Welcome to the one and only officially
approved fanlisting for Tigerlilly, the outcast in Disney's "Peter Pan".
The title is ""hmmph!"", relating to one of her quotes.
A fanlisting is a site that is build by someone who absolutely loves the subject. with people joining, you can build the largest fansite in the world.
fans of a particular subject join and show their love for the subject.
No new members yet
Site openend: 23-02-2004
Last update: 7-11-2004
Approved on: 23-02-2004
Members: 2
you must be a fan of tigerlilly
you do not need a website to join, but a valid e-mail adres is required
no porn, hate or racism sites
only normal sounding names are added, nicknames will not be added
if you have a website, you need to ad one of my codes on a vissible spot
do not direct link
to join my fanlisting, send me an email with the following information:
1. your name (nicknames will not be entered)
2. your email adress (you need one to be entered)
3. your URL (this is not required, for all the silly people: URL is your webpage adress)
4. your country (if in UK specify where)
5. comments, questions or anything else you would like to share with me (this is also not required)