Friends of Peter MacKay
This is a Paul Martin hoax
This is not a Peter MacKay hoax
ATTENTION! Beware of campaigns fearing a Peter MacKay Hoax
The report below labelled FINAL MODIFIED EMAIL, which is featured on, is quite incorrect and has been since rectified by the campaign via email yet has been preached on the prestigious Tory Leadership Race website, despite our explaination that the original email was understood incorrectly and the campaign unfortunately went into emergency overdrive to combat this supposed rouge website at, which is described as (web address suppressed) by, despite continuing this action after being told and proved that the website is a legitimate one supporting Peter MacKay!!! FINAL MODIFIED EMAIL ATTENTION!
Beware of imposters running a Peter MacKay Hoax Dear friends and colleagues, please
disregard this message (below) sent earlier by these impostors. It is
obviously a hoax and regrettable that someone would use such means to
advance their cause or damage our campaign's interests. This email is a Peter MacKay For
Canada, Friends of Peter MacKay and Peter MacKay Canada viewpoint not an
official Peter MacKay Campaign Team viewpoint or email and should be
reflected as such at (web address suppressed).
DRAFT ORIGINAL EMAIL Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 20:26:39 -0800 (PST))
Peter MacKay, Tory House leader and justice critic
A five-year member of the House of Commons, MacKay is viewed as an experienced politician. He is the Tory House leader and is putting his years as a Crown attorney in Nova Scotia to use as a vociferous justice critic.
Peter MacKay was born in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. He graduated from Acadia University in 1987 with a Bachelor of Arts degree and from Dalhousie Law School with a LLB in 1990. Mr. MacKay was called to the Bar in June 1991 and subsequently began a general law practice in New Glasgow, focusing on criminal and family law.
From 1992-1993, Mr. MacKay worked for the Thyssen Henschel company in Kassell, Germany, following which he returned to Pictou County to assume the position of Crown Attorney with the Nova Scotia Government. As a Crown Attorney for the Central Region, Mr. MacKay has prosecuted criminal matters at the Youth, Provincial and Supreme Court levels.
Mr. MacKay served on the Board of Directors of New Leaf and Tearmann House (home for abused women and children). He has also been involved with Big Brothers-Big Sisters, the Pictou County Senior Rugby Club and the YMCA. On June 2, 1997, Mr. MacKay was elected Member of Parliament for Pictou-Antigonish-Guysborough, a riding situated in northeastern Nova Scotia. He was subsequently named House Leader for the Progressive Conservative Party and critic for the Departments of Justice and Solicitor General.
Mr. MacKay presently serves as a member of the Board of Internal Economy and the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. He is also an associate member of the Standing Committees on Canadian Heritage and Finance, in addition to being a member of the Sub-Committee on the Study of Sport in Canada.
Mr. MacKay is an active member of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association and Canada-Germany Friendship Group. Mr. MacKay resides in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia.
Sign Up Here and Unite the Right Today!
April 6, 2003 Why I didn't buy a PC membership Now that the March 28th
cutoff for buying a voting membership has passed I would like to admit
that I didn’t buy one. I was very tempted - I’ve had one before and
you’ve had my vote in the past couple of elections. In fact, I was
kind of excited by the whole leadership race, reading the news,
following Torydraft and even showing up at candidates’ meetings (I was
the guy in the back wearing the red and black ski jacket). However, the
more I’ve learned the more I’ve realized that I’m just not
welcome. Until that day, like many
former PC supporters, I’ll be waiting on the outside. Paul Doherty lives in
Peter MacKay Contact
Information Parliamentary
Office Room
704, Justice Building Tel.:
(613) 992-6022 E-mail: Constituency
Office 980
East River Rd E-mail:
A uncut Message from Peter MacKay at PeterMacKay2003.Com Canada deserves better. Canadians deserve better than this. The Chrétien - Martin Liberals are governing on an agenda of egos, not on what's best for the future of Canada. Simply put, it's time for them to go! You can make a difference. Please join the PC Party right now. Please join thousands of other members of the PC Party who will be voting in local meetings between February 27th and April 10th to choose our next Leader.
The report below labelled DRAFT ORIGINAL EMAIL, which was not featured on, shows how we sent the original explanation email, were sent the caution email by the campaign team then we sent a further explaination email if they didn't understand the first, which they obviously didn't. The only crime we did here was back Peter MacKay and we feel we should be sent an apology by email from the Peter MacKay Campaign Team for all of the damage to this group's reputation and the public harrassment we have been put through. Perhaps a little openminded sprinked liberally on this situation would allow some people with certain special interests in making us look bad could shed light on intent of the email which was, of course, to support Peter MacKay and his run for the PC Party of Canada leadership. How they missed that, even from the original email sent by this independent booster organization, is beyond us?
As a group of young adults at university age looking for a Canadian conservative coalition in the future, it kind of makes us wonder why Peter MacKay would do this to his supporters and their independent website, which has not been sent an email from his campaign team on the issue except for the one shown below, and what today's Progressive Conservative Party of Canada stands for if they print incorrect statements as they have seen in that article. It also makes on think what happens when a candidate like Peter MacKay has support from members which he obviously does want, where do those supporters go when they don't agree with any other candidate?
We have removed the personal message from Peter MacKay ourselves because we are at a crossroads after this fiasco and wonder if David Orchard, Jim Prentice, Scott Brison, Andre Bachand, Craig Chandler or Heward Grafftey could make a united Conservative government? Probably not, that is why we still feel Peter MacKay WAS OUR best chance to make one, now he likely IS SOMEONE ELSE'S!!!
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Rick Morgan
Deputy Campaign Manager &
Director of Organization
(613) 235-8476
----- Original Message -----
From: Draft Peter MacKay Canada
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 4:33 PM
Subject: We Friends of Peter MacKay For Canada Must Stop Orchard!!!
Hey fellow MacKay supporters, we have got to get all of our people to go
to (web address suppressed) and flood the Tory leadership forum
with posts that support Peter. Come on, if we lose to David Orchard, you
guys will all be sorry because it will be the demise of the Tory party
and its fabled history. And we wouldn't want that right, brothers!
So let's get some supporters and pundits from our camp on there to take
out these pink Tory pretenders. Send it along to all MacKay boosters who
so we can build a broader, more inclusive PC Big Tent that includes the
West, Quebec and Ontario through cooperation or coalition amongst
Canadian Conservatives in the next election against Liberal Paul Martin
because it is time to nail down the tent stakes on core conservative
values and principles we share with the Alliance like free trade, tax
reform, cutting government waste, fostering economic growth and
democratic reform. Plus we will go a step further with such ideas as the
instituting the death penalty, scrapping the gun registry and stop the
legalization of child pornography and its possession.
We must share a common set of conservative values and principles to
offer Canadians a clear choice in the next election, likely to be called
in 2004, and it starts by defeating the Orchardites at (web address
suppressed) today and helping by doing your part to elect the Member
from Pictou-Antigonish-Guysborough. You have a say, please take a moment
to join the PC Party to support Peter and his MacKay delegates at
From: "Draft Peter MacKay Canada"
| This is spam | Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: WARNING: Re: We Friends of Peter MacKay For Canada Must Stop Orchard!!!
To: "Tian White"
Disclaimer: we do not speak for the Peter MacKay campaign team but are an independent group advocating the selection of Peter MacKay as Progressive Conservative Party of Canada leader whose unofficial website is not the official website
Rick and Tian,
Excuse me but this is neither a hoax nor an imposter. There is no regrettable action to advance our cause of electing Peter nor a way to damage the campaign's interests. If you wish to show us where on our independent website it is we would be pleased to remove it immediately because we wish not to make any mistruths or statements of malconent on a site that is to work for Peter not against him as is its obvious intent by the information it contains but we still want to have the right to publish an independent site of support for a candidate we agree with in this democratic country without being told we are imposters trying to hoax Peter.
Nowhere on our independent website did we attack our candidate of choice so yet again we would be more than happy to remove whatever article on it does damage to the character of the said candidate. All we are doing is repeating what the Paul Martin campaign team did with their unofficial website at and official website to show there is grassroot support for their candidate. Is that so wrong?
Please Tian and Rick, don't make this site of support into something it isn't, privately counsel or pass along advice as to how you wish this site to help your campaign and cause because we definately wish not to do it harm. Our email address is and to ask others to disregard us because of some perceived difference doesn't make us anymore solid our support of Peter so please respect our independence while correcting our misunderstanding if there is indeed one and help us help you and your campaign today.
Disclaimer: we do not speak for the Peter MacKay campaign team but are an independent group advocating the selection of Peter MacKay as Progressive Conservative Party of Canada leader whose unofficial website is not the official website
Tian White
Dear friends and colleagues,
please disregard this message (below) sent earlier by these impostors. It is obviously a hoax and regrettable that someone would use such means to advance their cause or damage our campaign's interests.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Rick Morgan
Deputy Campaign Manager &
Director of Organization
(613) 235-8476
----- Original Message -----
From: Draft Peter MacKay Canada
To: ; (email addresses suppressed) ;
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 4:33 PM
Subject: We Friends of Peter MacKay For Canada Must Stop Orchard!!!
Hey fellow MacKay supporters, we have got to get all of our people to go to and flood the Tory leadership forum with posts that support Peter. Come on, if we lose to David Orchard, you guys will all be sorry because it will be the demise of the Tory party and its fabled history. And we wouldn't want that right, brothers!
So let's get some supporters and pundits from our camp on there to take out these pink Tory pretenders. Send it along to all MacKay boosters who support so we can build a broader, more inclusive PC Big Tent that includes the West, Quebec and Ontario through cooperation or coalition amongst Canadian Conservatives in the next election against Liberal Paul Martin because it is time to nail down the tent stakes on core conservative values and principles we share with the Alliance like free trade, tax reform, cutting government waste, fostering economic growth and democratic reform. Plus we will go a step further with such ideas as the instituting the death penalty, scrapping the gun registry and stop the legalization of child pornography and its possession.
We must share a common set of conservative values and principles to offer Canadians a clear choice in the next election, likely to be called in 2004, and it starts by defeating the Orchardites at today and helping by doing your part to elect the Member from Pictou-Antigonish-Guysborough. You have a say, please take a moment to join the PC Party to support Peter and his MacKay delegates at now! This email is a Peter MacKay For Canada, Friends of Peter MacKay and Peter MacKay Canada viewpoint not an official Peter MacKay Campaign Team viewpoint or email and should be reflected as such at
Why wait for leaders to tell you what is going to happen? Today you can lead by example and become a member of both the Progressive Conservative Party and the Canadian Alliance. Joint membership is the first step in local riding cooperation and you can have a direct say in the unification of like minded people at the local level. The process is easy. Simply fill out the form below and your request will be processed for either a PC Party, Canadian Alliance or both memberships.
We can build a broader, more inclusive PC Big Tent that includes the West, Quebec and Ontario through cooperation or coalition amongst Canadian Conservatives in the next election against Liberal Paul Martin because it is time to nail down the tent stakes on core conservative values and principles we share with the Alliance like free trade, tax reform, cutting government waste, fostering economic growth and democratic reform. Plus we will go a step further with such ideas as the instituting the death penalty, scrapping the gun registry and stop the legalization of child pornography and its possession. We must share a common set of conservative values and principles to offer Canadians a clear choice in the next election.
Peter MacKay will reach out to all those who share our conservative values and principles. Peter will bring together conservatives from across this country to defeat the Chrétien - Martin Liberals. You can have a direct say in whom will be the next PC Party Leader. You can cast your vote for Peter and elect MacKay delegates from your riding to represent you at the June 1st convention in Toronto. We need your help right now! It’s very simple to join and have a vote. It will take one day in your life to help put Canada back on the right track for the next decade and beyond.
Now, I’m not one of the instantly unwelcome types - I don’t own
anything tie-died, my opposition to the New World Order is limited to
the fact that it wasn’t ELO’s best album and, although I’ve owned
a Volkswagen, it blew a bit of blue smoke and I really didn’t care. I’m
pro-family enough that I actually have one, I know that a man’s suit
jacket should have two button not three, and I’ve never used the word
"commune" or "collective" in anything I’ve ever
written ... well, until now I guess. I believe in free enterprise and
lower taxes. I think the government should double the amount of money it
now spends on the military. Most important, I am fiercely patriotic and
consider being Canadian something worth fighting for.
The problem is this leads me to want to vote for David Orchard. And one
of his policies is the withdrawal of our country from the free trade
agreement - with all its original flaws compounded by the Liberal’s
ability to take the ball and sit on it - because it has become a
detriment in our ability to act and be seen as an independent country.
Like Diefenbaker, Orchard seems to understand that you can’t have your
cake and eat it too (and if that isn’t a conservative philosophy I don’t
know what is).
While I’ve moved beyond my rejection of the PC Party (remember that? I
think it was me and 13 million other voters) and would like to return to
the ideological fold it has become clear that my homecoming is neither
welcomed or required. The nationalist spirit that once helped to define
this party is now apparently anathema. In reading the comments at
Torydraft I’m at best considered an anachronism, at worst an NDP
infiltrator. While I hope that David Orchard wins, my greatest wish is
that the beliefs held by true Canadian conservatives like Mr. Orchard
are no longer belittled and ridiculed, especially by those responsible
for leading the party into the political wilderness in the first place.
M.P. for Pictou-Antigonish-Guysborough, Nova Scotia
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Fax: (613) 992-2337
New Glasgow, NS
B2H 3S8
Tel.: (902) 752-0269
Fax: (902) 752-0284
Canada is in trouble, and together we can do something about it.
Canadians are telling me that taxes are too high; they can't depend on critical services like health care; public safety and security are in question
and the Liberals are wasting billions of tax dollars not buying EH-101 maritime helicopters and creating a gun registry that doesn't prevent crime just to name a few.
Three websites that may interest you:
First there is the Peter MacKay for Tory Leader messageboard. Then second is the Peter MacKay for Tory Leader guestbook. And third is the Peter MacKay for Tory Leader chatforum. Five other websites that may also interest you: First there is the Canadian Conservative Coalition website.
Then second is the Progressive Conservative Tory Draft website. Third is the Totally Progressive Tory Conservative website. And fourth is the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Grassroots website. Finally fifth is the Free Dominion website. |
This is an independent website that has been set up by the Friends of Peter MacKay and in no way reflects his official campaign and or his official website. The groups, Peter MacKay For Canada, Friends of Peter MacKay and Peter MacKay Canada, hold the viewpoint above and it is not an official Peter MacKay Campaign Team viewpoint and should be reflected as such. The above viewpoint is a statement of personal opinions only and does not necessarily reflect factual situations or events but does make the attempt to shed light upon them. The viewpoint is a statement by the groups, Peter MacKay For Canada, Friends of Peter MacKay and Peter MacKay Canada so that others may know where we stand on the issue of Peter MacKay and his leadership potential within the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. Unauthorized reading or reproduction of this viewpoint is prohibited if illegal under law. Thank you to the Stockwell Day, Jim Silye and Joe Clark campaigns for the use of certain proglang, to the Saint Francis Xavier University Political Science Department, Saint Francis Xavier University Model Parliament, Saint Francis Xavier University Progressive Conservative Campus Club and X Men Football Team for the tonne of school spirit and support and thanks to the Preston Manning and Paul Martin campaigns for the use of the "PM 4 PM" slogan, really, really class!