- Interior - Sunnydale High Hall - Night - Ethan Rayne - "They're preparing for something big, I don't know what." (Ep:Reunion)

-Exterior - Woods - Night - We see Todd pouring a shimmering Blue liquid onto the ground. A brief blue glow emanates from the earth.

Buffy watches.(Ep:Wishes and Surprises)

Interior - General's Mansion - We see Musfata's face hidden under a hood but we do see two silver gleaming eyes.

- Exterior - Playground - Night - Buffy fighting with Flix and Trix (Ep:Wishes and Surprises)

- Exterior - Sunnydale Street - Night - Harmony - "I'm still me. I thought once I turned all evil, I would be, you know, powerful.. respected. But I, like suck at sucking." - (Ep:Yes,Virginia)

- Interior - General's Mansion - Harmony (pointing to DeGarrin) - "Kill him! I saw him talking to the slayer!" (Ep:Wishes and Surprises)

- Interior - General's Mansion - DeGarrin staked in front of Harmony

- Interior - General's Mansion - The General (to Harmony) - "Well, aren't you my little gift from the angels".

- Interior - Willow's Dorm Room - Tara (to Willow) - "I mean it frightens me how powerful you're getting." (Ep:Tough Love - S5)

- Interior - Willow's Dorm Room - Willow - "It frightens you? I frighten you? "

- Interior - Night - Magic Box - Buffy (to Willow) - "I need you, Will. You're my big gun." (Ep:The Gift - S5)

- Exterior - Construction Site - Night - Willow shoves her fingers into Glory and Tara's heads - Energy WHITES OUT the screen in a blast that sends all three girls flying back in different directions. - Buffy (V.O.) - "You're the only one who's ever hurt Glory."

- Interior - Warehouse - Buffy having a tough fight with Flix, Sasha, Solomon and Tarwin (Ep:Detour)

- Interior - Magic Box - Willow (to Gang) - "Well, you know, things could be a lot easier but ever since Glory, you guys won't let me touch anything darker than, oh let's say, daylight." (Ep:Faces)

- Interior - Magic Box - Giles - "Willow, we've been through this. Dark magic is nothing to be trifled with."

- Interior - Willow and Tara's room - Willow (to Dawn) - "Without magic, I sometimes think I'd still be this shy, awkward wallflower, you know, too afraid of the world to move on. "; "It makes you feel like you have some kind of power over your life." (Ep:Detour)

- Exterior - Sunnydale Street - Night - Mr Maclay (to Willow) - "Is this the life you have to offer her? Being surrounded by such unspeakable evil?" - (Ep:Fathers and Daughters)

- Exterior - Sunnydale Street - Night - An old woman reaches out with her hand, towards Willow's temple. Old Woman - "See what I have seen. See what is near. "

- Flashing Images - Willow and Tara's room - Close-up of Tara's eyes closing - Blood slowly spreading on a piece of cloth.

- Interior - Warehouse - Night - Shot of Tara using her powers to fling a table into Solomon. Solomon runs over and grabs her by the throat. (Ep:Detour)

- Exterior - Outside Giles' Apartment - Night - Solomon staring at Tara from the bushes (Ep:Double Date)

- Interior - Solomon's room - Sasha (to Solomon) - "that part of you is dead. You can never go back to that life. Even if you tried, every fibre of your body, of your mind would scream out against it." (Ep:Yes,Virginia)

- Exterior - Street - Day - Tara (to Giles) - "I've been receiving some letters." (Ep:Gesundheit)

- Exterior - Sunnydale Campus - Night - Tara looking down at a letter in her hand. Letter reads 'Soon'. (Ep:Reunion)

- Interior - The Bronze - Solomon stares at Tara dancing with Willow. Sasha (to Solomon) - "Leave her be. This will not end well."

- Interior - Quench's Magic Shop - Willow inspecting a magic book called "The Dark Vortex" (Ep:Reunion)

-Interior - School Hall - Willow turns to face Moloch; her eyes blackening - Willow - "Ignite"

-Interior - School Hall - A ring of fire appears at Moloch's feet. It shoots upwards quickly, consuming Moloch in a ball of flame.