Episode 4 - Detour
ACT THREE INT. THE MAGIC BOX - NIGHT CLOSE ON : A PLATE OF SANDWICHES ANYA (O.S.) Peanojam? WIDEN : to reveal Anya holding the plate out to Willow, Dawn, Xander and Buffy at the table. Giles and Tara are standing in a corner of the shop and Christopher is standing near the door, looking out. WILLOW (taking a sandwich) Um.. thanks? Anya holds the plate out to Dawn, who takes one, and Buffy, who declines. She then holds it out to Xander. XANDER No thanks An. I'm all Peanojammed out. Anya leaves the table and heads to Chris. Willow carefully pries the sandwich apart, staring at its contents. WILLOW (to Xander) Is this what I think it is? XANDER Yeah Will, Peanut butter and jam. WILLOW (relieved) Oh Good. Not what I thought it was. Willow and Dawn dig in. BUFFY (looking at her watch) It's getting kinda late. WILLOW Yeah, you'd think for a bunch of wannabe Watchers, they'd take the time to watch their watch. Willow smiles but no one seems to have noticed. WILLOW You see what I did there? I made puns. BUFFY It was very good Will. A punning good time for all. Willow turns to Xander. XANDER (off Willow's look) You should have been here this afternoon. You'd understand why the word 'watch' holds no meaning to me anymore. ANGLE : GILES AND TARA as Anya comes up to offer some more sandwiches. Tara takes one, Giles declines. Anya heads back to the table. TARA So, what do you think? GILES Well, yes of course. If you think it would be good for Dawn. I could come over when Buffy's patrolling and I suppose we could .. bond. TARA (noticing Giles' look) Don't worry. You have it in you. We all see it. Giles is a little embarrassed. TARA I just think that there's this gap in her life that no one here can fill, except for you.. There shouldn't be gaps. GILES Are you okay? You seem a little.. TARA It's nothing really. Just postcards. GILES Postcards? TARA From my dad. He sent another one, this time from Denver. He doesn't write anything on them, but I know it's him. It's like he's leaving a trail, you know, of all the towns and cities he's passing through. (a beat, then) Which is kinda appropriate, I guess, with how people just always seem to pass through your life, you know, in and out. I just thought family would be different. GILES Tara, take a look over at that table. Tara looks at the table with Buffy, Willow, Dawn, Xander and Anya sitting around, talking and laughing. GILES They're not going anywhere.. None of us are. Tara smiles at Giles. Giles puts an arm around Tara and gives her a small hug. ANGLE : BUFFY looking at Giles and Tara with a strange look on her face. CHRISTOPHER (O.S.) Someone's coming. Sasha and a male companion (strong-looking, stern face) burst into the shop, out of breath. Their suits are a little torn. The Gang approaches them. SASHA (breathing hard) Vamp.. vampires. BUFFY Vampires? Where? SASHA (distressed) Right behind us. They attacked.. the van.. just outside town. There was nowhere to go. BUFFY They're coming here? (looks at Dawn, then urgently to Giles) Giles! GILES Right, quick. Everyone out the back. CHRISTOPHER (looking out the window) I can see them. They're coming. They all run to the training room. INT. MAGIC BOX/TRAINING ROOM - NIGHT Buffy, Xander and Giles stop momentarily to pick up some weapons. WILLOW Hurry guys. They finish picking the weapons up. Buffy opens the back door to check the if the coast is clear. She then motions for the group to follow her. EXT. BEHIND THE MAGIC SHOP - NIGHT We see the group huddled together in a bunch. Giles and Buffy at the front, and Christopher at the back. They are on a small street. Suddenly, a group of vampires appear at the far end of the street. BUFFY This way. As Buffy leads the group in the opposite direction. Much more running ensues, with vampires turning up almost magically, blocking exit routes. They finally lose the vamps when they turn down a street. In front of them, they see a large warehouse. Buffy runs forward to the door and breaks the lock. BUFFY Quick, in here. We can't outrun them. The group pile in. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT. Buffy, Xander and Christopher immediately secure the door behind them. Pushing objects to block it. BUFFY (whispering) Everyone, stay quiet. The group stays silent. At first we see and hear nothing. Then we hear footsteps, coming towards the warehouse. They stop a few metres shy of the front door. We hear voices of two vampires. VAMP#1 (O.S.) We've lost them. They could be anywhere. VAMP#2 (O.S.) We can't. The master will be displeased. Leave a man at every street corner. They must still be around here somewhere. The two vampires disperse. The gang is relieved. Buffy takes a good look around the warehouse. It is weakly illuminated by some lights. There are boxes and crates everywhere. There is a second level on the left side of the warehouse (clearly visible from the ground floor) where there are even more crates. She looks up and notices a skylight. BUFFY You guys will be safe here for now. There's only one way for the vamps to get in, even if they figure out where you are. (to Giles) I have to go. XANDER Go? Where? BUFFY To the van. There could still be people alive, hiding from the vamps. (to Sasha) Where is it? SASHA On the main road, just outside the town.. but I don't think there's anyone left alive. BUFFY I have to be sure. SASHA It's too dangerous. There's too many. BUFFY I can handle them. XANDER Maybe we should come with? BUFFY No. I want you guys here to look after each other. (looking at Dawn) I don't want any of you getting hurt. The more of you they are here, the better I'll feel. But I have to go. CHRISTOPHER I'm coming with you. Where the slayer goes, I go. Buffy looks at Christopher for a beat, sees his determination. BUFFY Fine. But watch your own back, because I'm not going to. Buffy turns to look at the group again, a slight expression of concern on her face. GILES (off her look) We'll be fine. We all have weapons. DAWN Come back soon. BUFFY Count on it. Buffy and Christopher walk up the stairs to the second tier and carefully climb out of the skylight. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE THE WAREHOUSE - NIGHT ANGLE : BUFFY AND CHRISTOPHER ON THE ROOF through a binoculars POV. VINCENT (O.S.) There she goes. But she's taking someone else with her. ANGLE : VINCENT AND TARWIN hiding behind a truck. Vincent puts down his binoculars. VINCENT No matter. He will die with the slayer. I say we go in now and finish off her friends. TARWIN No. The master said to wait. He will come with more vampires when he has killed the slayer. VINCENT We don't need them. We have enough. TARWIN (threatening) We stick with the plan. Vincent backs off. He wanders over to another group of vampires, out of earshot of Tarwin. VINCENT (to the vamps) I'm not about to let some outsider come in and run our gang. I say we go in now and have ourselves a little feast. The vamps smile. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT. We see everyone spread out. Xander and Anya are at the door. Willow, Tara and Dawn are sitting on the floor, preparing some spells. Giles, Sasha and the other suit are sitting at a table. ANGLE : GILES, SASHA AND THE SUIT as Giles dabs at a wound on Sasha's hand with a handkerchief. Sasha winces with pain. SASHA (an educated British accent) I'm sorry. I know I should be of a stronger fortitude, considering my intended line of work. GILES It's fine. There's no shame in displaying pain. SASHA (smiling) I'll have to remember that. My name's Sasha. (nodding to the suit) He's Solomon. GILES Rupert. (to Solomon) Are you hurt in any way? Solomon seems offended. He gets up and walks towards the door. SASHA Don't mind him. He's the strong, silent type. GILES So Sasha? It's an unusal name for someone from England. SASHA My Russian heritage. But I was born and raised in England. I've been living there forever. California is quite a change of scenery for me. GILES You and me both, but you get used to it. Sasha becomes very quiet, seemingly reliving something. GILES What is it? SASHA (a little distressed) I don't think I'll ever get used to the blood.. It was so violent and brutal. It was the first time I've seen anything like that. GILES It's not a job for everyone. SASHA I know. But I've been doing this for so long, I don't really know of any other life. I was chosen many years ago, when I was so young, to be what I am today. I suppose this is my destiny. (a beat, then) Sometimes, I do wonder what kind of life I might have had, outside this world. GILES I understand. Sometimes, I wonder myself. But I know I'm doing good here, to rid the world of evil. SASHA Have you seen many?.. Vampires I mean? GILES (pained) Too many. Sasha notices. She reaches out with her hand and gently touches Giles' arm. He smiles and doesn't pull away. ANGLE : XANDER AND ANYA XANDER I'm sorry about tonight. You know, our whole romantic evening, crashed again by vampires. ANYA We'll do it another night. Besides, this thing we all do. It's important.. isn't it? XANDER (smiling) Yeah. It is. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Solomon comes over to them, looking at them. XANDER (to Solomon) Hey, there Watcher guy. (extends his hand) I'm Xander. This is Anya. SOLOMON (not shaking his hand) Solomon. Xander is a strange name. XANDER Yeah. But not biblical. Solomon just stares at him, expressionless. Solomon walks away, heading towards Willow, Tara and Dawn. ANYA Nice man. XANDER Yeah, instant party starter, just add water. ANGLE : WILLOW, DAWN AND TARA sitting in a circle on the floor. There are some vials placed in the middle. Solomon hovers over them watching. WILLOW (holding a vial, to Dawn) And this red one's a light spell. You throw it down and vamps go all blindy. TARA Just don't look at it yourself. WILLOW Yeah, you'll be seeing a big red splotch for the rest of the day. DAWN (noticing Solomon) Hover much? SOLOMON You three are witches? Tara and Willow are a little nervous. They look at each other for a beat. TARA We're registered. WILLOW Yeah. Level f-f- TARA -ive. EXT. MAIN ROAD OUTSIDE SUNNYDALE - NIGHT We see Christopher and Buffy approaching the Council van which has been parked off the road. Nothing is stirring. BUFFY This doesn't look good. Looks like the vamps have fed and left. CHRISTOPHER Could be a trap. BUFFY I have to check. Buffy and Christopher walk up to the van, very carefully. They see some blood on some of the windows. Buffy enters the van, Christopher follows. INT/EXT. COUNCIL VAN - NIGHT Buffy enters, takes a look and immediately reels slightly backwards from what she sees. BUFFY Sasha was right. Chris enters and looks coldly at the scene in front of him. ANGLE : A WOMAN'S HAND as it lifelessly hangs from a seat. Christopher walks up to it and stares at the body. He looks around the van at the remaining bodies CHRISTOPHER All three are here. We should head back. Buffy looks down at Christopher's feet and shoots him a look. Christopher looks down to see that he is standing on the victim's blood. He turns back to Buffy. CHRISTOPHER It's just blood. Buffy shoots Christopher a disgusted look. BUFFY How can you be so cold? You can't just.. Just wait until someone you know dies. Buffy heads back to the front of the van. Christopher turns back to the body in front of him. He stares at it for a beat. He then squats down and takes the hanging hand and places it on the lap. ANGLE : BUFFY at the front of the van, checking the driver's seat and the glove compartment. She finds nothing and turns to exit the van. ANGLE : SKEET waiting outside the van. SKEET Hello slayer.. Goodbye slayer. Buffy looks around and sees the van surrounded by vampires. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT. Everyone is still pretty much in the same places as before. Giles is now standing with Xander and Anya and Sasha is with Solomon, by Dawn, Willow and Tara. Sasha hears something on the second tier. She looks up at the skylight. Solomon notices. SOLOMON What is it? SASHA There's something up there. Sasha grabs a stake and starts walking up the stairs, heading towards the open skylight. Giles notices. GILES Sasha? Sasha looks down at Giles and motions him to be quiet. She continues walking up the stairs as Giles goes over to the table to grab a weapon. Sasha reaches the second level. She raises her stake, carefully walking towards the open skylight. Suddenly from behind a crate, Vincent jumps out and stabs Sasha with a knife, then knocks Sasha to the ground. Three more vampires emerge from behind Vincent. VINCENT (smiling) Bibs on boys. Time to feast. Vincent vamps out and attacks Sasha. BLACKOUT END OF ACT THREE CONTINUE TO ACT FOUR