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19 January 1862, Kentucky, War Between the States

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Confederate Soldier Photos

Note:  Ranks shown here were the ones held at the battle of Fishing Creek.  Many of these images date from later in the war, after the soldiers had been promoted.

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Pvt. John Leonard Weeks
Co. K, 16th Ala. Inf.
courtesy J. D. Weeks

Pvt. Charles Currin Frierson
Co. F, 15th Miss. Inf.
courtesy Gay E. Carter

Pvt. Thomas J. Shuler
Co. A, 15th Miss. Inf.
Killed at Fishing Creek
from "Long Creek Rifles"


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Pvt. John Thomas Parker
Co. E, 15th Miss. Inf.
courtesy Henry McCabe III

Lt. John B. Love
Co. A, 15th Miss. Inf.
from "Long Creek Rifles"

Pvt. Henry A. Moore
Co. F, 15th Miss. Inf.
Confederate Calendar, 1990
collections of Greg Gibbs / Larry Jones


1st Lt. Elijah Young Fleming
Co. A, 15th Miss. Inf.
courtesy Joe E. Fleming
Fleming Family Confederates
Pvt. Asa E. O'Neal
Co. E, 15th Miss. Inf.
courtesy Hal Fleming and Bruce O'Neal
Pvt. Jefferson Ellis O'Neal
Co. E, 15th Miss. Inf.
courtesy Hal Fleming and Bruce O'Neal


Pvt. Robert Gray
Co. B, 15th Miss. Inf.
collection of Robert Betterton
from "When the South was Southern" by M. A. Grissom
  1st Sgt. Thomas Tristram "Tress" Smith
Co. D, 15th Miss. Inf.
courtesy Barbara Bowden, gt-grand-
daughter of T.T. Smith
(read Smith's battle narrative)


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Pvt. Miles N. Hines
Co. I, 15th Miss. Inf.
private collection

Pvt. Lafayette Pollard
Cos. E & I, 15th Miss. Inf.
courtesy John Pollard

Pvt. Laurence Synnott
Co. D, 15th Miss. Inf.
courtesy James Synnott, Jr.


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Corp. Elias Green Gore
Co. D, 15th Miss. Inf.
Killed at Fishing Creek
courtesy Bill Gore

Pvt. Thomas Madison Gore
Co. D, 15th Miss. Inf.
courtesy Bill Gore

Pvt. James McGovern
Co. I, 15th Miss. Inf.
courtesy Don McGovern


DrGentry.jpg (8951 bytes)

Dr. (Maj.) Watson M. Gentry
17th Tenn. Inf.
Confederate Veteran, Sept. 1932

Dr. Gentry is shown wearing a very early Confederate uniform.  His collar insignia consists of one star and one bar, indicating the rank of Major in a scheme adopted by the Confederate War Dept. about May 1861.  Shortly thereafter a new system was adopted wherein Major was shown by a single star on each collar.

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Lt. Col. Francis Marion Walker
19th Tenn. Inf.
"The Old Nineteenth Tennessee"

Capt. Abraham L. Gammon
Co. G, 19th Tenn. Inf.
photo by Louise Rowland
(see note on uniform below)

1st Lt. James A. Rhea
Co. G, 19th Tenn. Inf.
photo by Louise Rowland


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Pvt. John Moore House
Co. E, 19th Tenn. Inf.
collection of Ellen Allran and Victoria Guthrie

Pvt. A. Kyle McCarty
Co. K, 19th Tenn. Inf.
private collection

Pvt. William T. Lane
Co. C, 19th Tenn. Inf.
collection of Anthony Hodges


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1st Lt. Bailie Peyton, Jr.
Co. A, 20th Tenn. Inf.
Killed at Fishing Creek
Ridley, "Battles & Sketches of the Army of Tennessee," p. 39

1st Lt. Richard E. Johnson
Co. F, 20th Tenn. Inf.
Killed at Fishing Creek
courtesy Ken Thomson and
Tim Bowman

Pvt. Sheldon Crosthwaite
Co. E, 20th Tenn. Inf.
Killed at Fishing Creek
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."


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Wms_20Tn.jpg (12231 bytes)

2nd Lt. Evan B. Shields
Co. C, 20th Tenn. Inf.
serving on Gen. Zollicoffer's staff
Killed at Fishing Creek
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."

Theodrick "Tod" Carter
Co. H, 20th Tenn. Inf.
courtesy the Carter House
Museum, Franklin, TN
(see note on uniform below)

Lt. Thomas G. Williams
Co. B, 20th Tenn. Inf.
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."


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Capt. John S. Gooch
Co. E, 20th Tenn. Inf.
wounded at Fishing Creek
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."
(see note on uniform below)
2nd Lt. Fred Claybrooke
Co. D, 20th Tenn. Inf.
commanded co. at Fishing Creek
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."
(see note on uniform below)
1st Sgt. William G. Ewin
Co. A, 20th Tenn. Inf.
shown as an officer
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."

Both Capt. Gooch and Lt. Claybrooke appear to be wearing Federal uniforms (also Capt. Gammon in the 19th Tenn., above).  Early in the war, it was very common for Tennessee Confederate officers to wear regulation US Army officer frock coats, with shoulder epaulettes showing their rank, US-style.  Photos of Gen. Zollicoffer wearing such a uniform exist, and the images of Lt. Johnson and Tod Carter above show them also wearing their insignia on their shoulders, US-style.  Later in 1862, most Confederate officers adopted the style of uniform coat and insignia worn by Sgt. Ewin (shown here as an officer, after the battle of Shiloh).  Early-war images often show Tennessee enlisted soldiers in dark frock coats, presumably blue, and this type of uniform was probably in use at Fishing Creek, very possibly leading to some confusion during the battle.

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2nd Sgt. W. J. McMurray
Co. B, 20th Tenn. Inf.
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."

Pvt. James L. Cooper
Co. C, 20th Tenn. Inf.
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."

Color-Corp. William M. Shy
Co. H, 20th Tenn. Inf.
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."


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Talley.jpg (29045 bytes)

2nd Lt. Albert Roberts
Co. A, 20th Tenn. Inf.
"John Happy"
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."

Capt. Robert D. Anderson
Co. G, 20th Tenn. Inf.
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."

Capt. John Holman (left) and
Lt. Spencer Talley
28th Tenn. Inf.
Diary of Lt. Spencer Talley



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Lt. Mark S. Cockrill
Rutledge's Tenn. Btty.
(from a photo in the Tennessee
State Library, Nashville)

Pvt. Philip N. Matlock
Tenn. Harding Artillery
"History of the 20th Tenn. Inf."


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Pvt. Inslee Deaderick
Branner's 4th Tenn. Cav. Bn.
Seymour, "Divided Loyalties"

Pvt. Thomas B. Collins
Brazleton's 3rd Tenn. Cav. Bn.
Kentucky Historical Society

Pvt. Moses Poor
Bledsoe's Tenn. Cav. Co.
courtesy Witt Boone


I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the following individuals who supplied copies of some of the photos shown here:  J. D. Weeks, Gay Carter, Tim Burgess, Henry McCabe III, Wes and Barbara Bowden, John Pollard, Tim Bowman, Bill Gore, Don McGovern, James Synnott Jr., Witt Boone, Hal Fleming, Joe Fleming, and John Wallwork.  If you have a photo of a Confederate soldier who fought at Fishing Creek, that you would like to submit for this page, please send me an e-mail.


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Note01.gif (1719 bytes)   Send comments and information to the page author.  I am always interested in hearing from others who have information to share on this battle and the soldiers who fought it.

Email1.gif (1209 bytes)   Send your comments to Geoff Walden at gwalden (at) windstream.net.

All contents copyright © 1998-2007, Geoffrey R. Walden; all rights reserved.  Except where noted, all text and photos are property of the page author, and may not be reproduced in any form without permission.  I gratefully acknowledge the permissions of the owners of other photos and articles used on the Battle of Mill Springs / Fishing Creek Homepage.
I especially wish to thank Laura Cook of the Orphan Brigade Homepage for her advice and clipart.

Last updated on:  01 October 2005

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