Welcome to the 355th Tactical Fighter Wing Reunion page. It is the purpose of this page is to allow those who served with the 355th Fighter Group (WWII) thru to the present day 355th Fighter Wing an opportunity to get the latest information on the next reunion.
This reunion is open to all the A-7D pilots from the 355th TFW (1971 thru 1979). For more information, contact Bernie Conway at the address below.
Contact: Bernie Conway
Address: 5737 N. 79th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85250-6103
Phone: 480-994-0440
E-Mail: conwaybcjc@cox.net
Please note that this one is a pilots only reunion.
Links to other sites on the Web
Looking for anyone who was assigned or attached, PCS or TDY to the 355 Tactical Fighter Wing regardles of rank, job or time frame. Please contact me at the e-mail address below.
© 1998 grc46250@NOSPAMjuno.com
Please remove "NOSPAM" from address prior to sending.
This page was last updated on August 25, 2009
You are visitor # Since April 2, 1998