Season one Taichi -
Name: Taichi "Tai" Yagami (Note: In the North American dubbed version of Digimon, Taichi's last name is changed to 'Kamiya' Now, are you think ing to yourself, "why'd they do that?" Well, read his Japanese last name backwards. Now do you see why? e.e;)


Hair colour:
Chesnut brown

Eye colour:
Dark brown


mother ( ), father ( ), sister ( Kari Kamiya), and cat (Miiko).

In season one, Taichi is very blunt, outgoing and adventurous. He is elected leader of the group of Digidestined at the very beggining. Which, in turn, angers Yamato and automatically makes Yamato want to disagree with him. ^_^;  Taichi is known to jump into situations without thinking, which get him into lots of trouble. He likes his eggs with soy sauce and among his favourite posessions are his mini-telescope and his goggles, which he wears on his head.
Season two Taichi -
Taichi is basically still the same in season two. He's gotten much taller, and .. sexier. ^_^ But he's practically the same. He ditched the goggles. Gave 'em to Daisuke. Now there's a new poofy haired goggle boi to carry on the tradition. He still loves soccer as much as ever, but doesn't play it as much. He's in High school now, and fourteen.