What Every Hamster Parent Must Have

This Page is Linked to The Hamster Tunnel, a Site Dedicated To Promoting the Humane and Ethical Treatment of Healthy and Happy Captive Hamsters

  • chew sticks, or something for hammy to "grind down" his/her teeth on. Fresh carrotts are AWESOME for this purpose, and hammies, love 'em! (this is VERY important: a hamsters can and will die without this essential basic thing. Chew sticks are cheap and worth it!)
  • food: the best food is actually what they usually title as "gourmet" hamster food, which contains many essential vitamins and minerals that help aid in longevity. The mono-colored greenish brown stuff just "sustains" life for a very minimal amount of time. Buy your hammy the best you can afford (which still will NOT be all that pricey!) and he/she will reward you for it!
  • water: like any animal, hamsters need fresh water, changed out as soon as their water bottle gets less than 1/4 full. Change every day if possible!
  • A happy home and lots of attention. see Hammy Houses for more details and specifics
  • A clean and safe environment
  • some form of excercise, be it a supervised ball run almost every day, or a hamster wheel (highly recommended without holes), to promote health and longevity.
  • a name!!! see Hammy Names for some suggestions!
  • to be treated with the respect, love and dignity that any animal deserves!

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