Episode 6 - Reunion
ACT TWO INT. THE ROCKET CAFE - NIGHT We see Tara and Oz, sitting opposite each other across a table in the corner. Two cups of coffee in front of them. Things are a little quiet and strained. OZ So, I never really caught your name. TARA Tara. OZ (to himself, filling in a piece of the puzzle) Tara. Tara looks up at Oz for a moment, trying to figure him out. Another silent beat. TARA So, are you here for the reunion? OZ Pretty much not. Though I did get an invite while I was on the road. Gotta give that to the committee. TARA Then why? OZ I was just passing.. No, that's a lie. I wanted to check on Willow, see if she's doing okay? Tara gives a quizzical look. OZ I heard about Joyce, and Buffy. TARA Oh.. She's doing okay. Last year was pretty rough for her but, we got through it. Things are better now. OZ (sincerely) I'm glad. TARA Did you want to talk to her? OZ No. We've had that conversation. Everything's been said. More awkward silence. Tara looks down at her coffee. Oz stares at her for a beat while she is looking away. OZ I'm sorry by the way. TARA What for? OZ For wolfing out that time. As first impressions go.. TARA It's okay. I understand. (a beat, then) Are you staying long? OZ Not long. CUT TO : A WIDE SHOT We see Tara and Oz in mid-shot while we see some people walking in and out of shot in the foreground. TARA Have you seen her? OZ Yeah, in class.. from the doorway.. She's changed her hair. TARA Yeah. Tara looks back down at her coffee, Oz takes a sip. We hold on this shot for a beat. INT. GENERAL'S MANSION - NIGHT We see Solomon in what looks like a training room. A glowering intensity in his face as he trains. Sasha enters. SASHA Working out a little frustration my sweet? SOLOMON (continuing his training) Go away. SASHA Where were you last night? SOLOMON Feeding. SASHA (smiling) You know you can't lie to me. Solomon stops, looking away. Sasha wraps her arms around Solomon. SASHA This is not the time to be complacent. The package will arrive soon and we must be ready. We are so close. SOLOMON But there is nothing to fear here. The General said so. SASHA (looking around, then quietly) The General may not see the slayer as a threat, but I do. She's unlike any slayer we have encountered, which makes her unpredictable.. and dangerous. SOLOMON But she's so.. human, so weak. She has friends. SASHA Friends who may prove to be as dangerous as she. There's her watcher, and the two witches.. Solomon looks up at Sasha, then quickly look away. Sasha notices, but lets it go. SASHA Their bond is as close as blood. (sinister) But that may yet prove to be their downfall. Sasha smiles and leaves. Solomon looks on. INT. BUFFY'S ROOM - NIGHT ANGLE : BUFFY'S FACE as she looks at herself in the mirror. WIDEN : to reveal Buffy dressed up in an evening dress, looking very pretty. Buffy continues staring at her reflection, not recognising herself. Cordelia enters, dressed and ready to go out. Buffy looks away from the mirror. CORDELIA (understating) You look.. okay. BUFFY Thanks. Cordelia stands, waiting. Buffy notices. BUFFY Oh, and of course, you look great. CORDELIA Well, obviously. Cordelia goes to look at herself in the mirror. CORDELIA Not bad, especially considering what I had to go through earlier this year. I was sucked into this weird demon dimension, which was fun for a while when they made me queen, but then it just got really unpleasant. (then realising) Oh God! Not that I'm trying to compare our years. BUFFY It's okay. You die, you deal. CORDELIA Boy, it sucks being you. (then) Sorry. I didn't mean.. BUFFY No, you're right. But I've taken the punches and I'm still here, still fighting the forces of evil. CORDELIA Well, you know what they say.. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you.. No, wait. BUFFY (smiling) It's good to see you again. CORDELIA (sincerely) I'm sorry about your Mom. BUFFY Thanks. A silent beat, then. DAWN (O.S.) Buffy, Giles and Chris are here. CORDELIA Chris? BUFFY New watcher. He's gonna babysit Dawn tonight. CORDELIA New watcher? Ooh. Cordelia turns back to the mirror for one last inspection before heading downstairs. INT. PARTLY REBUILT SUNNYDALE HIGH/HALL - NIGHT The reunion is in full swing. Party lights and music. ANGLE : HOGAN, PERCY AND THE REST OF THE FORMER BASKETBALL TEAM as they pose for a photo in front of an official photographer. CLOSE ON : A BOWL CONTAINING CANDY SNAKES ON A TABLE WIDEN : to reveal some former Cordettes sampling the snakes. Cordelia starts to walk towards them. The Cordettes spot her coming and walk away. Cordelia stops but recovers quickly, seeking someone else out. ANGLE : THE SCOOBIES AT A TABLE looking very left out. WILLOW Look at Cordy. It's like she's at a different party than the rest of us. XANDER That's Cordy you know. She actually had a life back in high school. TARA But you guys were like the cool monster squad right? XANDER Yeah, we've got nothing to be ashamed of. It was an exclusive club. ANYA Yes, like leprosy. XANDER (to Buffy) Buffy, help me out here. ANGLE : BUFFY as she stares at something in the centre of their table. BUFFY I still can't believe you brought Amy. ANGLE : AMY IN HER CAGE as Willow feeds her a piece of cheese. WILLOW Well, it's kinda her reunion too. Besides, she's been giving me this look ever since we moved her in with Miss Kitty. A group of women come up to the table. One of them comes up to speak to Buffy. OLD CLASSMATE Buffy, we'd just like to tell you how cool we think you are. You totally got us through to graduation. BUFFY Thanks, but it's wasn't just me. (indicating the Scoobs) These guys here were totally part of the whole deal. You remember Xander, Willow and Anya don't you? OLD CLASSMATE Not really. (then, taking a second look at Xander) Oh Yes I do! Xander smiles. OLD CLASSMATE (to Xander) You're that guy who was always hanging around while we practised our cheers. Everyone looks at Xander. Xander smiles nervously, then taps an imaginary item on his chest. XANDER One to beam up. OLD CLASSMATE (to Buffy, taking her by the hand) Come on. There's a whole bunch of people who want to meet you. She drags Buffy out of her seat and pulls her away to meet some other people. The rest of the gang sits at the table glumly. ANGLE : CORDELIA as she talks to a former classmate who is politely nodding but unimpressed. CORDELIA Oh Yeah, I was in this movie with Keanu, you know, 'Little Buddha'? It was directed by that Italian guy, whatshisname, Donatello? Raphaello? Anyway, I know you probably haven't seen it but I was totally one of those gods. We PAN over to ANGLE : HOGAN a little drunk and emotional, talking to a bud. HOGAN Man, I miss this, all of this. I wish we could all go back and stay in high school forever. (shouting) This rules! Willow and Tara enter the frame and we TRACK them as they react to Hogan. We follow them out of the hall and to INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH/HALLWAY - NIGHT It is a lot quieter here as Willow and Tara walk through the partially rebuilt hallway. WILLOW You okay? You've been kinda quiet. TARA I'm fine. Please, go on. WILLOW Okay. (pointing to and fro) Oh! And this is where I got kinda sucked into the ground, and over that way is Giles' library which was, you know, Scooby central. TARA Willow, when I asked for a tour of the school, I didn't mean just the Scooby tour. WILLOW Well, the regular tour is kinda dull. Just school stuff, you know. It's nothing special. TARA But I've signed up for the whole Willow tour. That means the school stuff, the regular stuff, everything. And, honey, it's never dull. Willow smiles. Percy enters. PERCY Hey, Rosenberg. WILLOW Percy! How's it going? You still at USC? PERCY Yeah. Percy notices Tara. WILLOW Oh! This is Tara. (to Tara) Tara, Percy. TARA Hey. PERCY (to Tara) Hey. Were you at Sunnydale? TARA No. WILLOW Tara came with me. How's Laurie? Is she here? PERCY Nah. That didn't work out. High maintenance you know? WILLOW (rolling her eyes, totally agreeing) Yeah.. um.. I mean.. that's too bad. So, great reunion huh? PERCY Yeah. It's cool to see everyone again. Seems like everyone's moved on. You're like the only person I know who's still in Sunnydale. WILLOW That's me. Good ol' reliable Willow. PERCY Hey! You knew Amy didn't you? A bunch of us were wondering what happened to her. WILLOW Oh, she spends most of her time on the treadmill.. (catching herself) of life! A group of guys come runs past, carrying some of the party food. A guy stops to talk to Percy. PERCY'S FRIEND (excitedly to Percy) Hey! Come quick. We're going to start a food fight in the canteen. The guy runs off. PERCY Sorry, got to go. WILLOW No. Who am I to get in the way of classic high-school slapstick. PERCY Cool to see you again. Percy rushes off. Willow and Tara give a quick smile to each other and start walking back towards the party. Willow looks a little unsure about asking the next question. WILLOW Tara, do you sometimes wish.. TARA What. As they approach the entrance to the hall, someone puts some really loud music on, drowning out Willow's next words. WILLOW You're happy here right? I mean, do you sometimes wish that we weren't in Sunnydale? That we had a different life? TARA (not hearing over the din) What? WILLOW (smiling) Nothing. The two reenter the hall and into the party. INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH/HALL - NIGHT ANGLE : CORDELIA as she talks to Jonathon, who has two other girls lavishing some attention on him. Cordelia finishes the conversation and heads over to the rest of the Scoobies (sans Buffy and Giles) who are standing and talking in a group. CORDELIA (to the gang) God. This night is turning out to be a nightmare. Nobody wants to talk to me. I mean, I found myself having to make small talk with Jonathon. Jonathon! That's like mixing Versace with flip-flops. And when exactly did he become more popular than me? It's like some weird alternate universe. The gang share a look. CORDELIA Where's Buffy? WILLOW (gesturing) She's over there. ANGLE : BUFFY with a large group of people, totally enjoying herself. XANDER Yup, living the life of the appreciated. CORDELIA It's all her fault you know. My life was perfect before she came. Now look at what I've been reduced to.. hanging out with you guys. XANDER Cordy, we're standing right here. CORDELIA Sometimes I wish she'd never come to Sunnydale. ANYA Done. All eyes turn to Anya. Huh? ANYA Sorry. Reflex action. XANDER (to Cordelia) Was it really so bad? Being a Scoob? CORDELIA What, are you kidding? Being chased by demons and vampires every week? Yeah, sign me up for that newsletter. WILLOW But, isn't that what you're doing in LA, with Angel? CORDELIA But.. that's different. I get paid. Besides, I'm vision girl. I sorta have to. XANDER Nobody has to do anything. There's always a choice. There's a a reason why we're doing what we're doing. Cordelia is silent. Got a point. ANGLE : PHOTOGRAPHER TALKING TO PERCY PHOTOGRAPHER So, that's all of them right? Percy looks over his shoulder. PERCY Yeah. Those four. ANGLE : WILLOW, XANDER, ANYA AND CORDELIA. Willow, Xander, Anya and Cordelia are standing close to each other, talking. PHOTOGRAPHER Are you sure? It's important I get all of them in the picture. PERCY Well, there's also Buffy, of course.. and Oz, but I guess he didn't show. Percy looks back again. ANGLE : WILLOW, XANDER, ANYA AND CORDELIA still talking. WIDEN : just a little to reveal Tara standing near Willow but a little further back from the rest of the group, looking and feeling out of place while the Gang reminisce about high school. PERCY No, that's all of them. PHOTOGRAPHER Thank You. You have been most helpful. PERCY No sweat. Percy leaves. The Photographer looks over to his left, to a doorway. He nods. ANGLE : ETHAN RAYNE who is partly hiding behind the doorway. He smiles and nods, then turns to look at something. ANGLE : GILES standing by himself, a glass of punch in his hand and looking a little bored. ETHAN RAYNE Don't look so down Ripper. Things are about to get very interesting. I'm here to give you a reunion you won't survive. BLACKOUT END OF ACT TWO CONTINUE TO ACT THREE