Episode 3 - Fathers and Daughters
ACT ONE INT. GILES' APARTMENT - DAY Christopher is sitting on a couch, completely relaxed. Buffy is sitting on a chair opposite him. She looks nervous and uncomfortable. An awkward beat. Giles enters from the kitchen, carrying cup of tea and a bottle of beer. He hands the bottle to Christopher. GILES I'm afraid this is the only thing I have. Not much of a beer man myself.. CHRISTOPHER (toasting with the bottle) When in Rome.. He takes a swig. Giles sits down. CHRISTOPHER (to Buffy) Before we start, The Council wishes me to send you their condolences for your loss. GILES Very hearftelt, Yes. CHRISTOPHER We understand that with the loss of your mother, certain financial issues have arisen. To that end, The Council is willing to step in and pay you a monthly gratuity for as long as you remain the slayer. It won't be much, but it will be enough to maintain you and your sister. BUFFY I wouldn't have to sell the house? CHRISTOPHER No. Buffy looks at Giles, relief on her face. Christopher notices the exchange. GILES And, what exactly do you expect from her in return? CHRISTOPHER Nothing. She is, after all, working for the Council. We need her focused on her duties. GILES And you are here because..? CHRISTOPHER Hard as it is to believe Rupert, but they sent me here to learn from you. They seem to be grooming me to be the next watcher in line and they thought it would be prudent for me to gain some practical experience. (looking at Buffy) To observe the famous slayer from Sunnydale and her infamous watcher at work. BUFFY So, you're not here to.. CHRISTOPHER No. I wouldn't dream of breaking up such an effective partnership. Besides, I know I have much yet to learn from Rupert. (to Buffy) Did you know that he was my mentor, back when he and I were in England, before he became your Watcher? BUFFY (loosening up) In England? Giles isn't exactly Mr Disclosure when it comes to his personal history. But I'd betcha that he was the same old Giles back in merry England. (to Giles) I mean, you couldn't get any more English if you tried, could ya Giles? Christopher laughs. CHRISTOPHER Well, I wouldn't bet on that. People change. It's the nature of things. He and Giles share a look, not exactly hostile but not warm either. Giles goes to the kitchen ANGLE : GILES in the kitchen, putting his cup away. There is a look of concern on his face. BUFFY (O.S.) So, aren't you kinda young to be a watcher? INT. ROCKET CAFE - DAY Willow and Tara are sitting at a table, having breakfast. Tara is lost in thought, not eating. Willow looks at Tara with concern. WILLOW Not hungry? It's your favourite. I snuck it in special from that place down the street. TARA It's delicious. (taking a bite) It's really sweet of you. WILLOW You don't have to finish it, I mean, if you don't have an appetite. TARA Sweetie, it's okay. It's the bestest birthday breakfast ever. Consoling smile from Willow. Tara takes a few more bites but it's obvious she has a lot on her mind. WILLOW Thinking about your Dad? TARA I just wonder why he's here? WILLOW Maybe he just wants to, you know, spend some time with you on your birthday. Maybe that's all it is. TARA Or maybe he wants something from me. He wouldn't come all the way down here if he didn't want something. WILLOW Well, maybe you shouldn't see him then, I mean, after the way he has treated you. I could go tell him that you didn't want to. TARA I couldn't do that. I mean, he's still my Dad. I should at least hear him out. Willow nods slightly, understanding. TARA (wistful) Things weren't always so bad at home, you know?. My Mom used to tell me how happy she and my dad were, when they first met, when they had me. It's just that, I don't remember any of it. Willow takes Tara's hand. TARA I've only ever seen him angry.. or dissapointed. A silent beat as Tara stares into the distance. TARA (snapping out of it) But maybe you're right. Maybe he just wants to come over on my birthday to tell me everything's okay, that he's sorry, that he understands. It could happen, right? Willow gives Tara a comforting smile, not answering. Tara takes one more bite, looks down at her empty plate and then back up to Willow. TARA See. All done. EXT. SUNNYDALE CAMPUS - DAY Hidden in trees, we see the old woman and the two creatures spying on Willow and Tara at the cafe. OLD WOMAN What a pretty pair. Pretty pair. But too strong. Together, too strong. (to the creatures) Too strong for you two, yes. Keep you safe. She looks back at Willow and Tara OLD WOMAN If I still had my powers. My powers which they took from me. Dirty witches. Filthy Witches. (to the creatures) But no matter. Mother will find a way. Always a way. EXT. GILES' CAR - DAY Giles is driving Buffy to the Magic Box. BUFFY God! That's a relief. No more money worries for Buffy. GILES Yes, that was generous of them. BUFFY I mean, finally! Something positive coming out of my association with the Council. Giles gives Buffy a little look. BUFFY (catching the look) I mean, besides meeting you, of course. I totally praise the day they decided to send you over the Big Blue to become my Watcher. I should send them a card to thank them. Does Hallmark make a card for that? GILES Yes, thank you Buffy. A little effusive but I appreciate the sentiment. BUFFY I'm just happy that we get to keep the house, at least for the time being. I mean, it's so big and so impractical for two tiny Summers girls but, I think Dawn really wanted to stay there. GILES Well, I'm genuinely happy for both of you. Buffy smiles. BUFFY So, tell me more about Chris? You knew him? GILES (a little reluctant) Yes, a long time ago. BUFFY Well, spill! Were you guys friends or something? GILES We were. As he told you, I was his mentor back in England but things were very different then. BUFFY So, you're not friends now? I mean.. GILES Buffy, I do not wish to dwell on this topic any further. I hope you can respect people's privacy. There are certain things that people do not wish to share with strangers. BUFFY (hurt) Oh.. sorry. GILES Buffy, I didn't mean.. I wasn't talking about you and me. I just meant that there are things about Christopher, about his past, that I'm sure he wishes to keep to himself. BUFFY I understand. I'm putting my little Buffy prodding stick away. A beat. Giles continues driving. BUFFY But.. he's a good guy right? I mean, he's on our side? GILES Well, we haven't seen each other for years but yes, I believe so. BUFFY Can we trust him? Giles does not answer. Buffy looks back at the road. EXT. CAMPUS LAWN - DAY Very green and filled with students, sitting on the grass, playing, the usual stuff. ANGLE : MR MACLAY We see Mr. Maclay wandering around, looking very out of place. He is searching for someone. ANGLE : WILLOW AND TARA who are sitting on the lawn, under a tree. Willow sees Mr Maclay and tugs Tara on the arm, pointing him out. They both stand up nervously, Tara approaching her Dad. TARA Dad. Over here. Mr Maclay sees Tara and heads over. Tara walks forward to meet him. Willow follows but hangs back a little. MR. MACLAY There's my girl. He goes to give Tara a hug but Tara pulls away, looking down. Mr Maclay drops his arms back down. He notices Willow. MR. MACLAY (to Willow) You again. I don't believe we've been formally introduced. TARA Dad. This is W-Willow. Willow nods an acknowledgement but her body language is a little negative; arms crossed, somewhat wary. MR. MACLAY So, you two are friends? I mean.. TARA Dad. What are you doing here? MR. MACLAY It's your birthday Tara. Can't a father come visit his daughter on her twenty-first birthday? TARA But why? Why do you want to see me? Are you t-trying to take me back again? MR. MACLAY No Tara... Your place is at home with your family but I know that nothing I say or do will change your mind. I know that I can't bring you back. TARA Then why? MR. MACLAY I'm heading out East to see your Aunt. Sunnydale was on my way so I thought I'd stop by to see you, to wish you a happy birthday. Tara stares at her Dad, not quite believing his words. MR. MACLAY (off Tara's look) I know that you're still angry at me, for the lies.. TARA Dad, you made me feel ugly and worthless. I c-can't just forgive you like that. MR. MACLAY I'm not asking for your forgiveness. There were reasons.. It's not why I'm here. Tara, I need for you to understand.. TARA What? Mr Maclay looks at Tara but can't get the words out. MR. MACLAY Nothing. Listen, I've been travelling all day and I'm a little tired. Maybe we shouldn't do this right now. I'll be in town for a couple of days. We'll talk again? TARA Yes Sir. Mr Maclay walks up to Tara and puts his hands on Tara's arms. An awkward gesture. MR. MACLAY Enjoy your birthday Tara. Mr Maclay exits. Tara looks on. Willow walks up to Tara. WILLOW Are you okay? TARA I'm not sure. I still don't know why he's here. I mean, if he's not planning to take me back.. WILLOW Maybe he just wants a chance to make things right. Maybe, he finally sees what a strong, beautiful and loving daughter he has and he wants to show you just how proud he is of you. TARA He's proud of me? WILLOW I'm sure he is. Just as proud as I will always be of you. They hold hands, smiling. TARA (lovingly) How come she's with me? WILLOW Because she said Yes. Another beat. Willow suddenly looks at her watch. WILLOW Oh! I'm late for class. Are you sure you're okay? Cos, I could skip it. TARA (smiling) I'm fine. Go. WILLOW Okay. The campus lawn is now streaming with people going to and from class. Tara pulls Willow closer to her and whispers into her ear. TARA Love you. WILLOW (whispering back, smiling) with an exclamation point. They smile. Willow exits. Tara starts heading back to her dorm room. EXT. SUNNYDALE CAMPUS - DAY We follow Tara as she turns a corner. Suddenly, a hand reaches out and grabs Tara's arm. CLOSE ON : OLD WOMAN with her grey eyes, an evil smile, looking at Tara. BLACKOUT END OF ACT ONE CONTINUE TO ACT TWO