his Eternall Kingdome And my bodie and boones I doe committ to the Earthe from whence itt came to bee buried in the parishe Churche or Churchyarde of Stopporthe afforesaide at the will and discretion of my freends and executors hereafter named And for my burgages lands and heredytamentes whatsoever in Stopporthe afforsaide nowe in myne owne occupacion and all barnes buildinges and premisses within the lytell yate at my howuse it is my will and I geeve and bequeathe the same unto
Ellen Daniell my wyfe for and duringe all hir naturall lyffe keepinge hir in my name soole and unmaried, And all my other lands burgages and heredytamentes whatsoever in Stopporthe, together with all my said lands After the Deceasse of my said wyfe or Immediatlie from or after shee eyther marriethe or miscariethe and all revertions thereof, I wholilye geeve the same unto
Francis Daniell my nephewe and to the yssue of his bodie Lawfullie begotten or to bee begotten And for wante of suche yssue I geeve and bequeathe the same to
Alexander Daniell his brother and to the yssue of his bodie Lawfullie begotten or to bee begotten And for wante of suche yssue I geeve and bequeathe the same unto
William Daniell sonn of William Daniell my nephew and to the yssue of his bodie Lawfullie begotten or to be begotten. And for want of suche yssue to the Right heires of me the said
George Daniell theire heyres and Assignes for Ever, To hould of the capytall or cheefe lord or lords of thee fee thireof by the Rents and Services
affore due customed And for the order and distribution of my goods, cattells, chattells, and debtes I geeve and bequeathe the same as followethe First I geve to Alexander Daniell my saide nephewe the some of 40s. in monie to bee taken of my said whole goods.
Item I geeve my nephewe Francis Daniell my greate brass pott before anie devision be made therof to be paide to him at the feast Daie of the purification of our Ladie 1593. Item I geeve litell William Daniell sonne to William Daniell my nephewe one Cowe which his father hathe in his keepinge To be taken of my said whole goods. Item I geve my said nephewe Frances Daniell my greate brasse pott which was his father's. Item I geeve to Ellen my wyfe my cloake and all the rest of my apparell I geve to the saide Frances my nephewe and I Charge the same Frances of his porcion of my goods to geeve to
Joane his Sister Tenn Shillinges in monye, Item I geeve Twentie Shillinges To bee peaide at the first daie of maie next to the hands of Robernet
Dodge maior of Stockporthe Towarde the makinge the makinge of A peymente in the Hilgate begininge Anendest my cosen William
Stable Dore and soe towards Mr. Elcocke front as farr as the monie will reeche And the peymente to bee of the breathe of tow yards and one halfe yarde and a Chanell in the midest. Item I geve
Raphe Daniell wyfe 3s. Also it is my will that all my weyne scott or Silinge and all bords formes bedstockes woodden wear yorne ware and husbandrie ware shale remeaine at my house duringe my wyffe lyfe if shee keepe in my name and Soole and unmaried and shee to have the use and occupacion thereof And after her decease or Immediately after shee marie or miscarie, I geeve the same to whomsoever enterethe uppon my burgages and Landes by force of this my last will and Testamente The rest revercon and Remender of all my goods cattells and chattells, and Debtes whatsoever I will shalbe equallie devyded betweene the same Ellen my wyffe and the said Fraunces my nephewe, by even portions And yt is my will that my bringinge forthe and funerall Expences shalbee paide of 45s. which I leave in my howse.
Executors: Ellen my wyfe and the said Fraunces my nephewe. And it is my will that my neyboure Godfrey
Heron shall have the use and occupacion of all suche monie as is due to my nephew Frances Daniell by fource of this my last will for and unto the use of him the same for the tyme and space of Sixe yeares next ensuinge the date hereof by which tyme I trust the same Fraunces will bee the same his selfe.
Witnesses: Hughe Buredsell, William Daniell, George Reddishe.
Debts owinge to mee the saide George Daniell. £ s d
Of Robeart Seele of brammall - 40 0
Of Rondulfe Holme of Offerton - 27 4
Of Henerie Fogge of Offerton - 38 0
Of ould good wyffe Dodge of the hill toppe - 10 0
Of Raphe Seele and his wyffe - 8 0
Of Thurston Rowson Alias Matley - 15 0
Of widowe Newton of Impshaweyate and Alexander hir sonne - 2 6
Of Blanche Henyson widowe - 2 6
Of Litell John Henshaw - 7 0
Of Ales Bekerstaffe - 3 8
Sum 7 14 0
Inventory: George Daniell of hillgate in the township of Stockport, yeoman.
Taken: 06 Dec 1592.
Of: goods, cattells, chattells and debts.
Prisers: Homfrie Bridge, Otiwell Heyginbothom, Thurston Rowsen alias Matley, and Robert
£ s d
in Cattell 5 6 8
in horse fleshe - 40 0
in Sheepe - 35 0
in heye - 20 0
in Corne - 35 0
in fewell - 6 8
in husbandrie ware and Iron ware - 20 0
in bords formes Sylinge and bedstockes - 16 8
in Chistes - 10 0
in pewter brasse and leads - 20 0
in Treene ware and wooden loomes - 3 4
in Cheares, stooles and Quishens - - 16
in beddinge - 40 0
in A bord clothe and towells - - 16
in bookes - 10 0
in Beasse and Chattels 9 10 0
his Apparell - 20 0
in Readie moniey - 45 0
Sum 31 1 0
his Inward debtes as Appeare by his last will and Testament admount in the whole to the Summe of £7 14s.
Office endorsement: probate to executors. [Index]
John Smyth of Stockport, Baker.
S.Pr. 1595/6.
Will. Health: troubled with infirmities in my body.
W.T. 22 Oct 1595.
I commend my soule into the handes of Almightie god my creator Savior and redeemer, by the merytes of whose blessed sonnes bloodsheding I unfainedly to be saved, And my bodie I comytt to the earthe from whence yt came to be buryed in the parishe churche of Stockport afforesaid Item I gyve and bequeathe unto
Margerie Smythe my welbeloved wiffe my burgage messuage tenement and howse with thappurtennances in Stockport afforesaid wherein I nowe dwell with all landes and all others commodyties and proffettes to belonginge duringe the terme of her naturall lyffe yf she fortune to Survyve me the said John my deceasse name soole and unmaryed Item I gyve and bequeathe unto the said Margerie my wiffe the full one third parte of goods cattells chattells moveable, Except a foulden bord A presse, one Cubbord and three pairs of bedstiddes which I will and my mynd is that they shall contynew and remayne in my howse where they now be, and contynewe revert discend or come to hym or them to whom I shall hereafter in or by this my testament and last will gyve and bequeathe the same, my burgage unto, After the deceasse of my said wiffe, provyded allwayes that it is my will that Margerie my wiffe shall have the use and occupacion of the said foulden bord, presse Cubbord and three bedstiddes duringe her naturall lyffe yf she kepe her in my name soole and unmaried, Item from and after the naturall deceasse of me the said John Smythe and the said Margerie my wiffe or from and Imedyatlie After she eyther marye or myscarie After my deceasse I gyve and bequeath my Sayd burgage, messuage tenement howse landes groundes and appertenances within Stockport afforsaid and all comodyties thereunto belonging unto
John Smythe sonne of my brother Robert Smythe Clerke, and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten or to be begotten, And for want of suche Issue I give
and bequeathe the same to Edmonnde Smythe one other sonne of the said Robert Smythe my brother and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten or to be begotten, And for want of suche Issue I gyve and bequeathe the same to the Issue of
Rondulphe Smythe my brother begotten or to be begotten and theire heyers, And for want of such Issue I gyve and bequeathe the same unto my Servant and nephew
John Burgesse, and to the Issue of his bodie lawfullie begotten or to be begotten And for want of such Issue I gyve and bequeathe the same unto the Right heires of me the said John Smythe theire heires and assignes forever Provyded alwaies and yett neverthelesse yt is my mynd and will that the estate of the sayd John Smythe my said brother Robert his sonne and the Issue of his bodie lawfullie begotten or to be begotten, of in and unto the said burgage and premysses, And for want of suche Issue, That the right and estate of the said Edmonde and the Issue of his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten (of in or unto the same burgage) And for want of suche Issue that the Right and estate of the Issue of my said brother Smythe lawfully begotten or to be begotten and theire heyres, Shall Stand and be uppon these condicons hereafter expressed That is to weete that of them be mynded to Alyenate or sell his right estate and Interest unto anye man person or persons whatsoever of all or any parte of the said burgage premisses which cometh in truste or distended to him theym or anie of theym by this my present last will and testament, That then he or they shall alyenate and sell that unto the said John Burgesse or his Issue, (yf he or they be myndfull to have the same), And shall Abate to the said John Issue, the somme of fyve poundes of England, that others would gyve for the said burgage or of the pryce the same burgage soev refuseth so to do to have no benefyt of the said Burgage nor Anie parcell thereof by this my last will and Testament but his and their interest in and unto the same burgage to Surceasse, and the same burgage and premisses to discend to the next heire in the Intayle afforsaid after hym or them Succeedinge.
Dettes owyng to the said John Smythe £ s d
of Rauffe Reddich of baguley as appeareth by one Indenture 40 0 0
of the same Rauffe behynd of oxen pryce - 30 0
lent hym by younge Sympson - 40 0
lent hym 2 yeres synche to buy A horse - 13 4
Sum 44 3 4
Receaved hereof
at the last Reckenyng I was behynd - 5 0
for cheese - 5 0
A field at Tervyns 2 yeres - 40 0
for one mare - 46 8
in otes - 24 0
in otes an other tyme - 24 0
in otes an other tyme - 20 0
one cowe - 40 0
one other cowe - 48 8
one fatt swyne - 20 0
gresse for my oxen - 10 0
the exchange of one cowe - 3 4
one browne heffer - 43 4
sum received 16 10 0
dettes also owing to the said John Smythe
of Rauff Reddiche for one mare and A cowe 5 6 8
for ground - 26 8
for the exchange of A cowe - 20 0
in money - 20 0
behynd of Oxen and A cowe - 14 0
half gresse of A cowe - 5 0
due to me 9 7 8
due to my wiff of the same Rauffe one peece of gold about £3 the peece and 2 other peeces of 10s the peece - - -
Sum 24 0 0
Dettes also owying1
of as appeareth by A byll - - -
of John Warren as appeareth by A bill - - -
of Richard Ogden as appeareth by his handes 8s whereof I hym the one - - -
of Alexander Elcocke as appeareth by a bill - - -
of George Elcocke son of the same Alexander - - -
of James Low as appearethe by a bill - - -
more of the same James - 3 0
of John Lowe - - -
of Robert Smythe of bradburie - - -
of Randulphe - - -
of Alexander Mosse - - -
of Thomas Burdsell - - -
of Joane Crosley widow - - -
of William for 5th hopes barlie 4s the hoope lent money 10s for the hyre of one cow 6s 8d and for with my draught 13s 4d - - -
off Thomas Garnett - 13 0
of the same Thomas for leadinge his bryde wayne - - -
of Adshed of Adlington - 21 6
of Rauffe Clayton of merple - 7 -
of the said Adshed of Adlington - 7 4
of younge Thomas Bordman - 2 8
of Thomas Nicholson of Addeswoodd - - 20
of Robert Torkenton of handford - 6 3
of William Richardson, Thomas Combes and Worthington - 38 0
of Rauffe Downes - 14 6
of Rauffe Woolfondym - 7 6
Sum 33 - -
Thomas of Riddiche - 7 4
of Thomas Garnett more for 2 daies worke with my draught - 3 4
of Thomas Adshed of Adlington for Asshes - 12 0
of Roger Woodd - 3 -
owe hym for thresshing 2 dayes and An halff - - -
of Olyver Heginbotham - 3 4
of Mr. Warren of Poynton 18s receevon whereof for baking 6s 8d resteth - 11 4
of Mr Lowe for kyddes - - 17
of the same Mr Lowe for one hoope asse - - -
baking and leading hey and cowes - - -
of Myles Sharshall - - -
of James Fell - - -
of Reynold Makyn - 18 0
Sum 5 15 -
dettes which the same John did owe
To William for 2 hoopes salt - - -
To Mr Lowe for a boke - 3 4
To Mr Low for a mucke wayne - 6 0
Sum - 9 4
Sum of the whole dettes 90 16 10
1 This section of the debt list is extensively damaged, and many amounts are lost. We have left these blank.
2 This heading except for the word owing. From the net total of the debts we deduce that it refers to more debts owed to the deceased.
Inventory: John Smyth of Stockport, baker.
Taken: 21 Feb 1595/6.
Of: goods cattells chattells rightes credyttes and debtes. Original document, authenticated by the prisers at the foot of the sheet.
Prisers: Raphe Nicholson, Sampson Huntte, Raphe Seele and Raphe Johnson the elder.
£ s d
one grey geldinge 3 13 3
one white geldinge 3 0 0
one blacke geldinge - 40 0
one Readd cowe 3 0 0
one blacke cowe - 40 0
one other blacke cowe - 30 0
in hey by estymacion two wayne loads - 26 8
one carte with Iron bound wheels - 33 4
one mucke wayne one mucke carte leaves - 11 0
one paire wheeles - 3 4
one corne wayne - 7 0
fyrewoodd at the bakehowse - 4 0
tenne loads of gorses - 13 4
one loade of kyddes - - 20
certen gorses yett growing in bentley hey in Heaton Norres - 33 4
Piles and coale rakes in the bakehouse and 2 bordes - - 12
oates by estymacion 20 hoopes - 35 0
5 peckes barlie malte - 6 0
3 hoopes oate malte - 5 0
4 wisketts one Syffe and one ryddle - 2 0
candle rysshes - - 2
certen course barlie malte - - 20
3 Seckes - 3 0
2 trestes in the highe chamber - - 4
one wyndowe sheete one coffer one forme in the highe chamber and one cheese crate - 3 4
one ould paire of bootes - - 20
one flock bedd one bolster 2 blanckettes one ould coverlett and certen fethers in the highe chamber - 7 0
in the parlor 4 coverlettes - 18 0
one blankett - - 20
one ould fether bedd one pillow 1 bolster and 1 mattrasse - 24 0
7 paire hempe sheetes - 21 0
4 table napkyns, 3 fyne pillow beeres 4 other pillowbeeres 3 hand - 7 6
one lyttle peece valure and one lyttle peece velvett - - 8
2 fyne towells - 3 0
certen ould silver by estymacion one ounce - 4 6
3 round bord clothes - 2 0
2 yds, quart, lynnen clothe - - 16
other lynnen clothe, 9 yardes and an halffe at 6 1/2d the yard - 5 1 1/2
2 coffers - 8 0
In the parlour beneathe
A fetherbedd a bolster 2 pillowes - 30 0
2 pillowe cases and one paire fyne flaxen sheetes - 10 0
2 ould coverlettes one blanckett - 3 0
3 bedstydds which are to remeyne at the howse - 4 6
one presse also to remeyne - 13 4
one cubbord in the house and one foulden bord also to remeyne att the howse - 32 0
In the lower chamber and in the highe chamber beneath
one Turnell - 4 0
one lyttle trestle - - 4
one head yoake 1 payre clyvis 2 oxe bowes one other oxe yoke - 2 8
2 yokes unbound - - 12
one Iron teame - - 16
2 mattockes - 2 8
one hammer one payre pynsers and 3 iron wedges - 2 6
2 siccles - - 3
1 hand saw - - 4
1 paire hynd most horse geeres with an iron tordwith - - 12
1 pigg foot - - 4
one ould harrowe with pynnes - - 20
one axeltree - - 6
one long bast and one lyttle bord - - 14
in turves by estymacion 6 carte loads - 7 0
one hackney saddle and 2 packe saddles and some furnyture - 4 0
one Sword - 2 0
one other sword pawned - 3 0
a carte sadle 3 paire horse geeres 3 hombarghes 3 horse collers 1 payre thille homes - 8 6
one henne crate - - 4
one paire bedstocks - - 12
5 oxe bowes - - 4
one weighe beame - - 3
2 axes, one bill 3 ould ogers one gorge, A Spoakeshave, 3 horselocks and one lyttle cheyne of Iron - 4 8
2 forks 2 muckhookes one spade 2 pitchforks A staffe A poole axe - - -
one sawe - - 16
one nasse one wymble and one paire ploughe irons A ploughe staffe - 3 0
one payre gowberts, one ould grydle and other ould iron - 3 0
one carte rope - - 6
one plowe beame foure axeltrees 2 plowes - 3 10
certen fellies for wheeles - 2 8
6 netherhedds - - 8
balkes under the hey and other fyre woodd - 6 0
9 Sawen bords - 3 0
1 turffe wayne chest - 2 6
in mucke - 10 0
one fyre Iron one fyre shovell one paire tonngs one Rakentree and pott hookes - 5 0
2 Spytts and one byrd spytt - 2 0
22 pewter dysshes and 8 sasars weighing 44 pounds with 5 pottingers - 22 0
one pewter quart and one pynt two pewter salts and 4 spoones - - 16
5 brasse candlestyckes - 3 4
one brasse chafyndysshe - 2 6
foure brasse potts 2 possenytts 57lb weight - 20 0
one cawltherne of brasse weight 16 lb - 5 4
2 brasse pannes one skellett one kettle 15 lb weight - 10 0
a frying pane - - 14
A lead - - 9
one chuffen weight 12 lb et dd - 4 0
2 hackynge knyves - - 4
one morter and one pestell - 2 0
one Round bord - - 20
foure cheeres - 2 6
2 lyttle cheeres and 2 buffett stooles and other stooles - - 20
7 treyne dyshes one dosen trenchers - - 6
one growle stound - 4 0
one chorne and staffe - - 8
2 barrells, 2 Ryndletts - 4 0
other tryne ware - 5 0
one breweinge kayre - 4 0
in earthen potts and muggs - - 20
bords in the buttrie - 2 0
one reame pott - - 4
one tennet - - 3
- 2 0
2 esshens A pigenne and the bords under them - - 21
one Lanthorne - - 4
one chamber pott - - 2
4 quarters salte beefe - 26 8
one fornace - 6 8
2 drynckynge potts - - 4
one uewe bowe - 2 0
4 quysshens - - 16
all his apparell - 46 8
fyre woodd in the streete and certen coales - - 14
one Jacke - 5 0
60 Asshes standinge and 11 lyinge uppon the ground fallen 6 0 0
ground taken of Mr. Low. 10 0 0
certen ground called Walle butts - 13 4
ground taken of Willm Norres - 42 0
ground in Ettchulles or money certen yeres 17 2 0
in Redie money 24 18 0
10 Silver Spoones weighing 8 ounces - 32 0
one psalter - - 6
Sum 111 17 9 1/2
his Inward detts as appeare by his last will and testament admount in the whole to the some of £90. 16s. 10d.
his outward detts as appeare by the same his last will and testament admount in the whole to the some of 9s. 4d.
The praysers names
Raphe Nyklesson
Sampson Huntte
Raphe Seylle
X the marke of
Rauphe Johnson.
Office endorsement: probate to Robt Smith. [Index]
Robert Shawe, of Stockport Carpenter.
S.Pr. 08 Jun 1599.
Will, trobled with Sicknes. W.T. 31 Dec 1598.
Firste and prinsepally, I Comende my Soule unto god allmightie And my bodie to the Earthe from whence it came to be buryed in the Churche yarde of Stockporte. Allso I do will and my mynde is. And I do geve and bequeath unto
Roberte Shawe my base begotten sonne 1 th leade a lossett my Coate and a peare of hose. Allso I do geve unto
John Benesone Junior one wether hogge. he the said John Benessonne, gevinge, unto either of his sisters 6 thd Item I do geve unto
William Benessonne sonne of John Benessone one Cuttinge Axx. And all the reste of that little portion of goods that god hathe blessedme wyth all. I do device geve and bequeathe unto my two doughters
Ellinne Shawe and Eme Shawe equally betwine them. They the saide Elline and Emme payinge doinge and dischardgine my debtes Legaseyes and funerall Expenses.
Executors: Ellinne Shawe, testator's daughter, and Rawffe Tayler testator's neighbour.
Witnesses: Rawffe Tayler and James Smithe.
Inventory: Roberte Shawe of Stockport, carpenter.
Taken: 03 Jun 41 Eliz.
Of: goodes.
Prisers: James Smith, Hughe Mottrom, Rawffe Tayler and John Heigham.
£ s d
In pewter and brasse - 13 4
one little Arke one Cowfer and one peare of bedstocks - 6 0
one little borde and Trine ware - 3 4
Rackes and tonnges - - 12
in bedclothes Linnen and wollen - 11 0
his Apparrell - 10 0
- - -
Office endorsement: probate to Ellina Shawe.
1 Buried 02 Jun 1599. [Index]
Raphe Hunt of Stockport, Yeoman.
S.Pr. 07 Sep 1599.
Will, Health: sick in body. W.T. 25 Jul 1599.
Knowinge death to bee certayne to everie creature and the howre thereof uncertayne doe make and ordayne this my present testament contayninge heerein my last will in maner and forme followinge first and principallye I doe commend my soule into the handes of almightee god my maker and redeemer by whom I trust to bee one of the number of those that shalbee saved; and my bodie to the earth from whence it was taken to bee buried in the churchyard of Stopford neere unto the place wheer my father lyeth buried. Item for the order and distribution of my goodes as followeth my mynd and will is, that my debtes and funerall exspences shalbee payd and discharged of the whole goodes. Item wheeras the house and groundes wheeruppon I now dwell are in the disposition and orderinge of my master, my mynd and will is, and I doe most humbly beseeche his woorship that it would please him to accepte of my sister
Elizabeth as tenante to the same both for the kyndnes I have found with her at all tymes and especiallye for the great paynes shee hath taken with mee in this my extreame sicknes. Item I geeve and bequeath unto my said sister Elizabeth all my goodes moveable and unmoveable and whatsoever I have heertofore made profitt, or commoditee of in and upon the same house or groundes I doe freely geeve unto her, my debtes and funerall exspences as aforesaid beeinge payd and discharged of the whole. Item I geeve unto my said sister Elizabeth my best band; Item I geeve unto Richard
Gloover alias Johnson my best sute of apparell and my best hatt my orrenge colored stockinges my girdle and spotted band and my shooes. Item I geeve and bequeath unto my sister
Margerie the wyffe of Raphe Allen two hoopes of barley and two bandes. Item I geeve and bequeath unto my sister
Jane the wyffe of John Dickenson of heweston one hoope of barley. Item I geeve unto my brotherinlawe
Raphe Allen one payre of strawe colored knit stockinges: Item I geeve unto James Buerdsell my blacke dublet, and
Jerkyn my hose that are made for beneth the knee, my second hatt, and a paire of Carsee stockinges Item I geeve unto Ellyn
Hunt my sisterinlawe my byble: Item I geeve to Raphe Pycrofte and Robte Hardman my two best handkerchers: Item I geeve to Francis
Smith my purse with twoo ringes and 5 or 6 litle bend peeces of silver Item I geeve to Robte
Withinton my woork daie hose, and to Alex Rode my litle cambrige band: Item to Raphe
Hollinshed my bowe and arrowes and a paire of bowles: Item to Francis Withington a woork daie dublet and a black paire of breeches and coate. Item I geeve to
Ann (Raphe) Allyn daughter of my Brotherinlawe Raphe Allyn all the rest of my bookes.
Executors: my sister Elizabeth Hunt and my neighbour Thomas Buerdsell.
Overseers: Edward
Witnesses: Elizabeth Hunt, Tho. Buerdsell, Ed. Rodes, Tho.
Inventory: Raphe Hunt of Stockport. No date given.
Of: goods and catells.
Prisers: Raphe Seele, Tho. Buerdsell, Edward Rodes, Robte Woodd.
£ s d
a fetherbed and a boulster - 24 0
2 Coverletes and 2 blanketes - 13 4
one mattris - 5 0
3 sheetes - 6 0
one standinge bedd - 10 0
one ould brasse panne - 10 0
one ould brasse chandler - - 18
three pewter dishes - 2 6
3 coffers - 10 0
a litle truckell bed - 2 0
a litle Iron grate - - 20
a brasse morter and a pestill - 2 0
an ould chaufer and a posnet - 4 0
an ould swoord and a dagger - 3 0
3 ould axes, and a hand sawe - - 18
nagers chisells and other Iron stuffe - 2 0
an Iron hacke, a forke with a mucke hooke and a dubbing bill - - 16
an ould payre of ballances with a leade pound - - 4
an ould bruinge leade - 10 0
an ould square table - 2 4
another litle round table - - 16
a litle keare and a stoond eshin and kimnell - 2 6
earthen pottes - - 8
bookes - 6 8
his apparell - 33 4
in barlie - 46 8
in hey - 10 0
more in hey which is sould - 22 0
in wood and turves - 3 4
- - -
Office endorsement: probate to executors. [Index]
Henrie Seele of Stockport, Yeoman.
I.Pr. 20 Jun 1600.
Will: sick. W.T. 12 Jun 1600.
First and principallye I commend my soule into the hands of Almightie god my maker, trustinge faithfullye to bee saved by the precious deathe and passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Chryste, And my bodie to the earthe from whence it came, hopinge to have a Joyfull resurrection Item I geeve and bequeathe to my Brother
Raphe Seele all my goods and househoulde stuffe remayninge at my house in Brinnyngton And I bequeathe to my daughter Ellyn
Buckley alias Taylier my cloake The reste of all my goods and Cattayles bothe moveable and unmoveable (I beinge honestly broughte home and my Funerall expences discharged) I whollye geeve and bequeathe to Frances
Taylier daughter of Edward Taylier deceased.
Executrix: the said Ellyn Taylier.
Witnesses: James Williamson Alderman, John Wynne, Thomas Crosley, John
Reddiche, Richard Glover and George Reddiche
Inventory: Henry Seele of Stockport, yeoman.
Taken: 13 Jun 1600.
Of: goods and cattayles.
Prisers: James Williamson Alderman, John Wynne, Robte Bexweeke and Willm
£ s d
his goods in Brinnington one ould nagge - 13 4
one greate arke - 13 4
one Turnell - - 16
twoe other arks - - 20
one payre of bedstocks - - 15
one disheboard - - 12
one meate boarde and one forme - - 20
in the highe chamber, one board, one forme, twoe breads, 10 arrowes, 2 brydles, 2 ould paynted cloathes one ladder, one ould bottle one ould sythe - 2 0
one Vargis barrell - - 1
in the chamber belowe, 2 axes, one noger, one spade, one bill, one sicle, one wymble, one hande sawe, one mattocke, one hammer, one payer mittens, one wollcombe - 4 0
one boarde one ould forme and one stoole - - 12
one harrowe - 2 0
seven ould boards one cliste of wood belowe in the shoppe - 2 4
one water boarde and twoe breads in the house - - 9
one oulde sadle, and one ould forke - - 8
corne sowen uppon the grounde his parte - - -
- - -
his goods in Stopporth
one brasse pott - 7 0
one fryinge pann and one grid Irone - 2 0
one Fether bedd - 10 0
one duble coverlett - 6 8
one pillowe and one boulster - 6 0
one whyte blankitt - 3 4
one blankett - - 20
2 ould peere of blanketts - - 6
one payre of Sheetes - 5 0
2 sherts and fouere sherte bands - 5 0
one table napkyn and one andkerchaffe - - 12
one cloake - 11 0
one gowne of fryce - 5 0
one ould blewe coate - 3 4
2 payre upper ends of hoase - 2 0
2 dublets - 3 4
2 payre of netherstocks - 2 0
one payre of garters - - 2
one ould payre of shoes - - 4
2 ould hatts - - 8
one girdle one bagge one dagger one knyfe and one payre of glooves - 2 0
2 bowes one broken bowe all of Uewe 11 arrowes and one quyver - 6 8
2 bowe castes - - 6
one chaire and one quishon - - 12
one coffer - 8 0
one arke - - 6
one payre of tayler sheares - - 4
- - -
- - - [Index]
Roger Woodd of Stockport, Yeoman.
C.Pr. 26 Feb 1601/02.
Will: damaged throughout. Health: sick in body. W.T. 04 Feb 1601/2.
I comend my soule into the hands off the allmightie god my creator Redeemer and onelie Saviour and my bodie to be buried in the parish church of Stockport to my Mother my worldlye goods my will as followeth Item yt is my mynd and will that my wyffe shall have all my goodes chatells and dettes whatsoever or wheresoever they be and that After her decease.
Executors: jointly, testator's wife and brother Robert Wood.
Overseer: Robert Raddick.
Debts owe more to mye Roger Woodd £ s d
Off Elen Smyth off Levensholme - 16 0
More off Elen Smyth for one fyre yron - 4 0
More off Elen Smythe for one ketle pan - 3 4
More off Elen Smyth for towe hens - - 16
More off Elen Smyth for a Rakentree and one peare of kynves - 2 0
More off Elen Smyth for one - 2 0
Off Huge Smyth for two stones - 2 0
More off Huge Smyth for one pick forck - - 12
Off Thomas Mosse off the church yarde - 3 0
Inventory: Rodger Woodd.
Of: goodes or cattelles.
Prisers: James Fell, William Rydgeye, Edward Rodes and John Cartwryght.
£ s d
in bedinge - 12 0
in his bodily Reparrell - 4 6
in arkes and cofferes - 5 0
one paire of bedstokes - - 12
in bordes and - 2 0
in tryen ware - 2 0
in yearthen potes - - 6
in Iorene ware - 3 8
in puter and brasse - 8 0
one ladder and - - 6
Sum 38s 6 8d
- - -
Sume goodes and deptes as appereth in the will is £6 14 2d.
Office endorsement: probate to executors. [Index]
Thomas Janney of Styall Husbandman WS 1602
Transcribed from a photocopy of the original by Paul C. Palmer
A true and pfct Inventorye of all the goods and Cattells debts and moveables wch were Thomas Jannyes of Styall in the paryshe of Willmeslow in in the countie of chester, At the tyme of his death prysed and valued the ixth daye of march Anno dni 1601 Anno gr Regni due [mie] Elizabethe Regna Anglie ffrannce et hibrne &c [mic?] &c Q uadvage ssnna quarto
By Willm Allcock Rondull Janyen Robte Allcock Rychard Rylands
and Willm Newton
ffor that purposse ellected & chosen &c~
Imprimis in cattell Viz two stirkes
and niene kyne prysed at ________ xxiiij£
Itm Seven littell calves _________ iij£ xvjS
and one colte in all __
Itm two mares _____________v£ xiijS iiijd
Itm Seventeene sheepe __________ iiij£
Itm two swyne _________________xvjS
Itm barly in the barne _______xvj£ vjS vijd
Itm Wheate in the barne ________liijS iijd
Itm otes in the barne _____________ xij£
Itm Barly in the garner __________xxiiijS
Itm otes in the garner __________liijS iiijd
Itm in haye _____________________iij£
Itm beanes in the barne __________ xxS
Itm in husbandry ware given &
bequethed to his sonne Randull
and Harry & to his wief to be used iij£ vjS viijd
and occupied by her accordinge
to the wordes of the will and
testament of the testator ----
Itm in beddinge _________________vij£
Itm in sheets & other lynnins _____v£ vijS
Itm in coffers, bords stooles cheares Bedstocks &c _______ xlviS viijd
Itm one great Arke in the barne wch is geven to Randull by will xiiS iiijd
Itm in pan brasse __________ v£ vjS viijd
Itm in pott brasse _____________ xxS[?]
Itm in pewter ___________________xvjS
Itm in TreeneWare _________ xxvjS viijd
Itm in Iren Ware as tongs ______
Iren grate broches &c _________ xvS
Itm Axes bills spades shovells &c__ vjS viijd
Itm in Apparrell for his body___iij£ vjS viijd
Itm a sword and a dropper _________ vijS
Itm in wooll ____________________ xijS
Itm in hemp and flaxe _____________xxS
Itm in Beeffe and bacon ______xlvjS viijd
Itm in Sawed bords and wheele
tymber______________________ iijS iiijd
Itm in debts as appeareth by bylls ________________ ciiij£ xijS iijd
Itm Otes at calshawe ___________ xlviijS
Itm hey there ____________________xS
Itm in cattell there _______________xv£
in all xj ---
Itm one colt there _______________ xxS
Itm in coyne ___________xvij£ viijS vjd
Itm in gold ____________________ xxS
Itm one littell silver spoone________iijS
Itm in pullen as hennes &c____vijS viijd
Itm two calve hydes_____________ xxS
Itm in hemps[eede] ______ ____vjS viijd
Itm one cowe and the hyre of her ___ xlS
Sum tot --- cccxiij£ xviijS jd
Trivial notes:
1.) This Thomas Janney was married twice, first to Joan Worthington and then to
Katherine Cash. Katherine is mentioned in the will.
2.) The parish of Bowdon mentioned in the will is on the northwest boundary of Wilmslow parish and north of Mobberley parish.
3.) The attempts at Latin in the opening paragraph of the inventory are primarily to say that the inventory is being written in the 44th year of Elizabeth’s reign. The exact letters escape detection some times.
4.) The place mentioned where some ‘otes’ valued at forty-eight (xlviij) shillings are located is shown as ‘calshawe’. It probably refers to Colshawe.
PCP [Index]
Hew Ridgwaye, Within the Township of Stockport.
I.Pr. 21 May 1602.
Will: damaged throughout. Health: sick in body. W.T. 1602.
I do also give Roberte all my work loomes in the smithey morover is the Rest of all my goodes shall be equaly deveyded my Sonne
John my Sone Roberte and my doughter Jone my Funerall Expences beinge firste tacken up of the whole morover my will and mynd is with the consente of my maister that my wyffe shall occupoy that little ground I have deuringe her lyfe and that after her desseace then my Sone Roberte to injoye it peinge unto his Brother John at Such tyme or tymes as they shall agreye upon the full and Just Some of feyffe ponds hopinge to foynd my good maister tractuble unto it morover I do give unto my doughter Jone one wheyt Ewe and a wheyte lamb I do allsso consitute ordene and macke my Trusty and well beloved frends John
Sydbothom and my Brother in lawe Alexander Knote my lawfull executors and Olyver
Dodge to be oversyer of this my will in manner and forme aforsed my will and mynd is my doughter Jone shall have the halfe of the chamber over the Feyld Syd.
Inventory: Hewes Ridgwaye.
Taken: 01 May.
Of: damaged; prisers' names at foot damaged: include Myles Herod.
£ s d
threi Coye one sterke towe barren coy one incalffe 7 - -
one coupel and towe ewe hoges for the sheipe - 13 4
one yonge Swyne - 6 0
in Geisse henes and ducks - 5 0
in Brasse - 19 0
in Beuter - 2 0
in Bedinge - 50 0
in sheites and other linins - 24 0
in arkes and Coffers - 20 0
in Bedstockes - 4 0
in Hempen yerne - 13 0
in Corne and malte - 19 0
in Backin - 6 8
in Bordes and formes - 6 6
one dishebord - 2 6
one turnell - 2 6
in treine ware - 7 0
yorthen potes - - 20
one ould leade - - 12
fee for a closse for one yeare - 22 0
in quishons - 2 0
one ould cheire and stooles - - 6
in Eyrone ware within the housse - 5 4
more in eyron ware within the housse - 3 0
towe lades - - 12
towe more lades - - 4
toules for the Smitheye - 44 8
for his owne aparrell to his backe - 24 0
for one heyffer - 3 4
for one parcel of timber - 3 0
Office endorsement: probate to executors. [Index]
John Kelsall of Stockport, Butcher.
I.Pr. 11 Feb 1602/3.
Will: faded. Health: Sicknes and infyrmyties in my bodye.
W.T. 16 Nov 1602.
Dreadinge the uncerteyn tyme of my departure out of this transytorye worlde be certen to every creature and the houre thereof unknowen, meanynge that Amytie the contynuance thereof shall and mey be had and contynued Amongest my wyffe and children deceasse, and for the discharge of my conscyence, do make and declare this present testament herein my last will in manner and forme followinge that is to saye. First and pryncypallye I do comend into the handes of Almyghtie god my creator redeemer and onelye savyor, by the meryts of whose bloodesheedinge I trust to be saved and to Inherytt his everlastinge kyngdome, And my bodye and bones to christiene buryall in the Parishe church yard of Stockport above mentyoned in such place as my frendes and executors thinke meete and convenyent And for the order and distribucon of my worldlye goodes chattels cattells and debts. It is my mynd and will as hereafter followeth. First yt is my will that any as I owe of Right or conscyence to anye person or persons my funerall expences the probacon of this my last will legacies hereafter mentyoned shalbe paid done and performed of my whole goodes before anye divysione be made which legacies hereafter followe I gyve and bequeath to
Willm Kelsall my sonne the somme of foure marks which Raphe oweth mee in full discharge and satisffaction of his childes parte or porcon of my goodes to be due to him reason of my naturall deceasse consyderinge how good I have bene to him alreadye, Item I gyve to
Edward Kelsall, Richard Kellsall, Robert Kelsall my sonnes and to Jane my daughter every one of theme 12d a peece in full recomp satisfaction and discharge of there and every of there childes parte and portion, due or to be due or belong to theme or anye of them, or after or by reasone of my naturall deceasse consyderinge how good I have bene alreadye. The rest of my goods cattells and debts I will
shalbe devyded into three equall porcons The first parte whereof I give Frances Kelsall my wyffe, the second parte to
Alles my doughter and the third and parte to John Kelsall sonne of my sonne Edward. Item yt is my mynd and will that all such assignements as I have heretofore made of my howse shall stand and bee good and effectuall accordinge to the tenor and true meanynge thereof.
Executors: William Nicholson of Stockport and Thomas Didisburye of Withington.Yf god call for mee I give my sonne Edward the rent of the shoppe in baguleye ocupacon.
Witnesses: Thomas Elcocke, George Reddich.
Debts that John Kelsall oweth £ s d
to Thomas Elcocke - 24 0
for a dublet clothe and buttons and sylke - 6 0
more lent - 14 0
Rec of this 6s in tallowes. more - - 9
to Thomas Andrewe - 5 0
to Edward Mottershed - 5 6
The debts owinge to John Kelsall
of James Willyamsone the younger - 3 11
of Henrye Ryle of holt either 2 hoopes of Barlye or to be paid one saynt Andrewes daye next - 7 6
of John Collyer of Streete house lane - 6 0
of Thomas Hulme malte man - 3 3
of William Norres - 3 8
of Raphe Ryle fore markes
of Thomas Walker the younger - 3 0
of Richd Bagaley - 3 4
of the wyffe of John Cheet - 5 8
of Henrye Pownall of Hathorne for beeffe - - 18
of George Bowdon gent lent money - 2 0
of John Pott of the edge for beeffe - - 16
Inventory: John Kelsall of Stockport, butcher.
Taken: 09 Feb 1602/3.
Of: goodes chattells credytts and detts.
Prisers: Alexander Wood, John Robynson, Alderman, Otywell Dodge and Nicholas
£ s d
two Swyne - 36 0
in pullene - 2 8
three flitches of bacon - 25 0
in pewter - 15 0
in brasse mettell - 42 0
A brasse mortere A pestill and a brasse candlestick - 2 0
In the highe chamber over the parlor and butterye
of fetherbedd one bolster one chaffe bedd Two matteresses 2 coverlettes two blankettes and three payre bedstockes and 3 formes - 40 0
one Table - 5 0
In the parlor above in the house
a fetherbedd a bolster a pillowe one coverlett one blankett and one payre bedstockes - 28 0
- 13 4
fore payre of rownd sheetes - 13 4
one bord 2 formes - 6 0
three ould coffers - 5 0
In the lyttle parlor belowe
one ould fetherbedd, one bolster one coverlett one blankett, A bord and three Settells and bedstockes - 15 0
In the lytle buttrye in the kytchin
A coverlett A blankett - 10 0
A greate stound two barells for beare one lyttle stound, An eshon A tinne dishe A kymnell A lossett twentye kannes and cuppes - 15 0
In the kytchyne
A brewinge keyre A greate stound a litle stound two eshens, A turnell A kymnell - 10 0
In the highe chamber over the kytchin
in turves three wysketts and one Spinnynge wheele - 4 0
In the fyre howse
two bordclothes 4 napkins - 4 0
four cheares - - 16
one longe bord 2 formes one littlye bord and Settles one other thicke bord - 13 4
In the highe chamber over the house
a coverlett A blanckett one ould spinnynge wheele and other thinges there - 5 4
one peece of bacone - - 16
In the buttrye above in the howse
A cubbord 2 shelffes two beere barrells one Ale pott kannes poottes and glasses - 11 0
in Iron ware - 11 0
one salt coffer - - 6
3 quyshens and stoules - - 6
one womans sadle and a brydle - 6 8
2 dosen trenchers - - 4
in coales - - 8
In the stable and back sayde
in hey rackes and mangers and wood - 10 0
all the glasse aboute the housinge - - 12
Ale and Barlye malte - 17 4
all his bodielye apparell - 16 0
Sum - - -
- - -
his Inward dettes as appeare by his last will
admont in the whole to
his outward debtes as appeare by the same
will in the whole
Office endorsement: probate to testator's wife Frances Kelsall. [Index]
Thomas Burdsell.
S.Pr. 10 Jun 1603.
Inventory of: goods.
Prisers: Henerie Holland, Robert Wood, John Whiticors and Thomas Newton.
£ s d
fower kye 9 0 0
one swyne - 9 0
in bacon - 10 0
in Beddinge 4 0 0
in Linines - 30 0
in graye yorne - 10 0
in bodiley apparell - 26 8
fowre bedstedes - 26 8
in coffers and arkes - 16 0
one table one rounde bord one benche with one Forme - 20 0
one small coborde with one disheborde - 6 8
in cheares and stoules with one - 3 4
fowre quishines - 2 0
in Brasse and pewter 3 8 0
one Leade - - 20
in trine ware - 10 0
towe seckes and one littelle bage - 2 0
in yron wardes - 15 0
one lanteronn and one - - 6
one oulde wiskete and towe siffes - - 6
one ould book - - 18
in Ladels - - 15
in barleye - 10 0
in mallt - 5 0
Sum 26 15 10
- - -
1. Buried as 'Old Thomas of the Churchgate in Stockport'. [Index]
Elline Mores.
S.Pr. 1603.
Inventory of: goods.
Prisers: John Wharmbey and William Ridga.
s d
1 ould arke - -
3 muge potts - 2
1 littell bowck - 2
1 ould stownd - 1
2 canes - 3
3 woden platters - 2
Ould bredes - 1
Dishes - 1
1 nogin - 1
2 littell Kettells - 6
1 creset - 4
pothoacks & tongs - 4
1 fyre Iron - 8
3 sheets - 16
the rest of her bedclothes - 16
1 skert of a pettecotte 2 0
1 ould pettecotte & wastcote - 8
1 yard of red cloth - 22
all her smale linnen clothes 4 0
1 silke hatt - 8
1 paire of ould showes - 4
1 pewter charger - 4 [Index]
William Haryson of the Hillgate in Stockport, Lynnen Webster.
I.Pr. 27 Apr 1604.
Will, sickness and infyrmities in my bodie. W.T. 07 Jan 1600/01.
Knowinge Death to be certeyne to every creature and the houre thereof unknowen - meanyng that Amytie love and frendshippe and the contyuance thereof shall and maye be had and contynued Amongest my wiffe and children after my Deceasse, do make and ordeyne this present testamet conteyninge herein my last will in manner and forme followinge: That is to saye first and pryncipally I do comend my Soule into the hands of Almightie god my creator Redeemer and onelye Saviour, by the meryts of whose sonnes precyous bloode sheddinge I trust Unfenynedlye to be saved and to Inherytt his eternall Kyngdome And my bodye and boones I do comytt to the earth from whence yt came to be buryed Under or neere to the two highest formes above the Font and next to the font above the same, And for the ordering and distrybucon of my worldlye goodes cattells and detts: It is my mynd and will that the Same shalbe Gyven and devyded in maner and forme followinge: Fyrst my detts to be payd of the whole and that done, First and gyve of my whole goods to
Ales my wyffe all such goods as are att my howse and brought to me by her when I did marye her, And to
John Haryson my sonne fyve shillings in money which 5s yt is my mynd and will he have in full Recompence of his chylds porcon of my goods consyderinge he had att one tyme foure pounds in money of me heretofore and other goods and things And to my Daughter
Jane I gyve in full Recompence of her porcone, with that she hath alreadye the Lowme she hath bene Accustomed to worke in and three Reedes at the dyscrecon of my executors to be delyvered: The rest of my said goods It is my mynd and will shalbe devyded Into three equall and Just parts: The first parte whereof I gyve and bequeath to Ales Haryson now my wyffe accordinge to the custome of the cuntrie, the Second parte I gyve and bequeath to
Ellen Haryson my Daughter, And the thryd and last parte I do reserve to myselffe to dystcharge and paye my funerall
expences and legacies, And after the same done and performed I will the revercon of my parte shalbe equallie devided betwixt the said Ales my wyffe and Ellen my daughter by even porcones.
Executrices: testator's wife Ales and daughter Ellen.
Witnesses: James Dyckson, Edmond Shelmerdyne, Thomas Broocke and George
Inventory of: William Harrysons goods who was buryed 16 Apr.1
Prisers: Reynold Haryson, Alex Boardman, Laurence Darbye and Rauff Jackson.
£ s d
one lowme which is gyven - 12 0
one lowme - 8 0
one lowme - 13 4
one Lath - - 16
in Reeds - 20 0
in laches - - 16
in temples and shuttles - - 12
one pynne wheele - - 4
in brasses and prynes - - 2
one Warstocke, and Ryngs - - 18
one payre ballance - - 4
two ould arks - - 12
one yarne beame - - 4
two Wisketts - - 2
one ould baskett - - 1
in turves - - 4
in bedstocks - 3 0
five od boxes - 2 8
one table - 6 8
in his wearinge clothes - 6 8
in beddinge - 13 4
in tryeene ware - - 16
in pewter and brasse - 6 0
one fryinge pane one broach and toungs - 3 0
2 old cheeres and stooles - - 6
4 ould coffers - 6 8
one barryne cowe - 26 8
- - -
1. Parish register agrees. [Index]
Anne Walmeslie.
I.Pr. 08 Jun 1604.
Inventory of: goodes and cattels.
Prisers: Thomas Bordman, Richard Hankesson, John Sutte and John Ouldam.
s d
one wosted curtell 5 0
2 red petticotes 5 0
one ould apperan - 6
in linines - 18
one ould payre of house and showes - 6
Sum 12 6
Office endorsement: probate to William Carrington.
1. Office endorsement has 'Agneta', status: spinster. [Index]
John Latham.
I.Pr. 15 Oct 1604.
Inventory of: goods.
Prisers: George Wood, Richard Walker, John Ouldam and Thomas Bruckshall.
s d
for apparrell for his bodye 2 0
one blanket one coverlet and 2 oulde shetes 2 0
one cofer and a peare of bed stockes 2 0
in yren ware - 13
in tryne ware and wodden ware - 12
Sum 8 1
Office endorsement: probate to Ellinae Lathome, relict of deceased. [Index]
Nicholas Wynn of Stockport, Shearman.
I.Pr Oct 1604.
Will: W.T. 1604.
Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Nicholas Wynn my qwarte brasse pott one chaffing dish and towe of my best pewter dishes Item I geve and bequeath unto Dorithie
Tomlynson my doughter these parcels hereafter named which she fetched away from my howse I not knowing of most of thym viz The best Coverlett, one whyte blanket, a partie colourd Irish blanket one spitt, one breadyron, one backspittle foure pewter dyshes, dyvers litle stoles one salting bowk Towe brass Candlesticks and eight shillings which I lent her moreover I geve unto my said doughter
Dorithy the biggest brass pann saving one, the biggest brasse pott but one and the biggest kettle pann and three of the worst pewter dishes. Also I give and bequeath unto my said doughter Dorithy towe rough kettle panns and one old skellett. Item I geeve and bequeath unto my said sonn
John my best skellett, one frying pann, one fyre Iron with rackentrees, one payre of tonngs and one spitt and my worst brasse pann and the beast brasse pott. Item I give and bequeath unto my Sonn John his children fyve old pewter dishes and three socers to be devyded amonge thym. Item I give and bequeath unto my soninlawe James
Chorlton my worst sheres. Item my mynde and will is that everie chyld I am granndfather unto shall have everie one of thym 12 pence a pece. And my mynd and will is that my sonn John shall have the rest of my goods not bequeathed towards the paying of my debts and the discharging of my funerall expence.
Executor: testator's son John.
Witnesses: James Chorlton, Edmond Shelmerdyne, James Fearne and Tho.
Inventory: Nicholas Wynn of Stockport, shearman. Taken: 16 Oct 1604.
Of: goods and chattells.
Prisers: Thomas Garnett, Edmond Shelmerden, Robert Gardner and James
£ s d
Pannes and kettles viz Three pannes, three kettles, and twoe skelletts - 10 7
foure brasse pottes - 16 0
one Chafinge dish - - 10
Twelve ould pewter dishes and three sawcers - 6 0
one oulde table, trestle, benche and forme and other ould bordes - 3 0
one litle brotch one ould fryinge pann, one payre of pott hookes one payre of tonges, one Rakentree one oulde fyre Iron - - 20
Twoe payre of Shermans sheeres - 2 8
workinge bordes and handle stockes - - 8
one Twyneter - 4 0
Three stooles and a Chayre - - 4
one flocke bed, one Coverlett, foure blanketts, three boulsters, one pillowe - 20 0
Two payre of sheetes three shirtes foure bands and one handkercher - 7 0
his apparrell - 20 0
one ould Arke - - 4
one sheerebord - - 6
paynted Clothes - - 8
in monie1 - 30 0
in Debt owing 13s 4d. (Somme is 4 14 3)
to hym by his son John
Sum 6 17 7
1. This and the following item have been added in another hand; as a consequence the total was altered in the same hand.
Office endorsement: probate to executor. [Index]
Alexander Torkinton of Stockport, Tanner.
S.Pr. 1605.
Will, visited with weakness and infirmitie of bodie. W.T. 19 Sep 1605.
I commende my soule into the hanndes of Almightie God my maker and preserver, And my bodie to be buryed in the Churche of Stockport on the Southe syde thereof, hopinge in the merites of Jesus Christe my Savioure and redeemer to be one of that small number that shalbe saved. Item I give and bequeth unto
Izabell Torkinton my wyfe Threescore and Tenne poundes of lawfull money of Englande in recompence of her parte and portion of my goodes: And all the Brasse, Pewter, beddinge, lynnens, houshould stuffe and Implements whatsoever. Item I give and bequeth unto Izabell
Bradley the daughter of Charles Bradley late of Rediche in the Countye of Lancaster husbandman deceased Thirteene pounde sixe shillinges Eighte pence of lyke lawfull money. Item I give and bequeth unto John
Birche of Levensham shoomaker Thirteene poundes sixe shillinges eighte pence, towardes the bringing up of
Alexander Birche my godsonne, and the reste of his children. Item I give and bequeth unto William
Nicholson of Stockport other Thirteene poundes sixe shillinges eightepence lykewyse for and towardes the bringinge up of his Children. Item I give and bequeth unto Ellen
Nicholson the daughter of Raffe Nicholson of the Townes ende, fyve poundes. Item I give and bequeth unto
Alice Nicholson the daughter of William Nicholson late of the Woodhall in Rediche afforesayd deceassed, Tenne poundes to be putt forthe for her beste proffett and advantage, and the same to be delivered unto her when shee shall accomplishe the full age of Sixeteene: And if she departe this lyfe before she shall accomplish the sayde age: Then my mynde and will ys that
Dorothye Nicholson another daughter of the same William Nicholson late of the Woodhall afforesayde deceassed, shall have the foresayd summe of Tenne poundes delivered unto her shortelye after the deceasse of the sayde Alice: And if the sayde Dorothye doe deceasse lykewyse before the sayd summe of Tenne poundes shalbe in suche
sorte due and payable unto her as afforesayd: Then my mynde and will, ys, that Frannces Nicholson the Yongest sonne of the sayde William Nicholson late of the Woodhall afforesayd deceassed shall have the sayd summe of Tenne poundes to his owne proper use and behoofe for ever. Item my mynde and wyll ys further, That the pore artificers and tradesmen of the towne of Stockporte, shall for and towardes theire better helpe and furtherance in theire trades and occupations have the use and occupation of the Summe of Thirteene poundes sixe shillinges Eightpence of my goodes, for the space of Three Yeares, and soe from three Yeares to Three Yeares for ever, withoute anye interest payinge for the same, to be soe Imployed and bestowed att the oversighte of the Maior and Twoe of the moste Aunciente Aldermen dwellinge in the savd Towne of Stockport for the tyme beinge, provyded Alwayes, That if the sayd Maior and Aldermen for the tyme being, that shall have the disposinge of the sayd money, shall eyther by negligence or other wyse, lett oute the same to unthriftye persons soe that the stocke or any parte thereof be wasted: that then the sayd Maior and Aldermen theire executours and administratours shall of theire owne propper goodes make upp the sayd stocke agayne to be lett oute as afforesayd to the use of pore artificers and tradesmen for ever. Item I give and beequethe unto Margerye
Ogden my landeladye Sixe poundes, hopinge she will use my wyfe Kyndelye after my deceasse. Item I give and bequeth unto Alexander
Mosse of Stockport Butcher Tenne poundes. Item I give and bequeth unto William Torkinton of Stockporte my cosen, Twentye shillinges: And unto
John Torkinton his servante fyve pounds. Item I give and bequeth unto Ellen Smithe the wyfe of
Thomas Smithe late of Stockport deceassed Fouretye shillinges. Item I give and bequeth unto Mr. Arthur
Storer Twentye shillinges. Item I give and bequeth unto Thomas Symkin Clarke of Stockport Twentye shillinges. Item I give and bequeth unto John
Robynson Tanner fourtye shillinges and one sute of my apparrell. Item I will give and bequeth for and towardes the fyndinge and maynetayninge of an Usher for the publicke schoole of Stockport Tenne poundes for ever. And the same to be soe bestowed accordinge to my intente and true meaninge and not otherwyse, att the oversighte of Mr Gerard
Parson of Stockport, and William Dickinson nowe Maior of the same towne, and twoe of the moste Aunciente Aldermen thereof: And att the oversighte of the Parson, Maior and twoe of the moste Aunciente Aldermen of the sayd Towne forever. Item I give and bequeth unto everie one of my Godchildren Twoe shillinges. Item I give and bequeth unto Ellen
Lynney of Stockport Twentie shillinges. Item I bequeth will and leave unto my executors heereafter named towardes the bringinge of my bodye to the earthe, and for and towardes the discharge of my funerall expences costes and charges thereunto belonginge, the summe of Tenne poundes of currante money of Englande. And if the same be founde to be too litle: Then my mynde and will ys, That my sayde executors shall take parte of the Residue of my goodes not bequethed for the defrayinge of the sayd charge att theire discretion accordinge to the truste I have reposed in them. Item my mynde and will ys and I doe hartelye desyre, that the Clerk, John
Ouldham and some boyes that can singe, doe fetche my bodye from my house, and accompanye the same unto the churche in singinge of psalmes to the prayse of God. And for theire laboure I give and bequeth everie one of them sixepence. The residue of all my goodes chattalls and debtes after my funerall expences performed and theise my legacies conteyned in this my presente Testamente fulfilled I wholye give and bequeth unto Peter
Hey John Bolande and William Nicholson equallye to be devyded amongst them.
Executors: Izabell Torkington my wife, Peter Hey and John Boland. Hey and Boland are to have £3 each for their work as executors. Mk. and S.
Witnesses: Ri. Gerard, William Dickinson and Tho. Simkin
Inventory: Alexander Torkington of Stockport, tanner.
Taken: 26 Oct 1605.
Of: goods and chattells. Original inventory authenticated at foot by three prisers.
Prisers: Alexander Boswell, Raphe Dickinson, Godffrey Hearon and Edmonde
£ s d
in ready money 4 10 0
his apparrell - 40 0
in the house one standingebed with a Tester and Trucklebed - 26 8
one fetherbed, mattresse 2 blankettes and a caddow - 33 4
2 bolsters, 2 pillowes, one payre of sheets, and twoe pillowe beares - 20 0
3 chestes in the house - 12 0
one cupbord and one table in the house - 16 0
Brasse - 16 8
Pewter - 20 0
in an highe chamber, one standingebed, and beddinge there remayninge 3 0 0
newe lynnen cloth - 18 0
6 shirtes - 9 0
other lynnens 3 0 0
corne and malte - 12 4
one malte arke, one salting turnell, 3 chestes and 3 arkes - 27 0
Bacon and grease - 3 0
one halfe hoope and pecke with other implementes - - 16
one Barrell of Beefe - 5 0
Treene ware - 8 6
bordes and earthen pottes - 2 0
woodd, turfe and coale - 30 0
Barke 5 0 0
one oulde bedstead with bordes - 2 6
one ould paire of scales one swinglefoote, hettchell and a spynningewheele - - 16
Lyme - 3 0
worke loomes, ladders, baskettes and other implementes belonginge to his occupation - 7 8
flax - 2 3
one fyre yron, shovell tonges, brundrett, dreepingpan fryingpan, 2 spittes, golbertes, and other yron ware - 9 0
twoe silver spoones - 10 0
Butter and cheese - 8 0
chayres, stooles, cushins bellowes and other implementes - 6 0
Sum 33 0 7
Debtes owinge to the Testator
by James Worthington and George Bradley - 44 0
by George Chorleton the father and George Chorleton his sonne 11 0 0
by Robert Dodge 11 0 0
by Thomas Simkin - 40 0
by Thomas Houlte and John Henshall 11 0 0
by Edward Ryle, Robert Woodd and William Torkinton 7 14 0
by Roger Chewe and Reginalde Hollingworth 5 10 0
by William Bate and Hughe Bate 7 14 0
by Edward Thorniley Raphe Collier and George Brookshall 11 0 0
by Peter Hey 56 0 0
by William Nicholson 5 0 0
by John Boland 57 19 8
by George Rawlinson alias Harrison - 55 0
by Mr. Gerard 6 0 0
by Raphe Nicholson - 30 0
Sum 198 6 8
Sum 231 7 3
Depositions relating to will of Alexander Torkington of Stockport, tanner. With original signatures. Transcript:
Depositions of wittnesses taken att Stockport 29 Oct 1605. for the probation of the Last will and Testament of Alexander Torkinton late of Stockport in the Countie of Chester Tanner Deceassed, before Richard
Gerard Bachelor in Divinitie and Parson of the parishe Churche of Stockport afforesayd by vertue of a Commission from the Right Worshipfull David
Yale Doctor of the Lawes bearinge Date 24 Oct 1605. as followeth.
William Dickinson of Stockport in the Countie and Dioces of Chester Lynnen Draper of the age and 62 yeares or thereaboute sworne and examined deposeth and sayth: That the will shewed unto him with the preamble thereof ys the same that he did as a witnes signe att the desyre of the sayd Alexander Torkinton deceassed: And that he was presente and did heare the same read before the said decedent signe seale and deliver the sayd will as his dede: And that the sayd decedent was of good and perfect memorie, when he did soe signe, seale and deliver the sayd will. And further he saythe not.
William Dickenson, Ri: Gerard.
Thomas Simkin of Stockport afforesayd yoman of the age of Fortie three yeares or thereaboute sworne and examined deposeth and sayth in all thinges as the above named William Dickinson hathe deposed and sayd.
Tho. Simkin. Ri. Gerard.
Office endorsement: probate to executors. [Index]
James Tellier of Stockport, Cutler.
S.Pr. 06 Nov 1606.
Will: Probably a copy, by testator, but witnesses signed it. Health:1 sick in body. W.T. 01 Jun
I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie god hoping assuredly and not dowting but by the meritts, Death and passion of Jesus Christ to be saved at the great and generall daie. And my bodie to be buried in the Churchyard of Stockport or els where it shall please the almightie to appoint. Also I give to James
Williamson of Stockport Tellier 10s 0d: which he oweth mee. and to Francis Robinson 6s 8d which the (likwise) oweth me. Also I give unto
Margery Robinson and Jane Robinson 5s 0d a peece and to John Grantham of Stockport showmaker my best suite of aparrell. All the rest of my goods Cattls and Chattlls my funerall expencs, legacies, and detts discharged I give unto
Margery Tellier my wife and James Tellier my son equally to be devided betweene them and if it Chance the said Margery and James to die that then all my goods Cattls and Chattls moveable and unmoveable to be devided amongst the Children of my brother in lawe
John Robinson equally except £10 which then shalbe given to Robart Vaudraie. And to see this my last will and testament performed and done in maner and forme abovemenconed I make and Apoint my welbeloved brother in lawe John Robinson of Stockport my sole executor not only to see this my last will executed but also do earnestly intreat the said John Robinson to take the tuition of James Tellier my son and to take both the boie and his portion and to see him orderly brought up and the said portion of goods belonging to my son to be put to his most proffitt and advantage.
[witnesse whereof]
(25 old sheepe and 8 lambs)
Detts owing to mee James Tellier £ s d
John Smyth of Heaton - 20 0
Thurston Rawson - 5 0
Sir William Damport knight 5 0 0
Ambrosse Robinson - 20 0
Roger Orme - 4 0
Thomas Sadler - - 16
Raphe Broocke - 5 0
Thomas Williamson - 3 0
James Walmersley 3 12 0
John Matly - 4 0
John Cartwright - 10 0
Thomas Anndrewe - 10 0
The naile man - 15 0
- - -
Detts owing by mee James Tellier
Unto my brother in lawe John Robinson - 26 8
Unto George Gemings - 5 0
Unto George Adshedd - 6 0
- - -
Witnesses: Otywell Dodge and Wm Nicholson, who both sign.
Codicil: new sheet, different hand from those on will.
The Sixt Daie of Jun 1606 James Taylor beinge moved by John Granthame of Stockport Showmaker his brotherinlawe to have in remembrannce three silver Spoones and one Brasse Pott whitch the said John Granthame hadd formerlie pawned for the some of 22s 0d to the said James Taylor The Foresaid James Taylor beinge in perfect remembrance answeared as followeth in presence of divers Credible and Honest persons vizt There is one of the foresaid Spoones already made away And for the other two with the pott My mynd and will is that John Granthame my brotherinlawe shall have them.
1. Buried 09 Jun 1606. 'dyed of the plague'. Noted as no. 36 so to do.
Inventory: James Taylor of Stockport, cutler. Taken: 25 Nov 1606.
Of: goods Cattlls and Chattls.
Prisers: Sampson Hunte, John Cartwright, Otywell Dodge, Thurston Rawson
£ s d
In Silver and gold 14 18 4 1/2
7 peeces of pewter 2 Candlesticks and a salt - 3 6
one brasse pott - 10 0
2 kettle pans 1 little possnett a ladle and a skellet - 4 0
a Frying pan a payre of tongs a spitt a bread Iron a Fyre Iron and a payre of potthookes - 2 4
bedding vizt a Feather bedd 2 bowlsters one pillowe 2 blanketts and a Coverlett - 16 0
Linens vizt 3 pillowe beeres 1 flaxen sheete and 5 rownd sheetes - 13 4
one Beddsteede - 3 4
3 great Chists 2 litle Chists and an arke - 13 4
2 Chayres and a stoole - - 6
4 piggens with Dishes and trenchers - - 12
6 wheele and a Bill - 2 0
his Bodyly aparrell - 50 0
4 lbs of Colloured Wooll - 3 4
2 kyne 3 6 8
25 sheepe vizt 7 lambs 12d a peece 11 weathers 2s - 6d a peece 7 owes 12d a peece - - -
all the sheepe - 41 6
in wooll 3 stonne - 30 0
4 silver spoones - 10 0
9 newe daggers which came from Manchester - 13 0
6 daggers - 7 4
2 swords and a skeane - 15 0
7 sword hilts at 60 a peece - 3 6
4 dagger hilts att - - 16
2 damaske hilts with pomells - - 12
17 fisken handls - - 10
a dozen of wyre handls - - 14
a Dozen of Dagger Chapes a dozen of sword Chapes and five lockers - - 16
7 bunches of scales and an halfe - 2 4
6 score pownd of Iron in hilts and pomells - 5 0
10 pownd of old dager blades - - 10
21 Chapes - - 10
a vice a dressing beame and his towles - 3 8
old sword blades rapier blades and dagger blads but we remaine uncertaine whether they wilbe claimed or no - 6 0
old scabards - - 2
a grindle stonne - 2 0
a long powle - - 2
4 daggers in Manchester not veiwed nor valewed more by William Nicholson for the part of a Closse called the bent and a tupp - 20 0
Robert Hardman 5s which was received by him in Manchester - - -
- - -
Detts due to the Testator
John Smith of Heaton Norris - 20 0
Thurston Rawson - 5 0
Sir William Damport knight 5 0 0
Ambrosse Robinson - 20 0
Rodger Orme - 4 0
Thomas Sadler - - 16
Raphe Broocke - 5 0
Thomas Williamson - 3 0
John Matley - 4 0
John Cartwright - 10 0
Thomas Andrewe - 10 0
The nayle man - 15 0
John Robinson elder - 10 0
William Nicholson for Cloath - 10 4
- - -
In Tacks of ground
One Cloasse lett to John Warren for Five yeares 16 13 4
one parcell of ground let to George Elcocke for Foure yeares 6 8 0
another parcell of ground to the said George Elcocke for one yeare - 46 0
one parcell of ground to James Williamson for Five yeares att 8 13 6
More due by bound bill or otherwise as Followeth
A bownd due by William Hartley and Robert Barlowe of 21 0 0
Peter Damport 7 0 0
Nicholas Williamson 2 0 0
Ellis Odcroft - 20 0
William Nicholson 4 0 0
Sampson Hunt 2 0 0
Ottiwell Dodge 3 0 0
James Hunt - 30 0
uxor James Tellior nowe wyffe of Robert Hardman - 22 0
James Wallmsley 3 12 0
Out of which Foresaid detts and goods is to be deducted the some of 37s 8d which the said Testator did owe as is apparant by his will. sum totall is £122 2s 8 1/2d besyde the deduction of 37s 8d. - - -
- - -
Litigation paper, C. n.d., damaged. Margery, wife of Robt Haldman and relict of James Tailor of Stockport, versus John Robinson, executor of the last will and testament of James Tailor.
Office endorsement: probate to executor. [Index]
James Chorlton of Stockport, Linendraper.
S.Pr. 13 Dec 1606.
Will: sick in body. W.T. 05 Aug 1606.
First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almightie god my maker and into the hands of his Sonne Jesus Christ my savior and redeemer by whose meryts death and passion I hope to be saved and by no other waye nor avenue whatsoever Item my will and mynd is that after my death my goods be devided into three partes, the first parte to my Selffe, the Second parte I gyve and bequeathe unto
Agnes my wyffe, And the thrid parte unto Elizabethe Chorlton, Margrett Chorlton and
Ales Chorlton my Three daughters and to the most proffett and advantage of the forsaid Elizabethe Margrett and Ales: And yf it shall please god that anye of my daughters shall dye before they come to yeares of discretion or maryage That the Survyvor or Survyvors of the said daughters shall have the said thrid parte with all proffytes that Aryse of the said parte untill they shall comb to yeres of discrecon and be thought meete to governe the Same themselffs: Also the remaynder of my parte my funerall expences discharged my will is that yt Shalbe devided equallye betwene Agnes Chorlton my said wiffe, Elizabethe ChorltonMargrett Chorlton And Ales Chorlton my daughters.
Executors: Agnes Chorlton my wife and my well beloved brother in law John Wynne of Stockport. H. and S.
Dettes due and owinge unto me James Chorlton £ s d
John Willyamson of Stockport - 6 8
James Walmersley of Stockport butcher - 3 0
Ambrose Robinson off Stockport - 9 0
John Cartwright of Stockport - 16 10
Barnes of Staffordshire - 33s 4d due by A bill in the hands of the bayliffe of Stoone - - -
Thomas Broocke shoemaker at the daie of his maryage 5s, for a sword - - -
Robert Haryson alias Hughes - 2 6
Thurston Rowson alias Matley - 2 0
Richard Smythe de Nangreave - - 20
Alexander Aspynall - 2 0
John Sidebothom 6 13 0
Sum 10 18 0
Witnesses: Willyum Dickenson, Wm Nicholson and Francis Hankinson.
Inventory: James Chorlton of Stockport, linendraper.
Date taken: 10 Sep 1606.
Of: goods cattells chatells and dettes.
Prisers: Henrye Holme, John Bowland, John Reddiche the elder, and James
In the stable £ s d
two packe horses, two packe sadles and furnyture to the same belonginge 6 0 16
one old packe sadle and a hackney sadle - 5 0
a frame for lnckle weavinge - - 20
27 sawen bordes, cratches and other impleyments - 12 0
hey by estimacon 2 loades - 16 0
2 siffes 3 wisketts - - 10
one swyne - 13 4
3 ladders - - 16
certen Sclate - - 12
in fewell - 2 0
In the parlor
on the highe bedd one fetherbed a chaffebedd a coverlett 3 blanketts 2 bolstrs 2 pillowes - 40 0
on an other bed under the wyndow 2 chaffe bedds a bolster a coverlett and a pillow - 12 0
on the bed betwene the other two bedds a fetherbedd a bolster and a pillow a coverlett and sixe blanketts - 52 0
a standinge bedstid and paynted clothe over itt - 12 0
a truckle bed and one other bedstidd - 8 0
4 chistes - 13 4
one round table - - 6
6 paire sheets ould ones - 16 0
5 flaxen Sheetes - 16 0
two table clothes one towell napkyns and other napryeware - 12 0
In the highe chamber over the parlor
one bedstid - 4 0
one arke one litle bord and other ympleyments - - -
in malte - - -
in Seckes and poakes - - -
one paire shermans sheares - - -
In the Buttrie
in earthen ware and Tryene ware - - -
in bordes - 21 -
pewter - 41 -
in brasse Iron and leade - 11 0
In the fyre howse
one brasse pann - 13 4
more in brasse pottes, skelletts candlestickes and other brasse - 25 0
in pewter - 30 0
one Cubbord and cubbord clothes - 14 0
in Stooles and cheeres - 5 0
one bord in the house and A frame and other od thinges - 101 -
A Lanterne - - 6
A hedginge bill 2 pytcheforkes A sword A dagger one other bill one broken poale axt - 10 0
in Quyshens - 4 0
one bible - 10 0
a fyre Iron Spittes tonnges A fyre shovell and other Iron ware - 10 0
in tryene ware - 2 0
one Sawen bord - - 9
in beaffe and bacon - - -
in wheat 3 8 0
in lynen clothe and packe clothes and cordes 20 2 2 1/2
one Shovell and A hatchett A hammer and 2 paire pynsars - 2 0
in chattells 33 10 0
in Redie money 4 11 2
his bodylie apparell - 30 0
Sum 89 3 7 1/2
Dettes owing unto hym as appeare by his will in the whole 10 18 0
1. Pence column damaged.
Office endorsement: probate to testator's relict Agnes. [Index]
Margaret Pickering of Stockport, Widow.
S.Pr. 22 Jan 1606/7.
Will, sick in body. W.T. 10 Jan 1605/6.
I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie god my Creator savior and Redeemer assuredlye hopeing by the merritts of Christ his passion to be one of his elect and chosen ones and my bodie to be buryed in christiann buryall Item I give and bequeath to my brother Thomas
Greene my best cowe here in Stockport Item I give to my brothers fiyve Children eche of them fyve shillings Item I give to my sister in lawe my best petticoat Item I bequeath to Richard
Normansell, Thomas Normansell and Urian Normansell each of them 3s 4d Item I give to Elizabeth
Pott my saddle Item I give to Katheren Howley a coffer at her house which was my brother Edwards Item I bequeath to Margarett
Jackson my best gowne Item I give to Margarett Wharmby one Waste and one Apron Item I give to George
Knight my best hatt lyened with taffatie and my best safegard which was never worne Item I give to Katheren
Swyndells my worke daie gowne my peticoat with redd fringe my best hoes and shoes and one stomacher Item I give to Elizabeth
Wakfeld my worke daie petticoat and my ould hatt Item I give to Margerie Piggott one teare of hempe smock Item I give to Raphe
Allen a little Cambrick patlett to be for a bannd all the rest of my goods whatsoever moveable and unmoveable after my debts paied and my legacies and funerall expences discharged I give and bequeath to my sister
Elizabeth Greene.
Executor: testator's welbeloved sister Elizabeth Greene.
Further I give and bequeath unto Edward Jackson 3s 4d.
£ s d
Debts which I owe - - -
Debts oweing unto me - - -
Thomas Pickering 8 0 0
Thomas Pickering for his table behinde 2 0 0
Item the same Thomas for two ladders as they be praised - - -
George Chowlerton of Didisburie Due at Candlemas next - 9 0
- - -
Witnesses: Richard Normansell and George Knight.
Inventory: Margaret Pickering of Stockport, widow.
Taken: Feb 1605/6.
Of: goods cattells and debts.
Prisers: Sampson Huntt, William Wharmbye, Thurston Roleton, John Twyffoard and George
£ s d
one cowe paid for a hariott - 53 4
4 Kyne and 3 heffers 14 0 0
2 swyne - 13 4
in wheat unthreshed - 21 0
in otes threshed and unthreshed - 27 0
barelie threshed and unthreshed - 29 0
in Rye - 10 0
in haie 3 13 4
2 carttes and a paire of Iron bound wheeles - 30 0
in mault - 5 0
in silver spoones - 18 0
in toawe - 13 0
in yarne - 17 0
in flax undressed - 15 0
in linseed - 2 0
in ladders - 5 0
in harowes and ploughes - 6 0
one colecart - 5 0
in coffers and boxes - 12 0
turnells Kimnells and onpouderinge tubb - 10 0
Sackes window sheetes and poakes - 13 4
2 bruinge caires - 5 0
one Saffe - 2 0
in maundes baskets wiskets and sives - 4 0
in butter and cheese - 26 0
in beeffe and Baccon poudered - 40 0
in Beddsteedes and Bedding 6 0 0
in linines and naperie wares 4 6 8
in Otemeale and greates - 8 0
Brasse and Peweter 4 10 0
in leades - 5 0
Iron wares - 20 0
in earthen pottes and glasses - 3 4
in treen wares - 16 0
in tables formes and stooles - 6 0
one Spininge wheele and reeles - 1 4
in Quishions - 8 0
in husbandrie wares - 2 6
in Pullen - 6 0
in Apparell and her Sadle 5 15 0
in worthinge - - 10
Sum 60 18 0
- - -
Office endorsement: probate to executor. [Index]
Inventory of the Estate of
Imprimus one cowe with a calfe which is seased uppon for an harriott @_______
iii£ iii/ iiiid
Item iii kine and an heffer @____________ viii£
Item ii Mares @______________________ iiii£
Item all kynde of Coarne & grayne @_____ xiii£
Item in Hey @_______________________ xx/
Item Waines Cartes plowes & Harrowes @_______________ liiii/
Item all oyren Wares @________________ xiii/ iiiid
Item in Malte @______________________ vi/
Item in pottbrasse @__________________ xxxiii/ iiiid
Item in pan brasse @__________________ xxxvi/ viiid
Item in pewter @_____________________ xxvi/ viiid
Item in bedinge @____________________ vii£
Item Naprie Ware @__________________ l/
Item in Chests and Arkes @____________ l/
Item bedstocks & sawed bords @________ viii/
Item Stone Troughes @________________ v/
Item Torves & one brake @_____________ iii/ iiiid
Item Tables Chayres & Stoules @________ xxvi/ viiid
Item one Showl @____________________ vii/
Item Cowpers Ware & trend Ware @_____ xv/
Item geese Duckes & Henns @__________ xii/
Item Wollen Yoarne, Hempe, butter & Chise @___________________ ix/
Item Spinninge Wheeles @_____________ ii/
Item a Sack, pokes & an oulde Winowshite_ xviiid
Item in quishens @ ____________________ ii/
Item the appell of the decedent @ ____ ii£
[the following item was originally bordered on the right with a brace '{' with the point in
the middle aimed at the x£]
Item a lease for yeares, granted by
Sir George Bouthe knighte, unto the decedent of a tenent. in Styall determinable uppon ye death of
the longest liver of the said decedent x£
Elline his wiffe & Thomas his sonne praised by Charles Davenport &
Thomas Lacie the remainder of the Tearme Yett to expyre to be Worth
Debtes owinge to the decedent
Imprimis Richard Lambe @_____________ lvii/
in wheate @________________________ l/
Soim lxxi£ xi/ xd
[Photocopies of the original of this document came from two different people. One of those people provided
a second document, constituting an inventory of exactly the same estate and done at the same time. There were only a
few minor discrepancies, other than those caused by some damage and deterioration to the second version.
The great advantage of having two versions of this estate inventory lay in being able to cross check several
items written in a different hand and sometimes different spelling.]
********************** [Index]
Will of Marjorie Kelsall, Widow, 1614
In the name of god Amen The xxvth day of October ano domi 1614 & The year of the Raigne of our soveraigne Lorde James by the grace of god of England ffrance & Ireland King The xiith and of Scotland the vliijth defender of the fayth etc./ I Margerie Kellsall widow beinge in bodie sicke but of pfect remembrance Thankes be given to god do here make my Last Will and Testament in maner and fforme following ffirst and principally I give and bequeath my soal un- to the hands of Allmightie god my maker trusting to be saved by the death and Blode shedinge of Jesus Christ and by no other Meanes & my bodie to be buried in the Pishe Church of wimsloweItem I give & bequeath unto my Sonne in law Thomas Pedley and his wife
my daughter The fourth parte of all my hempe in full Satisfaction of all & every pte or portion & their childrs parte in regard as
she and her husband hath had a large portion allredy Item I give an and bequeath unto my daughter
Kathrine and her husband Nicolas Robinsonne my best bed saevinge Too with all furniture belonginge
To the same & one litle pott and alitle pan my best gowne and one Browne gowne in full satisfaction of her
& every of her childrs pte or portion in lyke manner as above sayde Item I give & bequeath unto
my sonne James all my husbandrye wares of what kynde soever one malte arke one great b[ro]ch
Item my will and mynde ys That my executors shall have ffull state & power to disposse of my
Tenement for the usses of my Sonne James paying and discharginge all rente & servises fore the same untill the age of xviij yeares together with
mayntenance [for] Richard Pristnale my Brother in such manner as my husbande
James Kellsall desessed will fformerly made
Item my will & mynde is that my Two daughters Elizabeth & Margery
shall have what profytte yssues
comodaties as shall arysse on the tenemente which my sonne in law Thomas Pedley doth dwell in
discharginge all dueties that I am bound to discharge for the same Item my mynde & will is that my
funerrall expences and my dets debts shall be had made & payde uppon the whole of all my goodes
cattells & chattells whatsoever Item my mynde & will ys that after my debts funerall &
bequeathes Beinge discharged I give unto my twoo sd daughters Elizabeth & Margery all the rest & residue
whatsoever Item my mynde is that my trustie friends Humfrey Hulme & Bartholomew Taylor
shall be my true and lawffull executors to see this my last will and testament pformed to the
True Intente & meaninge hereof & Edward Miller to bee overseer of the same debts owinge by mee:
ffirste my sonne in law Nicolus Robinsone hath receaved of mee xvi£
remayninge of his wiffes portion by her fathers will James Kellsall xxiiij£
debts owing unto me
Ridgewaye gentl ~~~~~ v£ viijS iiijd
Downes ~~~~ v£
Laice ~~~~~~~~ viij£
Kelsall ~~~ xxiiijS
Liney ~~~~~~ xviS
Robinsonne ~~~~xijS
wittnesses Thomas Barrett
William Bracegerdle
Estate Inventory - 1614
This is a true and perfectt Invantary of all such goods and Cattells and Chattells as late were the goods
Cattells and Chattells of Margery Kelsall of Stayall In The County of Chester widdow lately deseased
apraysed the ixth day of November 1614 by William Liney Thomas Lacie & William
in the County of Chester husbandmen
Imprimis in kyne and calfes ,_________________xxvij£
Item Too mares ,____________________________ vj£
Item in corne ,_____________________________ xxii£
Item in hay ,_________________________________ lS
Item Too hogs & Too shotes ,___________________xlS
Item one corne carte one mucke cartte one Turfe
Cartte Too payre of Wheelles & one Tumbrill vliijS iiijd
Item Three hambers Too cartte sadles and one packe
sadle and all hatters and Treases ,________________ xS
Item Three plowes and Too payre of Irnes ,____viS viijd
Item Three ffether beds and Three Bousters
and Too pillowes ,_________________________ iij£ xS
Item four coverletts neene Blancktes one pillow
and one mattris ,______________________ iij£ iijS iiijd
Item in sheetes and napprie ware ,____________ v£ xvS
Item in pewter and Brasse ,____________________ x£
Item Too Candle stickes ,___________________ ijS vid
Item Three chaffinge dishes ,_______________vjS viijd
Item in pewter ,____________________________ xxxS
Item Too Candle stickes one litle scellett ,_________iijS
Item all arkes and Coffers ,____________________iij£
Itm Three Spits Too gritte irnes one freyinge pan
and one Cressett ,____________________________ viS
Item Too shires one oulde freyinge pan one loude
wheighte with all the l rest of Irne ware ,__________ xS
Item one shue fore sickles Too pickels ,______ iijS iiijd
Item one brundrett pot racke pot hoockes & Tonges iiijS iijd
Item one saltinge Tub one pickell and all the rest
of Trine ware ,______________________________xvS
Item one Cartte Rope ,______________________ xvijd
Item one Irne grate ,______________________ iijS iiijd
Item in yerthen ware ,_______________________ xxd
Item one greatt Bottell one Cheare ,__________ijS viijd
Item Three payre of bedstocks & one bed syde ,____viS
Item in spokes ,______________________________vS
Item one sadle and a coveringe ,________________xxS
Item in some Timber and some bords ,___________ xlS
Item in geese hens and duckes ,________________ xiiS
Item fore Chefferttes ,_________________________vS
Item in cheesses ,_____________________iij£ iijS iiijd
Item Too peeses of bakon ,____________________iiid
Item Too coffers one pot and in greates ,__________iiiS
Item Too Twille sheetes one winow sheete ,____viS vid
Item in wiskets hopers ahalfe hoope and sifes ,_____ vS
Item one winow sheete ,____________________ xviijd
Item in pokes and sackes ,_____________________ viS
Item in flax hempe and yorne ,__________________3£
Item in hempe seede ,_________________________ vS
Item one litl Coffer ,_________________________xxd
Item in new dishes and bowes and Ese ,______vijS iiijd
Item woll cards and cowper Timber ,__________xS vid
Item hempe unbraked ,__________________ xiiiS iiijd
Item in fuell & fore swine Trowes ,____________ viiiS
Item in stone pale ,______________________viS viijd
Item her repparell ,_________________________ iiij£
Item sleudes and ladders with all the l rest and
resedue thereunto beelongeinge ,____________ iiS vid
Item a Tacke at William ffakners the older
valued to the some of ,_______________________ x£
Item a tacke att William Hunt valued To the
some of ,_________________________________viii£
Item a bill of Edward Lockett and Phillip ffoden
The some of ,__________________________viij£ xviS
Item the third unpayd of a bill of Richard
Higinson The some of ,____________________v£ iijS [end of page]
Item due by bonde by Randle Blackshall [and by]
[ ] Hardye and Jeffre Blackshall ,_________xv£ viijS
Item due by a bill by widdow [ ]
[Reyn]ald Ryle ,___________________________ xii£
Item due by bond by Richard Sudley and
William Bastock ,___________________________ x£
Item a bill of Edward Ackton ,_______________ iiv£
Item a bill of Reynold Ryle ,________________ xx£
The som ys Twoo hundred & viij£ vijS ixd [Index]
Hugh Janney, Husbandman of Adswood
Transcribed from a photocopy of the original by Paul C. Palmer 23 March
In the name of god amen. the sixt day of november, in the yeares of the raigne of our Souveraigne lord James By the grace of god of England, Scotland, ffrance and Ireland kinge defender of the faith etc. That is to say of England ffrance and Ireland, the neenetenth; And of Scotland the fore and ffiftieth. I Hugh Janney of Adsswood, in the pish of Cheadle, and the Countie of Chester husbandman beinge owld and weake in bodie yet of good and perfect memorie I give god thankes, do ordayne and make, this my last will & testamente in manner and forme followinge, ffirste I committe my soule into the hands of god, my Creator . . and Savior by christ, and my bodie to christian buriall, in the Churchyard of Cheadle, And those goods which god hath given me my will is the be distributed as ffolloweth Imprs my will is that my ffunerall expences be discharged of the whole, which being done my will is ffurther that all the rest of my goods be equallye devyded Amongste all my Chilldren. namelye amongste william Janney my sonne and margret Janney Lucie Janney Jane Janney and Katherin Janney my Daughters. and that margret my daughter shall allow and give unto Katherin my daughter, out of her portion ffourtie Sheelings Item I will that william my sonne, shall alow to his Sisters the Chamber below the house, to be in so long as the use themselves honestly, and to have libertie to come to his fyre, makeing some Cost of the same. And of this my last will I ordayne and make my lawfull Executors, Roger Leigh of Adsswood. And william Janney my sonne, To execute the same as my trust is in them And to this my last will I the said Hugh Janney have put my hand and Seale the day and yeare above written. ~ ~ /./.
Debts oweinge to me Hugh Janney.
Debts which I Hugh Janney do owe
Imprs of mr John Brearton ,_____40 S to mr John Brearton ,___________6S 8ds
Item of Ellen Blomeley ,______42S and for winterin certaine
Item of James Birch ,_________12S beasts since grassly day.
Sealed and delivered in
the prsenc of . ./ ./ ./
Roger Bancrofte
Ann Leigh
WS 1621 Inventory The Will of Thomas Janney the Elder, 1677
An Inventorie of the goodes Cattels and Chattels reall or psonall, moovable
and unmoveable, of Hugh Janney of the pish of Cheadle husbandman deceased pryzed and vallued by Reginald
Lingart william Bate Hugh Bate and
william Bancrofte the 26 day of november , in the19th yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England ffrance and
Ireland king defendor of the fayth etc of Scod, 55. Annogrc Domi. 1621.
Imprs Two mares ,___________ v£ viijS iiiid Item in treen ware ,____________vijS vjd
Item two coultes ,__________ iij£ xiijS iiijd Item two leades ,________________ vijS
Item ffouer kyne ,_______________ viij£ Item 6 bassens & a sligh ,__________ijS
Item three sterkes ,_______________iij £ Item in dishes & trenchers ,_______ xijd
Item two Swyne ,____________xxxiijS iiijd Item two turnells & a deshion ,__iijS iiijd
Item in oates by estimation Item in Linnen cloath ,________xxS iijd
14 bushell pryce ,_________vij£ xiiijS Item in Coverlets blankets
Item in barley by estimation & chaffbeds for 4 beds ,_____ljS iiijd
20 hoopes the pryce ,______liijS iiijd Item 3 paire of flaxxen sheetes , ___ xvS
Item in beanes by estimation ,_______ ij£ Item 7 paier of tear hemp ,_____ xxviijS
Item in hay by estimation ,__________ ij£ Item 3 paire of Canvasse ,______xxiiijS
Item in oate malt 5 hoops ,__________ xS Item 16 table nappkins ,_________ iiijS
Item in meale and groats 6 hopes ,___xxS Item one sive cloath ,__________xviijd
Item in spades shovels axes Item 4 pillow beares ,___________ iijS
mattocks and pitchforks ,______ vijS Item bordcloths towels and
Item in nangars nap hamer a wallet ,__________________ vjS
and pinsers ,________________ ijS
Item a half hope peck wisket
Item a framing saw and sives hoper basket & tennett ,__ iijS
two scythes ,_______________iiijS
Item one featherbed boulsters & pillows ,_ xxxS
Item in ploughirons Iron wedges Item 5 chistes ,__________xxxiijS iiijd
and other Iron new & old ,____ ixS Item 3 arkes ,__________________vjS
Item in harrows ,___________ vjS viijd Item a ston of hemp ,__________iijS vjd
Item a paire of Iron bond wheels Item in flaxen yorne ,____________ixS
3 carts & other wheels ,__liijS iiijd Item a framed table ,_____________ xS
Item in ploughes ,___________iijS iiijd Item 4 paire of bedstocks ,________iiijd
Item a cart saddle hombarks Item in chaires and stooles ,________ijS
and plough geares ,__________vS Item . 7 cheesbreads & other bords ,__ijS vjd
Item in ladders ,_______________ xijd Item 5 hennes ,_________________xxd
Item in fyrewood turvs & coales ___ xS Item in beife & bacon ,________iijS iiijd
Item two brundirons a breadiron Item in leather ,_________________ ijS
two spitts and a cressit ,__vjS viijd Item in cheese ,_____________xiijS iiijd
Item a grate tongs pothooks Item in x gallons of butter ,_______ xxS
and potracks ,___________ ijS vjd Item one hechel & cards ,_______xviijd
Item two frying pans ,__________ xijd Item in erthen ware ,______________ijS
Item in pewter ,_____________xvS vjd Item in windoshete sacks
Item 4 potts ,____________ xxvjS viijd and baggs ,___________________ xiS
Item 3 skelets & a skimmer . xxiijd Item a spining wheele ,___________vjd
Item in pan brasse ,___________xxijS Item his aparell ,___________xlvjS viijd
Item a chafin dish & a ladle ,_____ijS
Item in debts oweing to the said Hugh Janney
of mr John Brearton ,_________ 40S
of Ellin Blomeley ,___________42S
of James Birch ,_____________ 12S
Summa totalis 69£ iS 10d [Index]
Transcribed from the original by Paul
C. Palmer, November 2001
Imprimis I leave ffoure pounds: to bee paide in consideration of an herriot and my ffuneral expenses paid = the rest and remainder I dispose of as followeth: Item: My will and mind is that I do give unto my deere wife Elizabeth Janney all my brass and pewter: bedinge linnens = and all other househould stuffe whatsoever I dye possessed of: wch are at my daughter Mary Piersons: as allsoe – one bedsteed that stands in the parlor at my owne house Item: I give and bequeath unto my sonne Thomas Janney the table in the house & fformes belonging to it: and the salt coffer: the seate that standeth at the side of the house: all the boards & shelfes in the house & Buttery – one bedsteed that stands in the Chamber at the Chimney Side: two stoane Swine trowes: and the best Chaire in the house: Item: I give and bequeath - unto my sonne Henry Janney – Six poundes of money being parte of a bond due to mee: from Hugh Burges my sonninlaw: Item: I give unto my daughter Mary Pierson and her sonne = either of them fforty shillings apeece being the remainder of the bond before mentioned owing by Hugh Burges Item I give & bequeath unto my grandchild Jacob Janney = fforty shillings: being parte of the Twenty pounds my sonne Thomas Janney oweth me by bill: Item: I give and bequeath – unto my grandchildren: Thomas Janney - Abell Janney & Joseph Janney ffoure pounds apeece: parte of the said money my sonne Thomas Janney oweth me: Item: I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary Pierson Three pounds: parte of they said money my sonne Thomas oweth mee Item: it is my will & mind - that fforty shillings = be paide ffor my wives herriot: if shee sorvive mee parte of the said money my sonne Thomas oweth mee: Item it is my will & mind: that within three moneths after my decease: be given unto the poore of Pownallffee Twenty Shillings: to bee disposed and devided amongst the said poore as Thomas Pott Robert Smith & Hugh Burges of Pownallffee shall see meete == being the remainder of the said summe of Twenty poundes my sonne Thomas Janney owed mee. – Item: I give & bequeath unto my sonninlaw & daughter Hugh - and Martha Burgess either of them twenty shillings fforth of the summe of ffive pounds John Worthington oweth mee by bond: Item I give unto my daughter Martha; Burges - the Lessor silver spoone: Item: I give & bequeath unto my brother Richard Janney Twenty shillings: being parte of the money: John Worthington oweth mee: Item. I give unto my nephew Randle Janney ffive shillings: parte of the money John Worthington oweth mee: Item: I give unto ---- Mary Boardman: my kinswoman ffive shillings: parte of the money John Worthington oweth mee ---- Item: I give unto my brother Richard Janneyes three grandchildren being Children of Thomas Janney deceased – the summe of ffive shillings to be devided amongst them, fforth of the said money John Worthington oweth mee Item: I give unto William Janney: of Handford: ffive shillings; parte of the money John = Worhthington oweth mee: Item: I give unto William Janneyes Children ffive shillings to bee devided amongst them: parte of the money John Worthington oweth mee: * Item: Ten shillings being the residue
of they said ffive pounds John Worthington oweth mee: I leave to my wives ffree disposing: Item: I give unto my ffriend Thomas Pott two dozen of silver buttons; Item: I give Twenty shillings to bee disposed of at the sight of my sonne Thomas Janney & Edward Allcock – ffor the paving of the Lane Leading to our buriall place: Item: I leave unto Thomas Strettell one silver spoone and one Gerdle that were his fathers: Item: It is my will & mind: that after my executors disbursements: About the mannagement of this my will be paide = the remainder of my goods = not heretofore disposed or bequeathed I give to my deare
A true & perfect Inventory of all the goodes & Chattles of Thomas Janney of Pownall –
ffee in the County of Chester deced valued the 25th day of the month called ffebruary 1677\8
by us whose names are hereunto subscribed
The goodes at his one house L -- s -- d
Imprimis Table & formes in the house - - - - - 00-18-00
Item one dishboard & salte coffer - - - - - - - - 00-05-00
It: in chaires & stooles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-06-08
It: one Cupboard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-12-00
It: in Chests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-16-00
It one small bedsteed & some bedding on it - - 00-06-00
It: one bedsteed more - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-08-00
It: in boards & shelves - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-02-00
It: one dishboard in the kitchen - - - - - - - - - 00-02-06
It: one stone Swine Trough - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-00-06
And in goodes at his daughter Mary Piersons
It: two Chaires and 2 Quisheons - - - - - - - - - 00-02-00
It: 2 Chests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-07-00
It: in bedding Curtains & vallences - - - - - - - 02-13-08
It: one warming panne - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-04-00
It: in Linnens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-17-00
It: 13 silver spoones - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-12-00
It: in pewter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-02-06
It: one old skellett kettle & old skellett - - - - - 00-03-00
It: Tongues & potthookes - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-01-00
It: in wearing apparrell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 03-00-00
It: in ready money - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 07-00-00
It: in money by spcialtye - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35-00-00
It: huslemts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00-01-00
Totall - - - - - - - - - 53-19-10
Robt Smith
Thomas Pott x o Septembris 1678o
John Curbishley [untranslated Latin] [Index]
1665: The
Janneys and their Quaker neighbours John Wharton of Claghton 1710 In the name of God
Amen The 15 day of Aprill 1710 in the 8 year of the Raigne of our soverant Lady Queen Anne
I John Wharton of Claghton in the County of Chester yeoman being sick and weak in body but
of sound and perfect memory praise be given to god for the same and knowing the
unsertainty of this life on earth, and being desirous to settle things in order,doe make
this my last will and testament in manner and form following: that is to say, first and
principally I Commend my soul to Allmighty God my Creator assuredly beliveing that I shall
receive full pardon and free remission of all my Sins, and be saved by the precious death
and merits of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus, and my Body to the Earth, from
whence it was taken, to be buried in such decent and Christian Maner; as to my Executors
hereafter named shall be thought meet and convenant; and as touching such worldly estate
as the Lord in mercey hath lent me my will and meaning is, the farme shall be employed and
bestowed as hereafter by this my Will is expressed, and first, I do revoke, renounce,
frustrate also void all wills by me formerly made, and declare and appoint this my last
Will and testament Item I give and bequeath to my Eldest
Son Thomas Warton All my estate of Tenement in Claghton with all my household goods and
Catells and all oather husbandrey geere and all oather goods in or aboute the Estate or
oahter place or places what ever that I am now possessed but the same to be mainaged and
ordered att the discretion of my beloved wife and the profits imployed to the use of her
and her Children untill my son shall come to age giveing yearly and every year an acount
to my Executors that there noe wast be made but my ......have the Estate boath wall and
personall in as good order and as fully flocked as it is at this time and
further..........when ever it shall happen or an oportunity fall to renew the lese of
Claghton and bidstone Item I give and bequeath to my
second son John Warton all my Estate of tenement now being in Bidston to have the same
freely and clearley when hee shall come to age and be disposed of here after I
shall direct my Executors Item I give and bequeath to my
son Edward Warton my estate of tenement now lying and being in bebington with all the
profets which shall or may arise from the samefrom the day of the date hereof onely paying
the Lords rents with boons and heriots with the taxes and Church levys or what oather
dettes may be payable for the Estate but all the cleare profits that the Estate shall make
my will is that the money that arises from the same may be put out for use of my son
Edward to receive the same with the Estate when he shall come of age
Im I give and bequeath to the
Child that my wife is now with Child of wheather it be boy or gearle one hundred pound to
be paid out of my personal Estae and secured as my Executors shall think fit
Item I give and bequeath to my
wife the sume of six pound yearely and every yeare dureing her life always provided that
she keeps hersealfe in my name and does not marry a second husbant but if she marries a
second husbant I give and bequeath to her ten pound to be paid to her by my Executor and
clearley to turne of all Estates that belong to me and lastly I order and appoynt my
beloved wife Elizabeth Warton and my broather Robert Warton of Greaseby my trew and
lawfull Executors of this my last Will and Testament and whatever money is found to be
over.....when my son shall come to age I leave the disposing of it to the discretion of my
Executors amongst my respective children as they shall think meet and convenant
John Pears (his mark)
Contributed by
Richard Sherlock
[Proved at Chester] [Index]
Contributed by
In the name of God Amen the twenty fifth day of January Anno Domini 1731 I Cranage Wilcoxon of Sproston in the County of Chester being of good and perfect mind and memory praised be God for the same calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do hereby ordain and make his my last Will and Testament that is to say
First and principally I humbly commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it me assuredly hoping to be saved through the merits of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and Redeemer and my body I commit to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such Christian manner as my friends and executors thereafter named shall think fit and as touching and concerning the disposing of such worldly estate it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give devise bequeath and dispose of the same in manner and form following
First of all I do give and bequeath to my loving wife fifteen pounds a year clear money to be paid as I shall thereafter mention that is to say seven pounds ten shillings to be paid her by my son Thomas Wilcoxon and seven pounds ten shilling from my son Cranage Wilcoxon at four equal payments to witt Lady Day Midsummer Michelmas and the thirty first of December and the first payment to commence the next rent day after my death and further I give to my son Cranage Wilcoxon and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten male or fmle my estate in Sproston whereat I live called Browns Tenement together with all the land I late purchased that is to say the Great Witchfield and two Breeches with all their appurtenances and privileges thereto belonging the entering upon this said estate and fields at my death and further I give to my son Cranage all the stock upon the premises that is to say horses cattle and cattles husbandry ware together with all the goods in the house except one feather bed quilt bolster and blankets and half the pewter together with half the linen to my daughter Sarah Wilcoxon and whereas there is a bond of sixty pounds due from Mr Cooper I will that my daughter Jane Antrobus ahall have that sixty pound bond put into her husbands hand but if it pleases God she survives him I will that she shall have the interest of the aforesaid bond during her life and further I give to my daughter Sarah Wilcoxon the sum of three hundred and sixty pounds to be paid her out of my bond debts and she shall enter upon or receive the said sum of £360 at my death and it to be put out by this consent of her and my executors for maintenance and whereas there is allots (?) due from my son Thomas Wilcoxon of thirty pound my will is to forgive him the aforesaid that’s the paying to my daughter Sarah ten pounds and further I give to my nephew Daniel Vawdrey two guineas and as for the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate which is not before excepted and mentioned that is to say corn hey ready money at interest and whatever I die possessed of besides the aforementioned charges I give and bequeath to my son Cranage the paying of debts and funeral expenses and legacies of this my last Will Testament
I nominate and appoint my son Thomas and Cranage Wilcoxon and loving nephew Daniel Vawdrey of Cranage my executors nothing doubting but that they will faithfully fulfil the trust herein reposed in them so this being my last Will and Testament
In witness whereof I have put my hand and seal this day
and year first above written
Cranage Wilcoxon
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us
William Moss
Edward Dutton
Job Brookes
Latin Inscription: Sandbach 16th Sept 1731
Probate 25 October 1731[Index]
Thomas Cotton of Liscard 1733
Contributed by
Henry Williamson of Claughton 1768
Contributed by
give and bequeath to Hannah Williamson, Margaret Williamson and Abigail Williamson, my
three grandaughters each of them personally the sum of One hundred Pounds of Lawful money
I also bequeath to Margaret Wife of James Roscoe and Susanna Kemp my two sisters in law to each five pounds of lawful money to be paid to each on the day that I am Interred Which Legacies are to be raised and levied out of my Goods and Chattles and Personal Estates. Also I give and demise and bequeath to Henry Williamson my son all and singular my Goods and Chattles and personall Estates whatsoever and wheresoever after payment of my Debts Legacies and funeral expences, I do likewise constitute, make and ordain the Revd Mr Hughes Minr of Bidston Thos Perry of Upton and Hen: Williamson my said son to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I set my Hand and seal this twentyfirst day of february One thousand seven hundred and sixty eight
John Bleachey
Wm Walker
[Proved at Chester] [Index]
William Groom of Oxton 1815
Contributed by
This is the last Will and Testament of me William Groom of Oxton in the Hundred of Wirrall and County of Chester Yeoman which I make and publish this fifth day of August in the year of our Lors one thousand eight hundred and fifteen First I direct that all my just debts funeral expences and the charges of the Probate hereof be fully paid and satisfied, I give to my son Richard my large Family Bible, I give to my Wife my unexpired term and Interest in the Lease of my Farm which I occupy in Oxton, and also my farming stock of cattle, Horses Implemnts of Husbandry and so forth to hold and enjoy during such time she holds and occupies the said Farm, it being my express desire that if she takes the farm again after the expiration of the current Lease that she hold and enjoy the said Farming Stock during the time she occupies the Farm and in the event of my wife declining to hold the farm to take the same again after the expiration of the Lease then my son Henry to have the preference of taking the Farm and in that case my said stock and Utensils to be valued and paid for by Henry at such valuation or otherwise sold and converted into money at the discretion of my Executors, and the money divided or applied as after mentioned, I give and bequeath unto my said Wife all my Household Furniture, Beds, Bedding, Plate, diner and other Household effects during her life on her death to be sold and converted into money I also give and devise unto my said dear Wife during her natural life my real estate in Liscard called Mount Farm and all those closes of Land called, Garden, Land and Ley New Field Withings, Runcorns Yard and Greenshey in the Land Hills, Nevertheless it is my express will and mind and I do declare that in case of my Wife marrying again that she do not hold or enjoy any part of my Estate and Effects but that my said Farming Stock, Household Goods Estae and Lands be sold and disposed of by my Executors. I will and direct that my Executors soon after my decease sell and dispose of Three Pasture Gates, for three cows and the common right belonging in the Township of Wallasey about to be inclosed and the money arising therefrom to be applied as aftermentioned I direct that my Wife out of the Property given her for Life provide for and bring up my Three younger children John, Gerge and Willoughby and place them out to any Trade business or profession they shall desire or wish for and it is my Will and mind that such of my Children as leave the Farm which I now occupy before the present Lease expires are to be paid Five Pounds less than my other Children, for each year of the term unexpired that is to say if any one should leave and there be two years unexpired in the Lease such child to have Ten Pounds less and so accordingly and in proportion and it is my Will and I do hereby direct that all my Property whether Real or Personal with the exception of my said stock and landed Estate be sold and disposed of, and any money due me got in and after paying my just debts and funeral expences that the residue be divided amongst my Children share and share alike and on the death of my Wife or marriage again which shall first happen then my farming Stock (unless previously disposed of ) and my sole Estate I direct to be sold and the money divided equally as aforesaid paying such of my Children as may leave the Farm before the Lease expires Five Pounds a year less as aforesaid and in the event of my Wife leaving the Farm before the Lease expires Five Pounds a year less as aforesaid and in the event of my Wife leaving the Farm and the stock being sold the preceeds to be divided amongst my Children as aforesaid after my debts are paid and notwithstanding what I have before directed and ordereed it is my Will and mind that in case my dear Wife thinks fit she may with my other Executors absolutely sell and dispose of my said estate left to her for life and that the money arising therefrom be placed out at interest and the Interest received during her life, provided that she remains unmarried and I hereby give my Executor and Executrix full authority and power to sell and dispose of my Property directed to be sold and I declare that all deeds and conveyances executed by my Executors shall be good and sufficient without any of my Children joining therein and that the Purchasers shall hold and enjoy the propert conveyed and shall not be answerable or accountable for the misapplication or nonapplication of the purchase money but my Executors receipt shall be a good discharge and I appoint my said Wife Executrix and Robert Done of Liverpool in the County of Lancaster Gentleman Executor of this my last Will hereby revoking and mking void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and I do declare this to be my lasty Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Testator William Groom set my hand and seal the day and year first before written
Bryan King Clerk
Thomas Williams
Joseph Hanson
[Proved at Chester] [Index]
John Wharton of Moreton 1840
Contributed by
In the Name of God amen
I John Wharton of Moreton in the County of Chester and hundred of Wirrill yeoman being sick of body but of perfect mind and memory
calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into hand of almighty God that gave it and
my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion
of my executrix nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same
again by mighty power of God and touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God
to bless me in this life I give and bequeath to Esther my dearly beloved wife all my
interest in my estate in the township of Moreton to be possessed and enjoyed by her during
the term of her natural life and I also give and bequeath her all my household furniture
stock and all implements of husbandry belonging to me Secondly I give and bequeath all my
interest to my said Wife in Leys house and Craft to be freely possessed by her during her
life then after the death of my said Wife I give and bequeath unto my two Children John
and Ann wife of Thomas Doyle of Liverpool provision Broker the same Freehold Estate share
and Share alike that is to say one half to my son John Wharton and the other half to my
daughter Ann wife of Thomas Doyle of Liverpool aforesaid Provision Broker to their Several
heirs and assigns for ever but in case any dispute should arise between my son John And my
daughter Ann then let my estate be devided Share and Share alike each taking an equal
share of my said freehold estate I also give and bequeath to my son John and my daughter
Anne all my interest in any lands & legacies coming to me by my said Wife or any of
her relatives Share and Share alike I also constitute make and ordain my said Wife Esther
sole executrix of this my last Will and testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke
and disannul all and every other former testaments Wills legacies bequests and executors
by me and in any wise before named willed bequeathed nulifying and confirming this and no
other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this
eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three [?]
Jno Wharton
Thomas Buckley
John Buckley
Testator died 10th day of March 1840 [?]
Effects under the value of Fifty pounds
Will of Joseph Baugh
Dated 8th September 1849This is the last Will and Testament of me Joseph Baugh of Little Sutton in the County of Chester, cordwainer. I direct that all my just debts, funeral expenses and the charges of the probate of this my Will shall be paid, immediately after my decease and I charge my real and personal estate with the payment thereof. I give and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth Baugh for and during the term of her natural life, all those my seven cottages or dwelling houses and land or gardens now in the occupation of Samuel Griffith, Samuel Taylor, Thomas Baugh, myself, Edward Davies, Samuel Hesketh, John Brockler and John Hayes. I also give and bequeath unto my said wife all my household goods and furniture, and as to for and concerning the ready money and other my personal estate and effects which I may die possessed of, after payment of my just debts as aforesaid and otherway disposed of by this my will. I hereby give and bequeath unto my son James Baugh, the cottage and dwelling house now in the occupation of Samuel Griffith and half of the land or garden called the Old Rake adjoining the aforesaid cottage and all the outbuildings adjoining the aforesaid cottage, that half of the garden adjoining Sam Hancocks land. I hereby give and bequeath unto my son Matthew Baugh, the large cottage at present in three dwellings in the occupation of Joseph Davies, John Lloyd and Samuel Hesketh, and the middle part of the garden known by the name of Berthets Garden and to have a wheelbarrow road through my daughter Elizabeth Robbins yard into the road or lane. I hereby give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Robbins the cottages or dwelling houses now in the occupation of John Brockler and John Hayes with the bottom part of the land or garden, known by the name of Bethets Garden and adjoining the land of my son Matthew Baugh. I hereby give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Baugh the cottage or dwelling house now in the occupation of Samuel Taylor and one half of the land or garden called the Old Rake adjoining the aforesaid cottage, that half of the garden adjoining the land that was James Wade’s but now belonging to Samuel Hancocks, and all the outbuildings adjoining the aforesaid cottage, during the term of his natural life, and if his wife Ann Baugh survives my son Samuel Baugh then for the term of her natural life as long as she continues in the name of Baugh, but if he should have any children the property to be divided between them, share and share alike, and if he should die without heir it is my will and desire that it be given to my son James Baugh second son James Baugh. I hereby give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Baugh the sum of seventy pounds to be paid in twelve months after the decease of myself and my wife Elizabeth Baugh, to be paid by the executors out of the rent of all my seven cottages. I hereby give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Baugh the cottages or dwelling houses now in the occupation of myself and James White, with the bottom part of the land or garden, and the outbuilding adjoining the aforesaid cottages, during the term of his natural life, and if his wife Hannah Baugh survive my son Thomas Baugh then for the term of her natural life as long as she continues in the name of Baugh, if she should have any children then the property be divided equally, share and share alike, and if he should die without children, then it is my will and desire it should be given to my son Matthew Baugh. I hereby give and bequeath unto my grandson Thomas Baugh, son of my son Matthew Baugh, the cottage or dwelling house now in the occupation of my son Thomas Baugh with the top part of the garden or land adjoining Mr Ralph Grice land with all the outbuilding adjoining the aforesaid cottage, and if my Grandson Thomas Baugh dies with issue it is my will and desire that the aforesaid cottage and garden should be given to my son, his father, Matthew Baugh and from and immediately after the death of my said wife I hereby give and bequeath all my household goods and furniture to my said sons and daughter, James, Matthew, Elizabeth, Samuel and Thomas Baugh, and what ready money my said wife dies possessed of to be equally divided, share and share alike. I hereby appoint my son Matthew Baugh of Great Sutton, cordwainer, in the county of Chester, and my son-in-law James Robbins, farmer of Ness in the parish of Neston and County of Chester, and Thomas Lewis Taylor of Little Sutton in the parish of Eastham and County of Chester, executors of this my will. Hereby revoking all former and other will and wills by me at any heretofore made and do declare this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I the said Joseph Baugh, the testator have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine.
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Joseph Baugh the testator as and for his last will The mark and seal and testament in the presence of us who at his of Joseph Baugh request in his presence and in the foresence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
The fourteenth day of March 1855Matthew Baugh and James Robbins two of the executors in this will named were sworn in common form / power being reserved to Thomas Lewis Taylor the other executor / and they further made oath that the personal estate and effects of the testator within the archdeaconry of Liverpool were under the value of twenty pounds.
Before me William Clarke surrogate.
Probate issued. Dated the sixteenth day of March 1853.
The testator died on the twenty fourth day of January 1853
John Mills of Witton 1854
Contributed by
This is the last Will and Testament of me
John Mills of Witton near Northwich in the county of Chester, waterman, being of sound
mind memory and understanding do make this my last Will and Testament in form following. John Groom of Liscard 1871 This is the last Will and
Testament of me John Groom of Willins Lane Liscard in the County of Chester Joiner I give
devise and bequeath subject to the payment of my just debts funeral and testamentary
expences All my estate real and personal unto and to the use of my trustees and executors
hereinafter named Upon trust to and for the benefit of my Wife for her life And upon her
death then to the separate use and benefit of my daughter Ann wife of William Dickson her
heirs and assigns free from the debts and control of her husband And I appoint my Wife my
brother in law Henry Wilkinson and the said William Dickson trustees and executors of this
my Will dated this twenty seventh day of July one thousand eight hundred and seventy one At Chester on the 28th day of
June 1883 Administration with the Will annexed of the personal estate of John Groom late
of Liscard in the County of Chester Joiner deceased who died on the 11thday of January
1883 at Liscard aforesaid was granted to Anne (in the Will written Ann) Dickson Widow the
daughter of the said deceased the residuary legatee substituted in the said Will she
having been first sworn, Jane Groom (Wife of the said Testator)and Henry Wilkinson two of
the Executors and Residuary Legatees in trust named in the said Will the said Jane Groom
being also the residuary legatee for life therein named having respectively died in
testators lifetime and William Dickson the other and surviving executor and residuary
legatee in trust named in the said Will having survived the said deceased but died without
having taken upon himself the probate and execution of the said Will The Will of Matthew Baugh
First I direct that all my just debts funeral expenses and the charges of proving this
Will be paid. Then I give and bequeath unto my wife Mary Mills all my household goods and
furniture for her own use. Then I give to my said wife the Rents and Interest of all
monies arising from any of the vessels called "Flats" which I have Any Interest
in; or from any other source whatsoever, to have the same during her natural life and no
longer. Then at the Death of my wife my Will is that my two sons John and James Mills
shall each have one fourth share of the Flat "Mary Jane" on Condition that they
each pay to my Estate the sum of Ten pounds after the said Flats debts are all paid. Then
I give unto my two sons Thomas and George Mills each one fourth share of the Flat
"Birch" on Condition that they each pay to my estate the sum of forty pounds and
that my four sons above named take possession of the said shares of the above named
vessels or Flats at the death of my said Wife, And my Will further is that whatever other
property remain at the death of my said wife, together with the above one hundred pounds
to be paid by my four sons as above named also my freehold house in Tabley Street in which
I now live with the appurtenances thereunto belonging I give and bequeath unto my son
Samuel Mills and my three daughters Betty Perry, Nancy Gorst, and Fanny Horton share and
share alike there respective receipts only being a discharge, and I do hereby nominate
Constitute and appoint my wife Mary Mills Executrix And my two sons John and James Mills
watermen Executors to this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all others by me
made confirming this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I the said
Testator John Mills have put my hand And seal this Twelfth day of October in the year of
our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator
John Mills as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request
in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed and put our names as
Witnesses hereunto.
William Dignum Witton
Edward Dignum Witton. [Index]
Contributed by
John Groom
Anne Ellen Hill Housekeeper to Miss Barton Withenfield Terrace Liscard
Alfred C Kent Solicitor Liverpool
Messrs A.C. Kent & McKenna Solicitors Liverpool [Index]
This is the last Will and Testament of me Matthew Baugh of Little Sutton in the County of Chester. I give and bequeath to my Granddaughter Elizabeth Jones my eight day clock. I give, devise and bequeath all my cottages, outbuildings and gardens, and all other my real and personal estate and effects to my trustees herein named upon trust for my wife, for her life, and after her death upon trust to sell and convert the whole of the said real and personal estate and effects into money and divide the same amongst my six children, John Baugh, Matthew Baugh, Elizabeth Jones, Margaret Barber, Mary Bissett and Sarah Ann Baugh, equally share and share alike. I appoint my son, Matthew Baugh and my daughter Sarah Ann Baugh to be the trustees and executors of this Will. As witness my hand this sixteenth day of May 1879________ Matthew Baugh _____Little Sutton, Cheshire, signed b the said Matthew Baugh, in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses, William Jones, Little Sutton, Cheshire and James Postlewhite, Little Sutton, Cheshire.
Moved at Chester the 22nd day of May 1880 by the oath of Matthew Baugh the son and one of the executors to whom administration was granted.
Power served of making the like grant to Sarah Ann Baugh, Spinster the daughter, the other executor.
The testator Matthew Baugh was late of Little Sutton in the County of Chester, shoemaker and died on the fifth day of June 1879 at Little Sutton, aforesaid.
Under £20 No Leaseholds
Extracted by Matthew Baugh, one of the executors .
Charles TW Parry
, Certified Registrar [Index]
John Wharton of Birkenhead 1884
Contributed by
This is the last Will of me John Wharton of 19 Ridley Street Birkenhead Boiler Maker I give to my Grand daughter of my Son Henry the sum on nineteen guineas to be paid to her on her attaining the age of twenty one years I give to my Son John my gold watch And subject to the payment of my debts funeral and testamentary expenses I give devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate to my Brother Henry Wharton on No 7 Seaton Street Tranmere Birkenhead Joiner and my friend Alexander Black of No 11 Windsor Street Birkenhead Foreman Boiler Maker upon trust to pay to or permit and allow my dear Wife Ellen to receive the rents income and profits thereof during her life or until her marriage again and for her own use and benefit and on the death or marriage again of my said Wife whichever shall first happen Upon trust to sell and convert the same into money my said real and personal estate or such part thereof as shall not consist of money and to stand possessed of the proceeds such sale and conversion and such part of my estate as shall consist of money after payment of the costs and expenses attending such sale and conversion In trust for my four sons namely Henry John Joseph and Thomas in equal shares as tenants in common And I appoint my said brother Henry Wharton and the said Alexander Black trustees and executors of this my Will In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of August one thousand eight hundred and eighty four John Wharton
BH Newman Solicitor
James London 5 Clarendon Road Birkenhead, Boiler Maker
[proved at Chester]
the 8th day of December 1884 by the oaths Henry Wharton the brother and Alexander Black
the executors to whom Administration was granted
The Testator John Wharton was late of Ridley Street Birkenhead in the County of Cheshire Boiler Maker and died on the 17th day of October 1884 at Ridley Street aforesaid
Gross amount £268-1-10 [Index]
More Cheshire Wills (Jean's Site)