Vote for the cutest pet!
To vote for the cutest dog on this page remember the number and the name of the dog, and click on the "VOTE NOW" button sponsored by Bravenet. Remember, you can submit your pet my emailing me. Please include a pic of your dog, name, and breed. Remember, it is open to ALL breeds. Thanks, and remember, there WILL be an award for cutest dog (dog with most vote at end of month).
# 1 Paddie the Basset Hound
# 2
Bula the Basset Hound
# 3 Joey the soft coat wheaten terrier
# 4 Molly the Dachshund
# 5 The Tiny Paws Gang
# 6 Amber
# 7 Jed the Border Collie
# 8 Hoover and Dolly the Basset Hounds
# 9 Max the Border/Lakeland Terrier Cross
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