Episode 14 - Mousetrap
ACT FOUR INT. RAT'S LAIR/HALLWAY - NIGHT as the Scoobs are met by three further rats who start to accompany them further into the building. They stop outside a large door. RAT#1 Wait here. The rat heads inside and closes the door behind him. The Scoobs take the opportunity to look around. Willow picks at a column next to her. A piece breaks off in her hands. WILLOW I don't even wanna think about how many building code violations this place has. ANYA Not exactly structurally sound. TARA (taking a look at the piece in Willow's hand) This whole place is made out of garbage. XANDER (looking off into the distance) I think I see last week's dinner. Oh wait.. lunch. We hear the door being opened. The rat comes back out to the Scoobs and faces Anya. RAT#1 Hugo will see you now. The Scoobs enter.. INT. RAT'S LAIR/MAIN CHAMBER - NIGHT In a very large, expansive room with the walls hidden in darkness. We see the only light in the room comes from two flaming torches held by two rats standing guard near the centre of the vast room. Standing in between them, we see Hugo and Flix. The guards march the Scoobs a few metres short of Hugo. HUGO Bring the slayer closer. The two guards carrying the torches walk forward and escort a nervous Anya forward. They stand on either side of Anya. Hugo inspects Anya. HUGO So, you're the slayer. You seemed so much taller. ANYA (a little nervous) Well, you seemed so much shorter and.. and so much less like a giant, deranged rabbit. Willow clears her throat. ANYA I like what you've done with the place. Really, I don't know many people who can make a home out of refuse, although I've known a few people who've done it the other way round.. Anyway, it's nice to see people recycling.. not that you're people.. The rest of the Scoobs look on nervously as Anya stumbles through her speech. Hugo and Fink continue to stare at Anya. Anya begins to scratch at her wig again. Willow's eyes bulges as she notices Anya's wig beginning to loosen. HUGO (to Anya) Anything the matter? ANYA (immediately stopping her scratch-fest) Oh.. lice. What with fighthing demons all day, sometimes a girl just doesn't have time to wash her hair. The two rats next to Anya look at her and take a step away. ANYA (noticing) Like you guys are so clean. HUGO That's a fallacy you know. Take the plague for instance. Everyone blames the rats but the bacterium responsible actually occured in the stomach of the fleas which lived in our ancestors' fur. It was the fleas which transferred it to humans. ANYA I know. People can be so quick to judge. I mean, just because you just happen to be there when someone wished vengeance upon someone and just because you happen to be able to grant that wish.. (catching herself) not that that has any relevance to me of course, because.. I'm the slayer. I'm far too busy saving the world, staking vampires.. or you know, kissing them. (clarifying) Only the cute, broody ones.. and Spike. Buffy reaction shot : not impressed. FINK You kissed a spike? WILLOW Buffy. Anya turns around to look at Buffy. Buffy gives Anya an earnest 'don't look at me!' look. Anya turns to Willow who gives her a 'Yes you' look. ANYA Oh! Buffy. (turning back to Hugo) That would be me. The slayer.. the chosen one.. the one girl in each generation.. TARA (gently but pointedly) Buffy. Anya turns to look at Tara, then getting it. ANYA Oh right. (back to Hugo) I believe you have something of ours? (holding a hand above her head to approximate Giles' height) About yea high, glasses, British, probably wearing something tweedy, answers to Giles? Hugo and Fink does not answer. ANYA Comes running if you hold out any kind of book? If you'd just hand him over, we'll be on our way. HUGO I'm afraid it's not that simple. ANYA (turning to Willow) Told you. WILLOW (ignoring Anya, to Hugo) How do we know you really have him? That he's okay? TARA We need to see him. XANDER Yeah rat boy. We're not playing until you ante up. FINK (angrily) You are in no position to demand.. Hugo raises a paw to silence Fink. Buffy remains quiet during all this, making herself very small at the back. HUGO I'm afraid we need you here. ANYA Look, there's five of us. One of us can go see Giles while the rest of us wait. Hugo considers for a beat, then looks at the group behind Anya. REVERSE ANGLE : THE GROUP Everyone taking fairly confident, aggressive stances except for Buffy, who looks very small and meek. HUGO (pointing to Buffy) Her, the little one. She can go. Buffy nods to Anya. Two rats take her back out the room. INT. RAT'S LAIR/PRISON - NIGHT ANGLE : GILES sitting up on his bed, half in darkness and deep in thought. SASHA (O.S.) (playfully) Rupie.. Rupie We PAN over to Sasha on her bed, eyes firmly on Giles. SASHA (flirtingly) Oh, come on Rupert. Let's play. More silence as Giles ignores her. SASHA How's the witch? I hear, she's been going through a few changes of late. I hope she's back to normal. Giles refuses to take the bait. SASHA I know someone else who's happy she's back. Giles looks up at Sasha. SASHA Oh yes. Do you really think he'd forgotten about her? It's the same old story really. Boy meets girl, boy stalks girl, boy bites girl and turns her into his lifetime companion. Cue violins. GILES That's not going to happen. SASHA (shaking her head and smiling) I'm afraid my boy's going to get your girl. It's as inevitable as nightfall. GILES (threateningly, a dark tone in his voice) If any one of you touches a hair on her head.. Giles catches himself, and regains his composure. Sasha smiles. SASHA Why, hello there. Seriously Rupert, I got chills. It feels good to let him out for a walk isn't it? It's wonderfully liberating. Sasha laughs. GILES What? SASHA Don't you see? We're not so different you and I. We are alike, more than you think. Beneath that preened and proper suit of yours lies a heart as black as mine. Tell me Rupert, what would you do for them? How far would you go? Sasha takes a beat to savour her victory. SASHA Isn't it funny.. how it all works? Think about it, If I hadn't decided to go back past the Espresso Bar, if I hadn't heard you sing.. you still wouldn't know the truth about yourself. Giles studies Sasha passively. SASHA (smiling) The nature of a human.. it never ceases to amaze me. The capacity of a person.. to love, to hate, to kill? With a kiss or a blow, you have the power to indelibly change the lives around you.. as I am an instrument of change for you. A silent beat, then from the darkness. GILES I know what I am.. Do you? SASHA Whatever do you mean? Giles sits forward into the light, leaning towards Sasha. GILES I see you. Sasha backs away ever so slightly. GILES You're that person I first met, on that night when all this started. That scared little girl, wondering about what life she might have had. SASHA Why Rupert, you flatter me terribly. I never knew I was that good an actress. GILES You're not. Sasha takes tries to keep her cool, but she is obviously starting to feel uncomfortable. GILES You still have them don't you? Those ugly human thoughts, those weak human emotions? I see them. SASHA I think you've got me confused with some other vamp. GILES Solomon? No, that's just a vile, ugly obsession. Like a dog which craves for a bone, nothing more. No.. It's you. Somewhere in there, there's a lingering bit of humanity, eating away at you from inside. SASHA I see someone needs a refresher course in vampire folklore and mythology. GILES (ignoring) Somewhere in there, you have a memory of a life long lost. A life that must seem so different to the one you have now. SASHA You're wrong. GILES But you cannot change what you are, yet the thoughts and emotions remain. Why is that? You can't wash it away or turn away from it.. or silence them. Oh, if only you could silence those thoughts. SASHA No. GILES How far do they go Sasha? Tell me. What do you feel? Loyalty? Love? Compassion? Regret? SASHA (vamping out, angrily) Enough. Giles stares at Sasha for a beat. GILES You see. We are alike.. More than you know. SASHA You fear me. GILES There's only one word that comes to mind when I look at you. SASHA Oh yes? What is that? GILES Pity. This catches Sasha off-guard. GILES It must be hard, going through each day, knowing what you are. A corpse in search of a soul. Sasha snarls angrily, full vamp-mode. BUFFY (O.S.) Get away from him. Sasha turns to see Buffy outside the cell, carrying a stake. In the background, through the open door, we see the body of a dead rat. SASHA (her composure returning) Oh look. Here we all are again. Buffy opens the cell door and throws Giles a set of keys while keeping a close eye on Sasha. Giles unlocks his shackles and goes out the cell to Buffy. GILES Are you here alone? BUFFY The gang's outside playing "I am Spartacus' with the rats. GILES They're in danger. We have to get to them. BUFFY (turning to Sasha) Wait. What do we do about her? Let me dust her. Sasha stands and smiles. Ready for a fight. GILES There's no time. Leave her here to rot. It's what she deserves. Sasha cocks her head at Giles and smiles. Giles and Buffy start heading out. SASHA Oh Rupert? Giles turns to look at Sasha. SASHA (smiling) Be seeing you. Giles exits with Buffy. Sasha watches them go, then after a beat, and with what seems like a gentle tug, effortlessly breaks the chain shackled to her wrist. She walks over to the cell door, kicks at it a few times, knocking it over. She exits. INT. RAT'S LAIR/MAIN CHAMBER - NIGHT We see Anya, Willow, Tara and Xander standing nervously in front of Hugo and Fink, flanked by more rats. Quiet silence as they all wait for Buffy to return. Xander takes a peek over at two rats standing guard close to him. XANDER So.. you guys seen any good movies lately.. (smelling the air) or, you know, bathed? Hugo leans over and whispers in Fink's ear. Fink nods, takes a look at the Scoobs, then exits. The Scoobs look at the departing Fink a little nervously. They begin to whisper to each other, somewhat animatedly. HUGO (noticing) There's no need to whisper. I can hear everything. ANYA You can? HUGO We've spent our entire lives listening in on conversations. We know everything that happens in this town. We know about you and your friends, the General's plans, the sale at Miryam's Antique Store on Tuesday.. ANGLE : ANYA, WILLOW, TARA AND XANDER reaction shot - 'General's plans?' HUGO (launching into a speech) But we will listen no more. The time has come for us to be heard. The world will shudder at our mighty roar and hell itself cannot stop.. Anya meekly raises her hand. Hugo stops and looks at Anya. ANYA Sorry. I know it's bad form to interrupt you in the middle of your big, evil monologue.. I'm sure it was very well thought out.. but, you know about the General's plans? HUGO Of course. Don't you? ANYA Oh. You know, big slayer self- obsession. Too caught up in the world of me to notice anything else. HUGO So, you don't know that the General's here to raise his army? WILLOW Oh, we know that. HUGO His army. The one he lost a hundred years ago? You see, they're buried right here in Sunnydale, right under our feet. Lying dormant, waiting for him to come and wake them. And when he does, there will be no stopping him. He will become all powerful. He will reign over anyone left alive after he has blackened this earth. The blood of all will spill freely from his sword. XANDER Nice imagery. TARA It's the little touches that make all the difference. WILLOW (to Hugo) Wait, if what you're saying is true, why are you here talking power- sharing deals with us? A sound of the door opening from behind. The Scoobs turn to look. REVERSE ANGLE: THE GENERAL as he enters, flanked by Solomon, Tarwin, Flix, Trix and about a dozen other vampires. Willow turns back to look at Hugo, panicked. HUGO (smiling) I'm not. INT. RAT'S LAIR/HALLWAY/OUTSIDE HUGO'S CHAMBER - NIGHT ANGLE : FIVE RATS standing guard outside the room. We can see into the room and see two more rats standing inside, guarding the bright, shining orb. ANGLE : BUFFY AND GILES peeking round a corner. BUFFY Okay, that's the orb.. but there's no way of getting to it. GILES I could distract them. Buy you some time? BUFFY No. It's too dangerous. It's time for Plan B. GILES Plan B? Buffy reaches into her coat and gently takes something out. We see Amy cradled in her hands. She puts Amy down in the ground in front of her and feeds her some yoghurt drops. She then takes out a piece of paper and unfolds it. ANGLE : PIECE OF PAPER A picture of the Orb of Takanis, torn out from a book. GILES (slightly snarky) Is that from one of my books? Buffy ignores Giles and shows Amy the picture. BUFFY Now, Amy. See this? Float.. float. Amy takes a look at the picture for a beat, then looks around and scurries off towards the orb room, hugging the walls as she does so. Giles looks at Buffy quizically. BUFFY WiccAmy. Long, painful story. Just gotta trust us here. With any luck, those guards won't be able to see Amy and won't get suspicious about smelling a rat.. so to speak. We see Amy suddenly stop short of the orb room, smelling a piece of junk on the floor. BUFFY (a whispered shout) God, Amy, this is no time for shopping. Go float the orb! (turning to Giles) Maybe we didn't think this plan through. I just hope the guys are okay back there. INT. RAT'S LAIR/MAIN CHAMBER - NIGHT as we see Xander, Willow and Tara stand in front of Anya as the General and his cadre of vampires passes them. ANGLE : WILLOW AND TARA watching as the procession of vamps pass by them. REVERSE ANGLE: VAMPS passing by, The General, Flix and Trix and.. Solomon. Solomon turns and stops and looks at Tara. He smiles. Willow and Tara look back, not backing away from his gaze. Willow looks particularly like she means business. ANGLE : SOLOMON still smiling, eyes locked on Tara. He emits a short, low growl, like a vamp pur. WILLOW (quietly but threateningly) Get away from us. Solomon's eyes flick over to look at Willow for a brief instant, before returning back to look at Tara. XANDER (to Hugo) You tricked us. HUGO We're rats. What did you expect? THE GENERAL You see, they recognise the real power in Sunnydale. When they offered the slayer as an inducement for talks, well, one could hardly resist. The General walks over towards the group, trying to get a better look at Anya whom he presumes is the slayer. THE GENERAL Now slayer, whatever shall we do with you? How could you get caught in such a simple little trap? Anya tries to hide her face from the General, staying behind Xander, Willow and Tara. The General gets closer and closer. The Scoobs tense up, ready for anything. HUGO (O.S.) I'm afraid she's not the only one, my dear General. The General stops and turns to look at Hugo, the rat guards now by his side. HUGO You see, power is absolute. I have no intention of sharing it with either of you. I'm afraid I won't be able to stay here and enjoy the merriment.. but I do abhor the sight of blood. Hugo nods. The two guards carrying torches extinguish them and the room is blanketed in near darkness. It is now weakly illuminated by moonlight. The vamps circle the General and the Scoobs, suddenly very much on their guard. We hear sounds, movement from all around. A lot of movement. Everyone looks around them, eyes darting all over the place, not knowing what to do. Humans and vamps instinctively close into a tight circle as the sounds get louder and louder. ANYA Is it just me or are the walls closing in? TARA It's not just you. SOLOMON General, what do we do? The General has no answer, as lost as the rest of them. Willow reaches into her coat pocket and takes out a vial. She throws it to the ground. The vial breaks and illuminates the room with a bright light. We see the vamps and Scoobs surrounded by many, many giant rats. Far outnumbering the vamps. The rats attack. INT. RAT'S LAIR/HALLWAY/OUTSIDE HUGO'S CHAMBER - NIGHT ANGLE : BUFFY AND GILES as they hear a loud sound from behind them, the sounds of the attack. BUFFY They're in trouble. GILES Go! I'll look after Amy. Buffy looks at Giles and nods. She gets up and starts to go. GILES Buffy.. Be careful. Buffy gives Giles a quick smile and scurries off. Giles turns back to look at Amy. ANGLE : AMY finally moving away from the piece of junk and heading towards the room. But as she enters, one of the guards accidentally steps on Amy's tail. She cannot move further. GILES Blast. Giles gets up quietly to start to move to a new location. He hears something behind him. GILES Buffy? He turns to see.. Fink. Fink snarls and knocks him down. INT. RAT'S LAIR/MAIN CHAMBER - NIGHT Wide shot: Big fight in progress; rats versus vamps. A rat fights with a vamp. The vamp stabs it with a sword and the rat falls down. A second rat leaps onto the vamp, pulling it to the ground. We see Solomon, Flix, Trix and Tarwin surrounding the General, holding the rats off at bay. A rat attacks Solomon. Solomon blocks the attack and kicks it away. We TRACK the flying rat as it lands heavily in front of Anya and the rest of the Scoobs. They are half- crouching, trying to avoid the fight and find the exit. ANYA (looking at the dead rat right in front of her) Okay.. shoes.. click.. Kansas. Xander looks to his right and sees something. XANDER Quick, this way! They all follow Xander's lead, keeping low amidst the battle. They head single file towards the exit; Xander, Anya, Willow and Tara. A hand reaches out and grabs Tara's arm. Tara looks behind her. ANGLE : SOLOMON looking down at Tara. Tara struggles to get free but Solomon holds on tight. ANGLE : WILLOW turning back to see Solomon and Tara. She starts to head back. Solomon continues to stare at Tara. TARWIN (to Solomon) Left flank, left flank! Solomon turns to see a group of rats coming close to the General. He turns back to Tara and smiles. SOLOMON Remember, you're mine. With that, he lets her go and turns to fight the approaching rats. Willow arrives by Tara's side. She grabs her arm. Tara nods to indicate she's okay. Willow turns to look at Solomon; angry. TARA (tugging on Willow) Come on. Let's go. Willow eventually turns away and follows Tara. The Scoobs continue to scurry away, keeping low. Anya now at the front. A rat leaps in front of them, down on all fours. Anya stands up, takes out a stake and adopts a slayery pose. The rat stands on its hind legs, reaching its full height towering over Anya and snarls. ANYA (losing her resolve) Okay, run. Anya darts off, followed by the rest of the Scoobs. The rat turns to follow but is taken down by a vamp. As the Scoobs depart, we see Flix and Trix expertly disposing of attacking rats, seemingly enjoying the fight. INT. RAT'S LAIR/HALLWAY - NIGHT Anya, Willow, Xander and Tara exit into the hallway, a little breathless. XANDER (to Anya) What the heck was that? Remember, An, you're only play-acting here. ANYA It works with bears. TARA We have to find Buffy and Mr Giles. ANYA (taking a look around, then..) This way. Willow, Xander and Tara follow Anya down a hallway, only to run into Hugo and two other rats. They spot the Scoobs. ANYA Oops. HUGO The slayer! Get them! Hugo and the rats start rushing towards the group. Anya looks to her right. ANYA (trying again) This way! The group look at each other for a brief second before scurrying to the left instead. Xander drags Anya away with him. The Scoobs run down a corridor, chased by the rats. INT. RAT'S LAIR/ROOM - NIGHT They duck into a room and close the door behind them. They back up against the door to block the rats. The rats run into the door but can't break through. ANYA (as the rats continue to bang at the door) You know, this wasn't in the brochure. The banging suddenly stops. That noise now replaced by a strange new noise coming from the walls. The Scoobs back away. XANDER Okay, what's that noise? Suddenly, a piece of the wall falls apart as a pair of large front teeth bite through it. TARA They're gnawing through the wall! (then thinks about it) God, the things you get to say when you live on the Hellmouth. The four back up against the other side of the room, just as the rats crash through. Hugo follows, not far behind. He regards the four. HUGO Kill them. Just as the two rats start heading towards the Scoobs, one of them is uncermoniously tossed aside. The second rat turns to see Buffy behind it. It swings but misses. Buffy flings it through a wall. BUFFY (to Scoobs) Hi guys! Miss me? INT. RAT'S LAIR/HALLWAY/OUTSIDE HUGO'S CHAMBER - NIGHT ANGLE : GILES as he is thrown against a wall like a rag doll. Fink stands over Giles, glowering at him. FINK Get up human. Giles looks up to see three of the rat guards have come over to watch the fight but not the guard standing on Amy's tail. Giles tries to get to his feet but Fink kicks him down again. FINK So weak. Fink comes in to kick again but Giles trips him up. He scampers to his feet and rushes the rat standing on Amy's tail but is knocked down by a second rat before he can get there. INT. RAT'S LAIR/ROOM - NIGHT Buffy fighting Hugo. Buffy avoids Hugo's wild swings with ease. She grabs Hugo and tosses him into a column, which promptly disintegrates. Half the ceiling caves in. WILLOW (looking up) Uh.oh. I think the sky is falling. BUFFY (to Scoobs) Get out of here. The Scoobs begin to scamper out of the room as Hugo gets back up and attacks Buffy. INT. RAT'S LAIR/HALLWAY/OUTSIDE HUGO'S CHAMBER - NIGHT We see Giles lying very battered and bruised on the floor. Fink comes over and picks him up by the collar of his shirt. Fink smiles and raises his hand, ready to strike when.. Suddenly something leaps upon Fink, pulling him to the ground. Giles looks over. He sees a vamped Sasha over a dazed Fink. Sasha looks at Giles and smiles. She then leaps up towards the remaining rats and begins to fight them. Giles turns to see the guard rat still at his post, guarding the orb and standing on Amy. He looks around, then grabs a metal rod lying on the floor. He gets up and throws it at the guard rat. It strikes the rat and it falls to the ground. Amy scurries free, entering Hugo's chamber. Meanwhile, we see Sasha taking on the rats, expertly disposing each one ruthlessly in turn. Fink gets up and attacks Sasha. With great speed, Sasha avoids Fink's claws, gets behind him and breaks his neck. Fink falls to the ground as we see Sasha with a very satisfied smile. INT. RAT'S LAIR/HUGO'S CHAMBER - NIGHT ANGLE : AMY scurrying along the floor, pass the feet of the rat guards inside the chamber. Amy stops and looks up. REVERSE ANGLE : THE ORB glowing in its receptacle on a table. ANGLE : AMY continuing to look at the orb, whiskers twitching away. REVERSE ANGLE : THE ORB as it moves, ever so slightly at first. It then lifts out of its receptacle, floating up. The light in the orb goes out as it falls to the floor. INT. RAT'S LAIR/HALLWAY/OUTSIDE HUGO'S CHAMBER - NIGHT ANGLE : SASHA fighting more rats. All of a sudden, the rats shrink back to normal size, ending up at Sasha's feet. They quickly scurry away. INT. RAT'S LAIR/MAIN CHAMBER - NIGHT Big Vamp/rat fight still going on. Vamps seem to be losing, being hopelessly outnumbered. They are gathered in a tight circle surrounded by rats. We see Flix, Trix, Tarwin and Solomon still managing to protect the General, viciously hacking away with their assorted weapons. Suddenly, as the spell is broken, the rats seem to magically dissapear. They all shrink back to normal size and run away en masse. The vamps take a beat to absorb this new development, then run towards the exit, heading out. INT. RAT'S LAIR/ROOM - NIGHT As Buffy grabs Hugo and flings him across the room once more. We see Hugo transform back into a normal white mouse mid-air. It lands on the ground feet first and scurries out the door, past the feet of the assembled Scoobs waiting outside. XANDER (looking down at Hugo as it runs away) Not so big without your .. um.. bigness now are you? Buffy goes to the Scoobs. She looks around. The entire place is falling apart. BUFFY C'mon. Let's find Giles. Buffy heads off-screen, followed closely by the remaining Scoobs. INT. RAT'S LAIR/HALLWAY/OUTSIDE HUGO'S CHAMBER - NIGHT ANGLE : GILES slowly standing up, looking very weary. He takes a look around him. No rats to be seen. He smiles and turns to see.. Sasha. Sasha grabs Giles and throws him to the ground. She straddles on top of him and holds him to the ground. SASHA Alone again. GILES Why? Why help me? SASHA I wasn't about to let the others come in and ruin our game. GILES This isn't a game. SASHA Why of course it is Rupert. And I will have my victory over you. You'll live just long enough to see my final move. BUFFY (O.S.) Giles? Sasha turns to look at where the sound is coming from, then turns back to Giles. SASHA (smiling) Trust me Rupert, this is going to be fun. Sasha leans over and kisses Giles briefly on the lips, then hops off and runs away. Giles gets up slowly as Buffy and the others arrive. Willow sees something off-screen and heads into Hugo's chamber. BUFFY Giles, are you alright? Giles nods. Xander looks down at the floor and notices something. He walks over to it and crumples to his knees. It is a dead rat. He picks it up mournfully. XANDER Oh Amy. Brave little Amy. We hardly knew you. Willow reappears from Hugo's chamber carrying Amy in her hands. She's feeding her a yoghurt drop. WILLOW Xander, what are you doing? XANDER (still looking at the rat in his hands) Amy.. She didn't make it. WILLOW Xander, Amy's right here. Xander turns to look, then looks at the rat in his hands. XANDER Wait, if that's Amy, then what's this? TARA I'm guessing a long shower. Xander drops the rat and springs to his feet, wiping his hands on his jeans. The building begins to shudder as the place starts to fall apart. BUFFY Come on. Let's get out of here before we end up as landfill. Everyone exits as we see the orb still lying on the floor in Hugo's chamber. The roof collapses in on the room, burying the orb. EXT. BUFFY'S HOUSE - DAY (DAY FOUR) to establish. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/LIVING ROOM - DAY where we see Dawn, Tara, Anya, Buffy and Giles gathered. Dawn and Tara are sitting together on the floor playing with Amy on the coffee table. Dawn feeds Amy some yoghurt drops while Tara gently strokes the rat lightly with her finger. Anya sits on an armchair watching all this while Buffy and Giles sits next to each other on the couch. GILES So, you came up with this plan all by yourselves? BUFFY Well, it's not exactly the Declaration of Independence but.. I guess it worked. Giles smiles proudly. ANYA (all enthusiastic, fishing) Worked? It more than worked. It was a glorious victory for the do- gooders over the ne'er-do-wells. It was a magnificent plan and, might I say, brilliantly executed by all involved. DAWN And of course, we had Amy here as the centrepiece of the whole thing. ANYA Yes, and.. what? TARA (re Amy) She really came through. I think she deserves to be pampered for one day. ANYA Wait a minute. I thought I was the centrepiece. I mean, if it wasn't for me, that little nibbler wouldn't even have had her chance to strut her stuff. BUFFY You're feeling threatened by a rat? ANYA Well, look at what's happening. I don't see anyone hand-feeding me little treats or.. or rubbing me on my belly. TARA (requiring clarification) Um.. you want me to rub you on your belly? BUFFY (smiling) I think she meant that methaphorically.. (then thinking, more seriously to Anya) You meant that methaphorically right? GILES Well, I'm just glad we all came out more or less intact. That was certainly twenty-four hours I don't necessarily wish to relive. BUFFY So let me get this straight. They had you locked up with Sasha for all that time? What exactly did you guys do? I mean, did you guys talk? ANYA Oh yes.. because I love to have these little chinwags with my meals. I'll ask the potatoes if they've brushed up for dinner and the salad if they're dressed and.. BUFFY (with an eye roll) We get it Anya. ANYA (dissapointed) But.. I had more. GILES Actually, Sasha had rather a lot to say.. just nothing I didn't already know. TARA Well, speaking of knowing what was previously unknown. At least we now know what the General's plans are.. well, in general. BUFFY Yeah Giles. What's with that? The army of the dead is planning to raise.. um.. an army of the dead? GILES Quite obviously, there's a lot more to the General's plans than what we first imagined. Giles rises from the couch and starts to leave. GILES With that in mind, I think I'd better go and get in touch with our friends at the Council and see if they can shed some light on all this. (to Tara) Tara, if I could have a word. Tara looks at Giles. She and Dawn look a little worried as just a little tension creeps into the room. Tara turns to Dawn and smiles reassuringly as she gets up. TARA (to Dawn) Save my seat. I'll be right back. Dawn smiles back as Tara leaves with Giles. Dawn stands, puts the yoghurt drops away on a chair and takes a few steps over towards the foyer where Giles and Tara are. Buffy and Anya stand and turn to look over. Buffy comes up to Dawn's side. They all look over to the foyer. REVERSE ANGLE : GILES AND TARA in the foyer, talking. We cannot hear what they are saying but it all seems very solemn and serious. ANGLE : DAWN, BUFFY AND ANYA Anya has now joined Dawn and Buffy. DAWN What's going on? BUFFY I don't know. But, I'm sure it's nothing. I mean, it's all good now. The rats have been downgraded back to compact size, Giles is back with us. Everything's back to normal. DAWN You think? BUFFY I'm sure of it. Anya nods happily in agreement. In the background behind the three, we see a canister of yoghurt drops slowly floating through the air towards Amy. INT. BUFFY'S HOUSE/FOYER - DAY We catch Giles and Tara mid-conversation. GILES (serious but calm) So obviously, we're going to have to take some extra precautions. It seems he's not going to stop coming after you. Tara is silent, taking this all in. Giles puts a hand on her shoulder. GILES Are you alright? TARA I'm okay. GILES What about Willow? Should we tell her? TARA No. She's already wound up about all this. This won't help. Giles squeezes Tara's arm comfortingly and smiles. GILES It'll be okay. You'll be protected. Giles turns and leaves as Tara looks on. EXT. SUNNYDALE DUMP - DAY We see a pair of hands, shuffling through the garbage, searching. Eventually, the hands uncover something.. a large, white, oval-shaped orb which looks a little dirty and bruised. We TILT up to follow as the hands lift the orb higher. We see Willow looking at the orb, staring at it intensely. BLACKOUT END OF SHOW BACK TO MAIN PAGE