Following is a summary of what you will
find on this site, kind of like a map to guide you and help you with your research and in
finding what you need quickly and efficiently.
The site is organized and divided among nine main headings located
in the main navigation menu table to the left of each page on the Persian Gulf War.
These main headings are an easy guide that will direct you to your desired location. Each
page may also have a sub navigational menu table to the right side of the screen that
lists the main subjects covered on each main page. Here is a brief summary of what
these main sections have to offer:
I. Introduction
II. Persian
Gulf War I
III. Persian
Gulf War II
IV. Region
V. Site Map
VI. Home
VII. Feedback
I. Introduction
This section provides the introduction to our web site and both Persian Gulf Wars in
II. Persian Gulf Wars
This section provides the most up to date and accurate 'facts and figures' about the
Persian Gulf War I, its effects, cost, impact, photos, maps, and links. It is
constructed to aid the researcher or student in his/her quest to find recent statistics on
the Persian Gulf War I. In order to have the best information available to you we have
managed to compile a list of independent sources that we believe may prove to be quite
credible and helpful as well. The Persian gulf Wars I section of the web site consists of
five sub-sections:
Cost and Impact
III. Persian Gulf War
This section provides the most up to date and accurate 'facts and figures' about the
Persian Gulf War I, its effects, cost, impact, photos, maps, and links. It is
constructed to aid the researcher or student in his/her quest to find recent statistics on
the Persian Gulf War I. In order to have the best information available to you we have
managed to compile a list of independent sources that we believe may prove to be quite
credible and helpful as well. The Persian gulf Wars I section of the web site consists of
five sub-sections:
Cost and Impact
In this section you will find an array of information that will help you know more about
countries in the Persian Gulf region that were mainly involved in the wars. Whether you
are a first time visitor to a web page that about countries in the Persian Gulf regoin or
are returning for more of them you will find a thorough guide to walk you through almost
everything- from the map of the country to the languages spkoen in them, major religions,
ethinic groups, growth rate, infant mortality rate, etc.
The Region section consists of four sub-sections:
Saudi Arabia
V. Site Map
Easy to follow and an organized guide to walk the visitor through the KIO site, so you can
find what you need quickly and efficiently.
VI. Home
Clicking on the "home" button from any location on the web site will take the
user to the main page.
VII. Feedback
Emails of the support team are provided to assist with users requests, questions and
Thank you for visiting the Persian Gulf Wars web site, we hope you enjoy your visit!