Episode 3 - Fathers and Daughters
FATHERS AND DAUGHTERS TEASER INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT (NIGHT 1) It is a teenage girl's bedroom, adorned with the usual stuff you would find in such a room. Posters, CDs, magazines and so forth. Loud music is blaring from a CD player. A teenage girl, hair dyed jet black and wearing a black leather jacket is anxiously looking around the room. She finds what she is looking for, her wallet, and stuffs it into her jeans. DAD (O.S.) (yelling) Jenny, for the last time, turn that damned music off. JENNY Make me! I can listen to whatever I want! She then walks to the window, carefully lifts it open and steps out onto the roof of the house. She closes the window and starts to head off. We suddenly hear a knocking on her door. We see the shadows of feet under the door. DAD (O.S.) Jenny, turn that music off now and go to bed. You're not missing another day of school! I want to see lights out. Jenny freezes for a moment. She then lifts a finger and points it at the CD player (the music stops) and then at the light switch (the lights go out). DAD (O.S.) That's better. Jenny remains still, not daring to move while her Dad is at the door. A silent beat. DAD (O.S.) Jenny? Jen?.. (softly) Goodnight sweetheart. We hear footsteps walking away. Jenny sits there for a moment. She then proceeds to climb down the roof. EXT. SURBURBAN STREET - NIGHT We see Jenny walking along the street, carefree and reckless. She's singing a song to herself. The street is deserted. She feels a chill so she zips up her jacket. She hears a strange squeaking sound ahead of her. Out of the darkness, on the opposite side of the street, comes a small, white-haired old lady pushing a shopping trolley filled with bags. Jenny can now hear the old woman humming a little tune, a lullaby - Rock a Bye Baby. Jenny is a little unnerved by this sight. She stops to look at her. The night is deadly silent. All we hear is the squeaking of the wheels of the shopping cart and the lullaby being hummed. ANGLE : OLD WOMAN as she turns her head slowly and looks at Jenny. We see that her eyes are entirely grey. She smiles at Jenny and then continues to push her trolley down the street. Jenny watches the old lady dissapear back into the darkness. She breathes a sigh of relief. She turns back around in the direction she was heading. Suddenly, a short, black scaly beast with a long mane of black hair jumps out from nowhere and grabs Jenny, pulling her into some bushes off-screen. We hear a struggle, then silence. The silence is broken when we hear a familiar squeaking sound coming back up the street, towards the creature, a lullaby being hummed. We see the old lady pushing her trolley, arriving at the scene of the attack. The creature emerges from the bushes and joins the old lady. A second creature arrives to join the party. The old woman slowly walks to the bushes, kneels and places her hand on the body. She closes her eyes, waiting for something. OLD WOMAN (delighted, in a raspy voice) Nothing! nothing! No future for you my sweet. She stands and walks back to the two creatures OLD WOMAN (to the creatures) Well done my pets. Well done. Another witch off my list. We see her grabbing a notebook out of one of the bags. She opens it to reveal a list of town names scratched out by lines. She scratches out this latest town name with her pencil. OLD WOMAN (to the body) You thought you could become stronger than me. A lie. A lie. Catch them when they're young you see. Catch them and kill them. Babes in the Woods. None of you will become stronger than me. She cackles a laugh. She goes to the trolley and reaches into one of her bags, trying to find something, tossing some weird junk aside. OLD WOMAN Where is it? Where is it? Can't hide from me.. Aah. She pulls out a black crystal ball and places both her hands around it. She closes her eyes. OLD WOMAN Show me the way. Show me the way. CLOSE ON : OLD WOMAN'S EYES They suddenly open. Her completely grey eyes turning white. WHITE OUT We see images flashing. Some too fast to discern. But we do see images of Willow and Tara and the two of them together performing spells. We see a shot of the Sunnydale campus, with a sign clearly stating as such. WHITE OUT Her eyes turn back grey. WIDEN as the old woman smiles. OLD WOMAN (to the creatures) A treat! A treat! Two witches, witches for you. Double trouble, boil and bubble. The old woman cackles at her own joke. She starts pushing the trolley along the street and gestures to the creatures. OLD WOMAN Come along, come along. Miles to go. No time for sleep. The old woman exits off-screen. The two creatures follow. INT. WILLOW AND TARA'S ROOM - DAY (DAY 2) CLOSE ON : WILLOW as she sleeps in her bed. She snores lightly. Just a little drool is forming at the corner of her mouth. WIDEN to reveal Tara, smiling and awake, lying next to Willow, just looking at her. Tara notices the drool, reaches to the side of her to get some tissue paper and gently dabs away at the drool. Suddenly, Willow (obviously acting out a dream) lashes out with her hands, accidentally hitting Tara's nose. TARA Ow. Willow wakes up with a start. Tara holds on to her nose, falling back onto her pillow. WILLOW Oh God Tara. I'm so sorry. I was.. I was trying to stake a vampire and, and he turned all green and I was.. TARA (pointedly) O-w-w. WILLOW (getting it) Right. Enough of weird Willowy dreams. I'm so sorry. Are you hurt? Willow leans over and has a look at Tara's nose, then rubs it gently. WILLOW (re the nose) No damage. Still cute as a button.. um.. a really red, slightly swollen button. TARA (smiling) I'm okay. That must have been some dream. You were flailing around all morning. WILLOW You were watching me? TARA I'm always watching you. Willow smiles, then realises something. WILLOW Oh! Oh! It's your birthday. Good morning birthday girl. Tara smiles affectionately. Willow gives her a long hug and then pulls away. TARA Hey! Don't I get a birthday kiss? WILLOW Oh. Not a good idea. I'm all morning breathy. Let me just freshen up. Willow begins to climb out of bed. Tara, smiling, gently tugs Willow back, takes Willow's face into her hands, pulls her near and kisses her on the lips for a few long seconds. TARA Thank you. More smiles. WILLOW Well, just you wait for your birthday party tonight, little missy. It'll be the bestest birthday bash ever. TARA Is that still going to plan? I mean, Buffy and Mr Giles still have to sort out the whole deal with the new watcher. WILLOW Watcher Smawtcher. I've been planning this party for weeks. No dark and mysterious stranger's gonna screw things up. TARA (teasingly) Dark and mysterious huh? WILLOW (backpedalling) Oh. I was only being, you know, descriptive. I mean, he's um.. dark and.. hey! What's the whole deal with him being here anyway? TARA I hope you didn't go to too much trouble with the party. I'd be happy just to hang out with the Gang. WILLOW No trouble. Just, you know, a cake, and balloons, and music, and food, um.. there might be a magic act. (off Tara's look) I just want things to be perfect. TARA They already are. A phone rings. Tara gets off the bed to answer. WILLOW If that's Anya, tell her there won't be any rabbits in the Act. Tara is still smiling as she picks up the phone TARA Hello? We see the smile dissapear from Tara's face as she listens. Her body language changes completely, tensing up. TARA Y-Yes sir.. yes.. that'll be fine. Yes. Bye. She puts the receiver down. She is very quiet, still facing away from Willow WILLOW What? Who was that? TARA My Dad. He's coming over today. He says he wants to talk. Both Willow and Tara look a little shocked and worried. BLACKOUT END OF TEASER CONTINUE TO ACT ONE