- Interior - Warehouse - Night - The General arrives, flanked by Sasha and Flix - (Ep:Detour)

- Interior - Warehouse - Night - The General to Buffy - "We know all about you, and about your friends."

- Interior - Sunnydale High Hall - Night - Ethan Rayne - "They're preparing for something big, I don't know what." - Buffy approaches Ethan threateningly - Ethan Rayne - "An army! I think I heard something about raising an army." - (Ep:Reunion)

- Interior - The General's Mansion - Shot of many vamps, a hive of activity.

-Interior - Cat Lady's House - Shot of Cat lady looking back at a green door set in a wall. - (Ep:Gesundheit)

- Interior - Magic Box - Buffy - "these guys are tough one on one, but, fighting as a group.. there's no way I can take them all on, especially with Flix in the mix." - (Ep:Double Date)

- Interior - Magic Box - Buffy - "She's so fast. She's just this big white blur of pain."

- Interior - Warehouse - Shot of Flix in action, Flix somersaulting through the air, attacking Buffy. - (Ep:Detour)

- Interior - Harmony's Cave - Harmony and DeGarrin in bed - Harmony - "you come breezing into Sunnydale from who knows where to do who knows what to who knows whom." - (Ep:Gesundheit)

- Exterior - Sunnydale Street - Night - Shot of DeGarrin spying secretly on Sasha, Tarwin and Flix.

- Exterior - Sunnydale Street - Night - Harmony - "I'm still me. I thought once I turned all evil, I would be, you know, powerful.. respected. But I, like suck at sucking." - (Ep:Yes,Virginia)

- Interior - Magic Box - Day - Christopher arrives - Christopher - "I'm a watcher". - (Ep:Faces)

- Interior - Magic Box/Training Room - Shot of Buffy and Christopher sparring with poles. (Ep:Yes,Virginia)

- Interior - Christopher's Apartment - Christopher and Giles discussion; Christopher - "you have the look of a man who knows his unhappy destiny. We're a couple of lost souls mate. We don't deserve happiness."; Giles - "But she does. If you or the Council try to take that away from her, you'll get to see just how dark I can be. I won't let you turn her into what we've become."

- Exterior - Outside the Bronze - Night - Buffy and Christopher sharing a slow dance.

- Interior - Buffy's House - Top of Stairs - Shot of Christopher saving Dawn's life from Santa demon. Buffy hugging Dawn, then to Chris - "Thank You"

- Interior - Magic Box - Giles (to Buffy) - "Perhaps we shouldn't put our complete faith and trust in him." (Ep:Gesundheit)

- Interior - Christopher's Apartment - Chris on the phone, Mr Sandring (o.s.) "If the time comes, you know what you have to do." (Ep:Yes,Virginia)

- Interior - Christopher's Apartment - Giles coming in, Chris hurriedly stuffing something into his drawer, Giles notices. (Ep:Gesundheit)

- Interior - Magic Box - "I think he can be a friend. And right now, we need a friend.. I need a friend."

- Interior - Warehouse - Night - Shot of Tara using her powers to fling a table into Solomon. Solomon runs over and grabs her by the throat. (Ep:Detour)

- Exterior - Street - Day - Tara (to Giles) - "I've been receiving some letters." (Ep:Gesundheit)

- Exterior - Sunnydale Campus - Night - Tara looking down at a letter in her hand. Letter reads 'Soon'. (Ep:Reunion)

- Interior - Magic Box - Night - Giles putting an arm around Tara, comforting her. Buffy looking at this with a strange look on her face (Ep:Detour)

- Interior - Christopher's Apartment - Christopher (to Giles) - "I found myself, having a wonderful little chat with the slayer, teasing her watcher as a daughter would to her father." - Giles reaction shot - Christopher - "Is that what you are? Are you her father? Do you tuck her in at night and kiss her bad dreams away? " (Ep:Fathers and Daughters)

- Exterior - Sunnydale Cemetery - Day - Joyce's Funeral; Buffy and Dawn; (Ep: Season 5; Forever)

- Interior - Buffy's House - Day - Dawn (to Buffy) - "Don't you want to talk to her?" (Ep:Yes, Virginia)

- Interior - Magic Box/Training room - Giles - "There aren't any easy answers."; Buffy - "No Giles, there are no answers. There's just faith, and that's something I don't have."

- Exterior - Night - Sunnydale Cemetery/Joyce's grave - Night - Buffy reaches out and touches the headstone. Her hand recoils. Buffy - "Where are you?" (Ep:Ripples)