Jesus Loves Me!
Some years ago I asked God what the hots were.
                            Copyright (C)  by Noelene Rout 16th July 2002 All Rights Reserved               

Pornography is not sexually stimulating!..If pornography is not sexually stimulating, then, why am I
sexually aroused when I look at pornography?
..I am sexually aroused when I look at pornography because,
it is an abominable sin..Leviticus look at the naked bodies of others..Leviticus 18:5-19..When
I look at the naked bodies of others, I am spiritually defiling myself with sin
..Leviticus 18:24,25,27..and,
evil [spirits] devils can, and do, touch the private parts of my body..Leviticus 24:20..and sexually
arouse me
..Why am I upset, embarrassed, and or angered when I look at pornography?..I am upset,
embarrassed, and or angered when I look at pornography because,
there is a devil within my body, who is
perving at, desiring, and or making filthy comments about, the person, persons, objects, and or things that
I am looking at
..Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he hath caused a blemish in a man, so
shall it be done to him again..Leviticus 24:20..
The naked parts of people who are sexually promiscuous,
and or, who, star in pornography
become the devil's property, devils take those pictures in their own
minds to anyone, or everyone, anywhere, and at anytime,
they show those pictures to people's minds, in
order to sexually arouse, and have sex with them,
then, those persons also get spiritually defiled with sin..
Sexually promiscuous persons, and or, persons assosciated with pornography, are then, also, guilty of,
contributing to the sins of the persons to whom the devils took those pictures
..Persons who fantasy are
having sex [committing adultery..Matt 5:28] with devils, they are also having sex [committing adultery..
Matt 5:28]
with the person whose pictures they are fantasying with..Devils tell everyone, what you do,
what you did, and what you are going to do
..Devils can tell your marital partner that you committed
adultery with so, and so,
and you partner will believe it, because you did, the devil then, causes
suspicion, fights, and arguments, within your marriage, and,
are, the devil's meat..
Sinners are meat for every devil..Deuteronomy 28:26..Revelation 19:21..Luke 8:5,
Devil's tell your business, to everyone they meet, and or, to everyone you are assosciated with..They
carry pictures of you to everyone, and run you down,
they belittle you, they condemn, and accuse you,
they laugh at you, they talk about your private, and personal affairs, they tell your family, your friends,
your neighbours, your marital partner, things about you,
and divide you..They bring their devil friends for
they bring their devil friends for sex, they run their hands over you, while you are bathing, and or,
having sex
..They perve at your body, they perve at the bodies of your children, they run their hands over,
the bodies of your children while they are bathing
..They read your childrens thoughts, they introduce them
to sex,
they tell them about sex, they show them pictures of sex..Your devil will leave your body, and go
out on the town,
he will rage, he will have sex, wherever he can get it, at a brothel, on a street corner, with
your neighbour,
your mother, your brother, your daughter, your friends, your dog, with you, by means of
another person,
he will tell you about it, he will go and get drunk in the local drunk, he will wake you up
for sex,
or for a talk, or for an argument, when he comes in, in the early hours of the morning..He and his
visiting friends
will talk till all hours and keep you awake, while you are, desperately trying to sleep, he will
then wake you,
early, in the morning, for breakfast.

Devil's spiritually defile you with sin, in order to keep you spiritually filthy with sin, sin that they then,
broadcast to any, and everyone,
in order to separate you from others.

The devil that is possessing your body, will get out of your body, and enter the body of someone else, to
abuse, bash, afflict, and or, kill you!..Devil's are bodiless entities..The only life a devil can have, is,
the life he can live in, through, or, off you!..Devils get the parts of your body that you sin with..Devils
are whores
..Hosea 4:12..Hosea 5:4..The devil's kingdom is a whore..Revelation 17:5..Devil's want, the
sexual parts of your body
..Devils will tell other devils that you are not to be loved, in order that, you
[keep looking for love] become a whore..Devil's can, and devil's do, kill their hosts..Hebrews 2:14
The only time the possessing spirit cannot leave your body, and gad about, is that time during your life,
when your sins are being judged, by Jesus Christ and God..At that time, he will use other devils, to carry
his messages about,
and also, to call for the help of, other spirits, who then come in, and join the fight!]

I read, and study, the Old King James Version of the Holy Bible, within the privacy of my home..I pray to
God, through Jesus Christ his Son
..If you believe in God, and Jesus Christ, you are, even if you do not
know it,
the devil's, hated enemy.

Where will I start reading the bible?..Read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, the  Psalms, and the
read the new testament, read from the old testament..Have a pencil and paper, take notes, put
them under headings,
keep your notes, compile, and study your notes, put the scriptures to music,
memorize the scriptures..Read one bible to avoid confusion..Satan will use, anyone, or anything, to get
you out of the bible
..Studying the bible is like learning a new language, it takes time, ask God through
Jesus Christ for the Holy Spirit
..Every time you study the bible, ask God through Jesus Christ, for the
Holy Spirit to teach you..The Holy Spirit will teach you, he does not advertise his presence, and he
does not
speak in, the so called tongues!..The Bible is God's Word..God's Word is, the truth!