The Pets On The Net Webring HomepageWelcome to the Pets On The Net Webring homepage! This webring is hosted by Ring Surf. This webring is open to all pet-related web sites and personal homepages on the Internet. Sites seeking to join the webring must meet the following criteria:
To Join, please do the following:
1. Download the webring graphic to your computer, and then upload
2. Fill out the form below:
3. You will get an email with the webring HTML you'll need to add to your site. You'll need to cut and paste the webring HTML code into your webpage. If you cannot receive HTML via email, you casn log into the webring system above where it says MEMBER LOG IN with your site ID number and password to get your site's HTML code. Once you've done this, please email me at to let me know you're site is ready to be added to the ring. I'll review your site, and if it meets the webring criteria, I'll add it the webring. You'll get an email notifying you when your site has been added. DREAMSPINNER3@YAHOO.COM
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