"Through you, as through this host, the rays of mercy will pass to the world." - Saint Maria Faustina Good Shepherd Catholic ChurchThe parishioners of the Good Shepherd Catholic Church which is situated in Bothasig, Cape Town, South Africa started perpetual adoration on 13th May 2000. Adoration takes place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A classroom on the side of the church building was lovingly converted into a chapel of adoration and already over 15000hours of adoration have been completed. Why Perpetual Adoration?Many other parishes throughout the world have chapels of perpetual adoration and the blessings which flow from these chapels into the lives of the adorers, into the lives of the parishioners and into communities as a whole are phenomenal. The Lord says to us," Can you not watch one hour with me?". This is our call from the Lord to perpetual adoration. Contact InformationIf you would like to join us for adoration or if you would like information on perpetual adoration then please contact us on the numbers or e-mail addresses below. We would love to hear from everybody who has an interest in perpetual adoration, maybe even a blessing that you received from your adoration, please contact us. We have a feedback page where you can rate our site and drop us a line.
Send mail to michaelc@netactive.co.za with
questions or comments about this web site.This site is maintained by Michael
Coote of the Good Shepherd parish.