Please, please, please submit some fanfiction! <3 I'll love you forever! A few rules apply to submiting ... all authors  write their own summaries. ^_^

1. The fanfic must have a Taito/Yamachi relationship or have a different relationship ending in a Taito/Yamachi relationship.

2. Lemon/limes are okei, they will be marked as such.
Fanfics by me -
What I put Down in Words - (everything! o.o;) Basically, this is what turns up when there is too much teenage boredom. What I did was, got to and make a journal for both Matt and Tai. They write about living in America, and their lives together. It's kinda one of those continuing stories ... you'll just have to keep reading those journals. ^_- I gave these to Diana. Because she is a HELLA better writer than I, so heh .. but I keep this in the "fanfics by me" section because .. well, because I'm a loser and I don't want to change it. So this is Diana's writing, not mine. With me so far? Good grapes and jelly. ^_^
Matt's journal             Tai's journal
Fanfics by Diana -
Lady Winter - (angst, fluff) Winter Vacation, coulda been a death, but I'm nice...sometimes.
May Angels Lead you in - (death)
Ghost me - (angst, fluff) It's not really. Matt almost dies of these days, I'm gonna write one where he does DIE!